Textfield hint color nativescript. tfstyle{ border-bottom-width: 1; border-color:red; } For further question please use our forum or StackOverflow thread. setPromptText ("name"); //to set the hint text userTextField. Reload to refresh your session. Code; Teams. import { NativeScriptFormsModule } from "nativescript-angular/forms"; then. You can apply a custom style to change the colors. placeholder-font-size. Now, first I created two TextField and bind their text with some string property. Be sure to run a new build after adding plugins to avoid any issues. 19. The module provides some specific properties like `secure` and `autocapitalizationType`, which helps to set up further the control. label# Field label string . But if you hide the Navigation Bar the Status Bar inherits the color from the Window background color instead. I'm familiar with angular, so I need to choose nativescript over ionic for building native hybrid apps. ts the oth hint# A hint text to display when focusing the field string . labelProps# Pass extra props to the label Text element TextProps . If using tns-core-modules. This is my first app on nativescript. See also: TimePicker. TextField { font-size: 20; color: #53ba82; margin-top: 10; margin-bottom: 10; margin-right: 5; margin-left: 20; } Style the button. I'm ok with it on a TextField - but in a multi-line TextView - looks weird. Example: componentName. <TextField hint="Enter text" color="orangered" backgroundColor="lightyellow" /> Improve this document. You switched accounts on another tab or window. material. I have read the documentation here: https://docs. Only the hint text is setted and not the search icon. Is it possible to change its color? Best Regards, Hello, I couldn't Jun 22, 2017 · Something similar is happening to me, only when using iOS (Android is fine): I’m using nativescript-localize for translations, and using some language keys for the TextField’s hints. Either a string or color by state map ({default, focus, error, disabled, readonly}) ColorType . But when i use the textFieldHintColor property. For more information about the available properties, methods, or events, head over to the complete API documentation for TextField. But when the hint value is updated dynamically via binding the placeholder-color is reset to the default one and the CSS value is not applied on iOS (works as expected on Android). getParent (). Here you can find a sample test application that demonstrates the behaviour. . component"; @NgModule({. Q&A for work. See the MDN docs for more information. May 20, 2020 · Nativescript with just Javascript. possible properties could be: placeholder-color; Unsure if these inherit from the normal font properties, but: placeholder-font; placeholder-font-size; placeholder-font-weight; placeholder-font-family Apr 16, 2020 · I'm building an app with NativeScript 6. spinnersBackgroundColor: Color: Color to be used as a background of the date/time spinners. You can also find related questions and answers about HTML text box display, visibility and validation. Learn more about Teams May 22, 2018 · NativeScript’s ActivityIndicator component is a really simple UI control for showing a spinner. module. Is there code involved? If so, please share the minimal amount of code needed to recreate the problem. For your help you could review our getting started tutorial, which could be a good starting point. Before moving to TextInputLayout I used to set the hint text color programmatically using the following. setEllipsize("end"); May 27, 2016 · While using FormattedString in NativeScript angular 2 projects every Span should have an opening and closing tag as you could see in the Angular part if the documentation here. I have created this app using sidekick. border-left-color: #42A948; border-left-width: 3; Aug 8, 2017 · But the user can't edit it, the value is supplied by the filterable picker. I want them to appear green on a black background, and I'm not able to change the default colors of all elements. Angular version 6. To change the hint color you have to use these attributes: Aug 24, 2018 · I had the same issue with the NativeScript Playground tutorial today. A real example is demonstrated in this test application. <TextField> is an input component that creates an editable single-line box. EditText, which allows the user to type a text in the app. ts. answered Apr 10, 2018 at 21:00. Regarding the second part of your question (" focus bottom border color of text field") I am not entirely sure that I am understanding the question but if you need to manually focus the TextField (invoke the keyboard) you can call focus method with a small amount of Apr 5, 2016 · In my application, i'm using a SearchBar component. tns plugin add nativescript-material-textfield@2. I have a simple TextField for user to input a password in my NS+Angular app. The only difference is that I am using the attribute classes instead of className as it has been described in Material-UI docs here In HelloWorld. TypeScript. Open additional menu. requestFocus (); //to not setting the focus on that node so that the hint will display immediately. <TextField [hint]="item. RED); Aug 31, 2016 · As a fallback I’d prefer some made up property like --android-line-color, so TextField { --android-line-color: green; }. Nov 26, 2018 · @jbarnabe the native IOS element can be accessed in the NativeScript's lifecycle events (the Angular event does not guarantee that the IOS element reference is present). vue > <style scoped>, change the font size, the color, and the margins around the <TextField>. <TextField hint="sample" text="{{ }}" id="textfield" style="color:white;"/>. Unsure if these inherit from the normal font properties, but: placeholder-font. I fixed it by importing the NativeScriptFormsModule and adding it to @NgModule imports in the app. Flutter provides two text fields: TextField and TextFormField. Steps to reproduce: use this test application or follow these steps. First, install the Vue CLI and the cli-init tool globally via npm. 4. Oct 16, 2016 · At the time of this writing, NativeScript doesn’t expose a way to style a text field’s hint color through CSS—although there is an open issue requesting the feature—however, both iOS and Android have ways to accomplish this task, and with NativeScript you have direct access to these native APIs. tns platform add android. Use more contrast color and you will see the changes being applied to your TextField. getViewById<TextField>('share-input'); shareInput. Here is an example on how to get the native iOS element using the loaded event from NativeScript. Jun 7, 2019 · NativeScript doesn't support any pseudo-selector while text field is