Calathea leaves curling inward The label “prayer plant” covers several species of foliage houseplants, including Maranta and Calathea. Before you panic about curled leaves make sure they aren’t simply new growth emerging. An easy way to return the leaves to their original appearance is to tamper with the humidity. Our expert guide offers practical tips to revive your Calathea plant. Thus more examination may be needed to determine the specific cause. How to Solve This? If Calathea plants suffer from dehydration or low humidity, you can fix the problem easily by keeping the affected plants indoors. Leaves tips turning brown and crispy drooping or wilting and perhaps curling. If you notice your rattlesnake plant’s leaves curling inward, it could be a sign that the plant is stressed. 馃挧 Watering Woes The Most Likely Causes of Prayer Plant Leaves Curling: The measures you’ll take to fix your Prayer Plant’s curled leaves may vary depending on what’s causing the problem. Oct 7, 2022 路 Rattlesnake Plant Leaves Curling Inward . Diagnosing Curling Leaves 馃尶 Identifying Symptoms of Leaf Curl. Feb 29, 2024 路 Calathea Leaves Curling: Potential Causes Underwatering: The Most Common Cause. 馃摐 Understanding the Message. When humidity is too low (i. Fortunately, it is easy to stop the curling if you know the causes – such as reversing water stress and avoiding temperature extremes. Also winter is coming soon, and I think where it is located in the apartment, by a poorly insulated sliding glass door, can get cold and dry. Jul 25, 2023 路 Let's investigate why your Peacock plant (Calathea makoyana) leaves curling, turning brown and drooping. All varieties of calathea require high humidity to thrive. Now straight away I’m thinking under-watering but when it is happening so frequently I am actually scared I’m over watering it, help pleasssseee Mar 26, 2023 路 When too much moisture is in the leaves, they swell. The proper treatment will depend on identifying what caused the browning and curling of the damaged leaves. Its been in the same spot since I moved in and gets watered regularly. Oct 25, 2022 路 Sunburn is the most likely reason for your Calathea leaves curling inward and browning at the tips. e. Take this with a big grain of salt because I’m a newbie, but i have a pinstripe calathea that was having the same issue. I check if she needs watering by sticking my finger in the soil and if it’s feeling on the dry side, I water her, being mindful to keep the soil moist as that’s what the plant shop owner said. Leaf Curling: Leaves may curl downward or inward as a stress response. Remedies and Leaf edges curling, either inward or outward. When Triostar Stromanthe leaves have dried and begun to curl you will not be able to save them. Indoors, air currents form air con, and forced air can dry out your aloe quickly, causing the leaves to curl inwards. Calathea plants prefer temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit and will go dormant if the temperature drops below 60 degrees. The leaves of Calatheas, however, sometimes curl up from the outer edges inward toward the central vein. This can happen if either the air or the soil is too dry, so check for both low humidity and underwatering. However, if you notice that the edges of your Calathea leaves are curling up, it’s an indication that something is not right. If you suspect that your Calathea’s leaves are curling due to excessive sunlight, the best action is to move the plant to a location with more filtered light. Oct 17, 2024 路 Inward curling often indicates stress, while outward curling may suggest overwatering or environmental issues. In that respect, congratulations are in order for noticing the leaves curling inward, because if you fail to fix the leaf curling then within a few days, the leaves are likely to be wilting when there’s even less moisture available. If the margins of your Calathea’s leaves begin to curl inward like the two halves of a Torah scroll, it means they’re lacking in moisture. What makes this even more frustrating is that they can also indicate that you’re actually overwatering instead! Aug 18, 2022 路 Overwatering, underwatering, and water quality are possible reasons for calathea leaves curling. In the morning, the leaves fold back down to catch the sun’s light. Problem: Foliage curling inwards or outwards Causes: Thirst, soil compaction, watering issues . Dec 13, 2024 路 Now, if you notice your plant’s leaves look dry and are curling inward, that’s a sign it may be under-watered. Dec 27, 2024 路 When new leaves emerge on a prayer plant they are curled until they unfurl and mature. I used fertiliser on her last week, following the instructions on the bottle. Your plant is Oct 11, 2024 路 If the plant doesn’t receive enough water, its leaves may curl inward as a way to conserve moisture,' explains Tammy Sons, houseplant expert and owner of TN Nursery. Dec 30, 2023 路 There are three key things to look for if you find the leaves on your calathea plant are starting to curl. I tried moving one of my indoors to my greenhouse and within 30 minutes most of her leaves rolled inward, like OP’s image. Leaves curl inward, trying to shield themselves from the harsh rays. For heavy wind, the leaves lose moisture and cause leaves to shrivel and thin. I’m not sure if the soil could be too moist and debating if I should repot it with fresh soil. Insect infestation and diseases are also responsible for this problem. I’ve been purposefully stingy with watering because I’m very afraid to overwater, so i was skeptical. The Hosta plant is a genus of plants commonly known as hostas which also has a curling appearance and is a shade-tolerant foliage plant. Stick to moderate fertilization to prevent your Calathea's leaves from curling up in protest. Look for visual signs such as inward curling, crispy edges, and discoloration to help identify the problem. We've spoken to experts who have shared seven reasons why your prayer plant's leaves may be curling and calathea care tips to restore your plant’s health and keep it thriving. To keep your plant healthy and water calatheas correctly , it's essential its soil remains consistently moist, but is never soggy. Causes of Calathea Leaves Curling. Identifying underwatered Peperomia In addition to curling leaves, indicators of a dehydrated Peperomia plant include dry soil, sagging stems, and yellowing, crispy leaves. Some internet research suggested the leaves curl up when it doesn’t have enough water. Dehydration is just one cause of the curling leaves on your Calathea. Look for signs of discoloration or wilting, which can signal that your plant is in distress. If your Calathea’s leaves are pointing up and the plant is not getting enough water, you may need to move it to a warmer location. There are number of reasons but Calathea makoyana le Jun 11, 2024 路 Peacock plant leaves curling is a problematic condition caused by several factors: watering stress, adding poor quality water, temperature extremes, and insect infestation. …. Your plant is Discover why Calathea leaves curl and how to fix it. Soft or Mushy Stems: Stems can become soft or mushy, indicating root rot. Sometimes the leaves curl inward like that if it’s getting too much sun. Her leaves have started curling inwards which I’m a little concerned I have a multiple Calatheas all from the same plant but half of them are indoors and the other half outdoors in my greenhouse. The first step is to check the drainage of your pot. Jun 22, 2023 路 A healthy Calathea turns its leaves gently to collect ambient sunlight, whereas a sick Calathea curls its leaves firmly to indicate concern. Cause. To solve the moisture issue, water the jade plants properly and they will start restoring in 2 or 3 water cycles. Apr 25, 2023 路 Leaves curling inwards - cupping. Jun 20, 2023 路 Consider it a natural protection. Notably, it’s often an indication that the plant has been overfed or overwatered. Prayer plants prefer soil to stay consistently moist. Fertilize with finesse. Healthy Calathea will have bright green leaves with no yellowing or loss of colour. Underwatering, on the other hand, has leaves curling inwards, gasping for a drop. Dec 16, 2022 路 How to Fix Curled Leaves on a Peacock Plant? A Calathea will usually curl its leaves if its environment isn’t conducive to growth. Thirdly, look at the plant’s growth. Calathea leaves curling is a sign that the air is too dry. Nov 6, 2023 路 If Calathea leaves are exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods, they will begin to curl inward to protect themselves from the harsh rays. Soil too dry. Recognizing these symptoms is crucial for effective treatment. Solution. As much as these plants might need more nutrients, overdoing only causes issues. Young and freshly produced calathea leaves will come out in a “curled form” which may seem as if something is wrong with the leaves but in fact, it’s just how the leaves are produced. Sep 8, 2024 路 Signs Of Trouble: Calathea Leaves Curling. Whole leaves can turn brown with a dying appearance. Brown tips on the Now, if you notice your plant's leaves look dry and are curling inward, that's a sign it may be under-watered. Jun 11, 2024 路 What Causes Rattlesnake Plant Leaves Curling? The causes of the rattlesnake plant leaves curling are bone-dry soil, low humidity levels, heat stress, nutrient unavailability, and cold temperatures. Oct 11, 2024 路 Prayer plant leaves. Usually accompanied by some discoloration. Most of these are related to care issues, including doting on your plant too much or too little, or it’s not in the best spot in your home. Drooping leaves. Consistently water the soil without oversaturation. Oct 12, 2024 路 When your Calathea experiences cold stress, you'll notice several telltale signs: Leaf curling: The edges of the leaves may start to curl inward, signaling discomfort. You can water it thoroughly by removing the plastic nursery pot from your planter I bought this calathea from Costco two weeks ago, and ever since I brought it home the leaves have started to curl inward. This will be the case if the humidity levels are too low. You should be concerned if mature leaves begin to curl inward from the edges. Jan 22, 2024 路 Watering your Calathea 'Beauty Star' is like walking a tightrope—too much or too little can send your plant's leaves into a panic. Calathea leaves curling and wilting can be an indication that you’re not giving your plants enough water. Overwatering can lead to root rot, and the leaves will protest by curling up. Next, assess the leaf texture and coloration. Calathea plants curl their leaves due to dehydration brought about by dry air in their growing environment. Signs of Underwatering. What can I do to uncurl calathea leaves? To uncurl calathea leaves, move the plant out of direct sunlight, maintain a room temperature between 60 to 85 degrees Dec 13, 2022 路 Sunburn is likely to blame if the leaves on your Calathea are curling inward and turning brown at the tips. Calathea is a low-maintenance plant and doesn’t usually get sick, but sometimes you may find brown patches on the leaves, or the leaves might start curling inwards. You can water it thoroughly by removing the plastic nursery pot from your planter and Sep 7, 2022 路 Why Calathea Leaves Curl? If you’ve been growing calathea for a while now, you must have noticed the leaves curl often, and this might have gotten you lost on what the problem could be. However, if the plant goes without water for too long, the leaves will start to curl inward to reduce the surface area through which moisture escapes. In this case, the leaves will curl up or get burnt. The sooner you identify the type of curl, the quicker you can Jul 5, 2023 路 What to Do About Calathea Triostar Leaves Curling. Brought her back inside and about a week or two later she uncurled her leaves. Furthermore, adding more fertilizers and insect attacks can also cause leaf deformity. Underwatering is the most common cause of Calathea zebrina leaves curling. 3. Curling Leaf Edges. There are several possible causes of stress in rattlesnakes, including lack of water, too much sun or wind, and nutrient deficiencies. Many Calathea leaf problems, including discoloration, curling, or drooping, can be brought on by various stressors. It’s a sign of stress and neglect. This generally begins with the older foliage at the bottom. In addition, if experiencing pest infestations and disease attacks, the Calathea lancifolia’s leaves can also lose their shape and curl up. The soil is consistently moist, and it’s near my bathroom so I think it’s humid enough? And it gets low light. Check your temperature and make sure it is between 65°F-80°F (18°C to 27°C) for optimal growing conditions when it comes to Calathea. Low humidity due to draughts, heat or air conditioning, not watering frequently enough, watering too lightly, and too much sun. It can also happen if the temperature in the room is consistently above 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Excessive air pressure on the jade plants can curl the leaves. Overwatering suffocates roots, leaving leaves yellow and curled. So make sure your Calathea’s room is humid enough and keep it out of direct light. It is advisable to never let them dry out. If you continue to neglect the plant, the leaves will wilt, die, and fall off the Calathea. You can confirm if underwatering is occurring by looking at leaves. In some situations, environmental stress, like low humidity, high temperature, etc. 馃尡 Fertilization. Moreover, crisping, curling, and browning of the leaves also indicate the plant is in intensely bright light. Jan 8, 2021 路 Calathea Ornata leaves curling up can be distressing but if caught early enough it’s pretty easy to treat and there are normally only a few possible causes which shouldn’t be too difficult to identify just by looking at your plants environment. Prayer plants perform nicely in terrariums as well as pots. Leaf tips getting crispy could also be an indicator of too much light… or lack of water… 馃槄 I’d try moving it back another foot or two. On the flip side, not enough light and you'll see them reaching out like a crowd surfer. Why Calathea Leaves Curl Nov 15, 2022 路 7. The plants share a trait of raising their leaves at night as though in prayer. Calathea is prone to spider mites and mealybugs, so watch out for any webs, spots or other evidence of these pests. That is, another way to prevent curling leaves is to avoid overfeeding pothos. . Yellowing or Browning Foliage. May 22, 2022 路 If leaves start curling inwards with brown spots it means your Calathea leaves have sunburned. , can also cause calathea origins & overview . If you have noticed your prayer plant leaves curling, this can be a sign that your plant is stressed or experiencing suboptimal growing conditions. Check the soil, and if the top layer of the soil is dry, water your plant. May 6, 2024 路 Calatheas tend to curl inwards along the edges. Underwatering can sneak up on you, especially if you're erring on the side of caution after an overwatering scare. This is the most common cause of calathea leaves curling! When Calathea leaves are dehydrated, they curl inwards to hold on to the water they have. Now let’s get to know calatheas and why they curl their leaves. 2. Mines about 5 foot or more from an east facing window. Tap water contains salts, chlorine, minerals, and fluoride — all of which can build up in the soil of your plant causing the tips of the leaves to burn, turn brown, and curl up. Leaves curling inward is often a sign of dehydration from either too much light or not enough water. Jun 28, 2023 路 In most cases, Calatheas’ leaves curl when their soil is excessively dry, though there could be a few other minor reasons that are causing your plant’s leaves to curl. What causes Prayer Plant leaves to curl? Several things can contribute to curled leaves, but the most common issues have to do with watering, sunlight, or humidity. The Rose-Painted Calathea will show that there is not enough humidity through droopy leaves. Wilting: Despite being wet, the plant may look droopy and limp. Jan 26, 2023 路 If you notice that your Calathea’s leaves are curling inward and appear dry, your plant may be signaling that it is under-watered. To effectively diagnose leaf curl, start with a simple Jan 7, 2025 路 Diagnosing Curling Leaves 馃尶 Identifying Symptoms of Leaf Curl. If the leaves tend to curl inward then you may not be providing enough water for your plant. Revive the aloe by watering it with a generous soak and water according to the climate to prevent leaves from curling inwards. A South American prayer plant kept for its clean, designer-quality foliage, the Calathea is a moderately fast grower and can reach heights up to 100 cm indoors while its bold elongated leaves can become over 30cm wide – it makes a classic statement plant. This is your cue: your plant is stressed and needs attention. The main causes of Calathea Ornata leaves curling up are to do with the plant trying to conserve May 23, 2024 路 Why are my prayer plants curled? When new leaves emerge on a prayer plant they are curled until they unfurl and mature. Apr 2, 2022 路 Why do Calathea plants curl their leaves? Calathea leaves are naturally bendy and expressive. Leaves curling outward is more likely a sign of not enough light or too much water. Now, if you notice your plant's leaves look dry and are curling inward, that's a sign it may be under-watered. Causes. Overdoing it can lead to a salt buildup, leaving your plant thirstier than a traveler in the desert. Some calathea plants are more dramatic than others and will curl up leaves the moment the soil is just a bit too dry. Curling leaves on your Calathea Leopardina can be alarming. Curling leaves could mean thirst for water or a plea for humidity. Jan 12, 2024 路 In case you don’t meet its watering needs, Calathea roseopicta will let you know when its leaves start to curl inward. Curling leaves can manifest in different ways. Calathea prefers moist soil, and if their soil gets dry, the plant starts showing signs of dehydration which includes drooping and curling leaves. Plants that have been submerged may have their leaves curl inward. Continue reading to determine the source of your problem before taking steps to resolve it. Secondly, check for signs of insect infestation. On the flip side, underwatering leaves your plant parched, with leaves curling inward as if trying to conserve every last drop. The good news is that you can keep this issue at bay by keeping your fiddle leaf fig healthy and happy. While brown leaves don’t always mean your pla May 16, 2022 路 Light exposure is critical for the health of indoor plants like Silver pothos. When the soil is dry and the fiddle leaf fig leaves curling inward, that is a sign that the plant is not getting Dec 17, 2022 路 Why does my Calathea have yellow leaves that are curling? When the Calathea has yellow leaves that are curling, it is most often caused by underwatering. We look at the possible causes and the best remedies. This is a process Calatheas use to protect themselves when conditions are potentially damaging to them, conserving moisture and reducing exposure until the environment improves. Jan 24, 2024 路 When new leaves emerge on a prayer plant they are curled until they unfurl and mature. Solution May 10, 2022 路 However, several incidents of curling leaves proved I was overfeeding these houseplants. Outdoors, too much wind causes the leaves to dry out and curl inwards. Known for their vibrant foliage and, their unique ability to raise and lower their leaves throughout the day, prayer plants, also known as calathea, are generally resilient. The Hosta plant, a genus of plants sometimes known as hostas, is a shade-tolerant foliage plant with a curling appearance. Before you panic about curled leaves make sure they aren't simply new growth emerging. You might notice leaf edges curling inward or leaves curling downward, both of which signal distress. Nov 18, 2022 路 As was previously said, one of the main causes of your Calathea’s curled leaves is a lack of water. 馃攳 Differentiating Between Causes. Apart from curling leaves, the plants can also suffer from root rot and crunchy soil. Because of this you may quickly get used to seeing your Calathea leaves in a lot of different positions throughout the day. That could indicate over watering, poor drainage, root rot, or low light. Calathea zebrina leaves curling or curling inward due to lack of moisture, low temperature, lack of light, or overwatering. The short answer to "why are the edges of my Calathea curling?" The plant is desperately thirsty. Underwatering can quickly cause the leaves to yellow, curl, and feel dry and brittle. Foul Odor: The soil may have a musty smell due to rot. Low humidity is another prevalent reason that causes your calathea leaves to curl up. Leaves curling and dry, with brown tips or edges. The first step is to observe the direction of the curl: inward curling often signals distress, while outward curling might indicate a different issue. You can give your Calathea a long drink by removing your plant from its ceramic planter, while keeping it in its plastic nursery pot, and placing it in a sink or bowl. The key is to identify all of the symptoms in order to get to the root cause and be able to fix the problem. Nov 27, 2022 路 Why are my calathea’s leaves curling down? When your calathea’s leaves are curling down, it may be a sign that something other than not enough water is wrong with the plant. This can happen if the plant is too hot, or if it is too close to a high-intensity light source. While the most common cause for it is not watering the plant enough, other reasons like humidity or root damage can trigger this state. Aim for that sweet spot of bright, indirect sunlight to keep them satisfied. At night they will close together to conserve energy and throughout the day they will bend to track the sun. If your calathea plant leaves are curling upwards and forming little cups, this usually means that the plant is soggy. Reason: This leaf contortion can be a sign of two condition—underwatering or low humidity. Nov 6, 2024 路 Next, we’ll explore how to diagnose the specific causes of curling leaves in your plant. What Are Calathea Plants? Calathea plants belong to the Marantaceae family. Recently bought this calathea, and every couple of days (literally 1-3) the leaves start curling up. How to Fix Calathea Leaves Curling. How can you fix curling in calathea? Let’s find out. I had her like 12 foot away but that was a bit far. Any help Jul 4, 2022 路 In many cases, the reasons why a fiddle leaf fig leaves curling up are directly connected to improper care. Calathea plants are renowned for their stunning, vibrant leaves that can bring a touch of tropical elegance to any indoor space. If this problem persists, invest in a humidifier. If the curling continues after you’ve regulated a watering schedule, another common reason your Calathea’s leaves are curling could be due to your tap water. Healthy leaves should Jan 2, 2022 路 Leaves that curl. Too much sunlight and temperature extremities may cause its leaves to curl. 1. Sometimes your silver pothos leaves are curling inward because of too much light. Prevention is key. They can appear on the tips, edges, or even across entire leaves, and they’re often a signal that something in your plant care routine needs adjustment. You can, however, still save the remaining healthy leaves and protect them from damage. Jan 6, 2022 路 Curling its leaves is the plant’s way of reducing water loss. Your Calathea is talking—listen. I try to water the fella once a week. If the leaves are also turning yellow, it might be overwatering Nov 21, 2024 路 How to Fix and Prevent Brown Leaves on Houseplants Brown leaves on houseplants are a common concern for indoor gardeners. Discoloration: Leaves can turn yellow or brown, indicating they are not thriving. Jun 18, 2024 路 Aim for indirect, filtered light to keep your Zebra Calathea's leaves flat and fabulous. By mimicking a Prayer Plant's natural rainforest habitat, we can avoid curled leaves and help Marantas to thrive in our homes. You can water it thoroughly by removing the plastic nursery pot from your planter and Firstly, look at the leaves. Check your temperature and make sure it’s between 65°F and 80°F (18°C and 27°C) for ideal Calathea growing conditions. Oct 10, 2024 路 Diagnosing Curling Leaves 馃尶 Identifying Symptoms of Leaf Curl. If the leaf is curling upward, the culprit is usually underwatering. Why are My Calathea Leaves Drooping or Turning Brown and Crispy? Symptoms. Other causes of curling include low humidity, excessive heat, and pests. Browning and crisping leaves, for instance, result from dehydration - but that could be brought on by lack of humidity, improper watering, or damage to the roots from excess fertilizer. Sometimes, they are also accompanied by crispy or brown edges, indicating dryness. Nov 2, 2024 路 Yellowing Leaves: The leaves may turn yellow, starting from the bottom. Calathea is susceptible to root and stem rot caused by too much water or soggy soil. Why do prayer plant leaves curl at night? Oct 4, 2023 路 Curling calathea leaves may look more severe than wilting leaves, but the causes are largely the same. Any ideas from the symptoms shown? Calathea leaves move due to a phenomenon called nyctinasty, which occurs when the plant reacts to changes in light levels to enable better photosynthesis during daylight. Learn more. Healthy leaves should appear firm and vibrant. In the Amazonian rainforests, the average daily high never falls below 90ºF (32ºC), with average nighttime lows of 75ºF (24ºC). Jun 17, 2024 路 How can I prevent calathea leaves from curling? To prevent calathea leaves from curling, adjust your watering schedule and determine whether you are over or underwatering the plant. Temperature . Excess Wind Can Curl Leaves. Mar 12, 2024 路 Recognize it by leaves folding inward, resembling a closed book or a gymnast's ribbon. Oct 25, 2022 路 If the plants get lesser moisture than below 50% that may cause different problems for the plants like curling leaves inwards (as in the case of curry leaves). Too little light will cause the Silver pothos leaves to curl outwards towards the light source. Underwatering is the primary cause of curly leaves in the calathea plant. Calathea leaves can exhibit curling for various reasons, ranging Aug 12, 2023 路 What causes Calathea leaves to curl? Calathea leaves curling happens whenever something goes wrong, such as very high temperatures, coldness, cold drafts, dry air, using too much fertilizer, and nutritional deficiencies. Curling leaves on your Calathea Warscewiczii can be a distressing sight. The leaves will curl inward to save any water and stop it from evaporating through the leaves when there is an absence or shortage of water. Aug 11, 2022 路 Calathea leaves will emerge in a “curled form” when they are young and freshly generated, which may appear to be a problem with the leaves but is simply how the leaves are produced. They May 9, 2021 路 Under Watering – Number one cause for calathea leaves curling. These plants love light but have specific requirements. Jun 12, 2024 路 What Causes Calathea Plants Leaves Curling Inward? The cause of calathea plants’ leaves curling inward is usually that you are not watering them properly. This is a common occurrence in Calathea and may indicate a healthy plant. Incorrect watering. Calathea leaves started curling inwards over the course of the last month or so. The roots of the Calathea plants may be damaged by dry soil, which could result in curling and loss of the lovely foliage. Give it a good, thorough soaking while being sure to let We've spoken to experts who have shared seven reasons why your prayer plant's leaves may be curling and calathea care tips to restore your plant’s health and keep it thriving. This is a natural, healthy behavior for the plant. a. While this is a natural behavior, it’s not a healthy one. Feb 15, 2023 路 Find out more: 11 Causes of Yellow Leaves on Calathea (+ How to Fix It) Why are my calathea rosy leaves curling? The reason why your Calathea Rosy leaves are curling could be a couple of different things, and the direction the leaf is curling can help you identify the exact cause. The most prevalent causes of curled leaves on Prayer Plants are listed below. Without enough water, turgor reduces, leaves curl, then wilt. How to fix curling leaves on a Calathea Oct 29, 2021 路 Calathea orbifolia. the air is too dry), leaves can curl up and the edges may turn brown. To fix the curling leaves, you must increase humidity around the plant. If your Calathea leaves are curling inward and browning on the tips, it is probably because of sunburn. Underwatering . Calatheas prefer their soil to be consistently moist, though not waterlogged. is your potting mix so dry and pulled from pot edges, and your calathea leaves are curling up or inward? Your plant is probably thirsty, and this is the most common cause of curling. Mar 13, 2024 路 Too much direct sunlight is the equivalent of a plant sunburn for your Calathea 'Flamestar'. Check your temperature and make sure it is between 65°F and 80°F (18°C and 27°C) for Calathea to grow in the best conditions. Understanding the causes behind this behavior is crucial for providing the appropriate care and ensuring the continued well-being of your Calathea. Jun 18, 2024 路 Conversely, your Calathea might be parched, its leaves curling inward like a closed book, edges crispier than overdone bacon. When these leaves start to curl or fold, it signals an underlying issue that requires attention. Check out our guide on how to drill drainage holes in a ceramic pot! Leaves curling outwards - doming There are a whole host of reasons as to why your Calathea may be exhibiting curling leaves, from dehydration to overwatering, overfertilizing, poor soil conditions, and excessive sun exposure. Some of the leaves are curling up and I am wondering if that is healthy for the plant. Under-watering is the number one cause for calathea leaves curling. Jul 17, 2023 路 Are your Calathea leaves curling or folding inward and sending you worry signals? There are quite a few reasons this can be happening. Oct 18, 2023 路 Indoor plant leaves curl inward because they are trying to conserve moisture. Oct 24, 2022 路 Changes in temperature can also cause Calathea leaves to point up. Feb 11, 2024 路 Curling Calathea fasciata leaves might be crying out for better watering practices. Consistency is your best friend here. Oct 9, 2023 路 Calathea leaves curling. During the day, the leaves extend outward. fjgg gxs nwi saf qpvpdnt bzeovqf fbb lpuhj vywz ezdir