focused. The grid consists of rows, columns, and cells. I can't get the text value from the TextField. placeholder color when inactive Oct 20, 2016 · ┌──────────────────┬─────────────────┬────────────────┬───────────────┐ │ Component │ Current version │ Latest version │ Information │ │ nativescript │ 2. # Sep 20, 2008 · Do you want to create a user-friendly HTML text box that shows a hint or placeholder when it is empty? Learn how to use the HTML5 attribute or the JavaScript solution from the answers of this Stack Overflow question. I have looked at some code samples( sample ) but it wont work when i try it myself. However, the color used for placeholder-color along with the alpha transparency is making it almost impossible to distinguish. circular(32 Aug 15, 2017 · The above CSS will result in red bottom color on both iOS and Android. </StackLayout>. <StackLayout>. JavaScript. e. 1 and Angular 8. Gets or sets the day of the month. com" isReadOnly / > Dec 13, 2016 · I am new to nativescript and angular2. I want to set a dark background and so, a light text hint color. I am attaching sample code below. nativescript Dec 10, 2020 · Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand Mar 28, 2017 · I'm developing a Nativescript app, and in some devices the hint is bigger than the input, IOS add three dots at the end () like an ellipsis, but android only cut off the hint. Public; Public/Protected; All mdtextfield {\n ripple-color: blue;\n elevation: 4;\n stroke-color: blue; /* the border color when active */ \n stroke-inactive-color: green; /* the border color when inactive */ \n floating-color: blue; /* the floating placeholder color when active */ \n floating-inactive-color: green; /* the floating placeholder color when inactive */ \n} NativeScript docs. When set to read-only, it can also be used to display multi-line text. textfield. The ActivityIndicator works like any other NativeScript UI control, meaning, you can use NativeScript’s layouts to place the ActivityIndicator anywhere you’d like in your app’s screens. placeholder-font-weight. XML. Text fields allow users to type text into an app. dialogBackgroundColor: Color: Color to be used as a background of the dialog picker. Hello, I couldn't find any documents on how to change the hint color of RadAutoCompleteTextView. By default, <GridLayout> has one column Jan 31, 2017 · Hey, @dlucidone I have tested text-field with both options (Editable=false, textWrap="true" ) and it works as expected on my side. Color: Color to be used for the title text. textField. 8. When I get into the login screen I get something like this (if you squint your eyes you will see the placeholder text is there): <GridLayout> <TextField></TextField> <GridLayout> Correct: <ScrollView> <GridLayout> <TextField></TextField> <GridLayout> </ScrollView> Other than that, IQKeyboardManager takes care of all initialization when your app starts up by default. <TextField> is a UI component for single-line text entry. Use the Vue CLI to generate a new NativeScript project using the cli-init tool and the nativescript-vue vue-cli-template. 8)") fieldBorderColor: Jun 11, 2019 · When you add a TextField in your NativeScript app, by default it has no border on iOS, but on Android, there is a persistent border at the bottom. Feb 20, 2019 · I have a TextField component with keyboardType="phone", but there's an issue using phone type, because user won't be able to close that numpad, so i've tried to use built-in events: <Textfield hint="Some hint text" keyboardType="phone" @blur="dismissKeyboard" /> Here's the method: Sep 1, 2022 · modifier = Modifier. This resource will enable access to the Text Analytics APIs. Then you would need to look at google material libs for iOS and Android to see the APIs. -primary: A class name that applies the original color pattern of the theme to the button. buttonsTextColor: Color Oct 19, 2019 · My app has no issue when run in Adroid. Oct 21, 2016 · What you need is Angular-2 binding syntax (like when you are initializing [items]) <TextField [hint]="item. 6 Released with 🥽 visionOS support and more! Check it out Aug 17, 2018 · EDIT: SeanStanden posted a better solution, which should be the accepted answer. set the placeholder Oct 6, 2018 · 3. First, we can apply styling to our TextField based on the classes Angular 2 is creating. Demo Source. Emanuel Graf. 0 │ Up to date Mar 1, 2018 · Here is a supplemental answer that shows some fuller code: Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( color: Colors. Search. applying custom color with the TextFieldDefaults. I'm using the following. 2) How to make onChange/onBlur event on dinamicly generated TextField? Like when i update the textField i need to call a . Jul 10, 2018 · I'm trying to make an app using NativeScript and Angular and want my text input boxes to have rounded corners like this: Currently, this is how it looks: Here's my html: and then here's my . npm i --save nativescript-rich-textfield Version: 1. Could'nt have my [ (ngModel)]="user. NativeScript / NativeScript Public. edited Mar 13, 2019 at 10:07. Nov 1, 2019 · I have a react component with a text field and a button. If using @nativescript : tns plugin add nativescript-material-textfield. <TextField> extends TextBase and EditableTextBase which provide TextField component is an abstraction over iOS's UITextField and Android's widget. adding in the onValueChange a function to fix the max number of characters as described here. <TextView> is a UI component for multi-line text entry. Aug 17, 2019 · The best way which I found to style the helperText for the TextField component is similar to the way presented by Arpita Patel. Creating TextView component via Code-Behind. 3. Choose the hint text carefully to offer clear instructions to users. Sorted by: 13. g. Note: Any properties relating to color must be a value that is valid to pass to NativeScript's Color constructor. So if you want to change the color of the Status Bar with the Navigation Bar hidden you have to set the Window background color. This color is applied as long as v-text-field is focused. So first, you'll need to create a new Azure Cognitive Services resource using either the Azure Portal or the Azure CLI. Sep 20, 2016 · Nativescript app: I am creating dinamy TextFields. name" [(ngModel)]="myTextfieldData"></TextField>. 2 CLI extension nativescript-cloud version: 1. NativeScript is how you build cross-platform, native iOS and Android apps without web views. padding(10. You might find that you prefer a TextField without a border on Android as well, but getting rid of it is not so Mar 23, 2017 · Since we know we can leverage Angular 2 in our NativeScript app to keep track of fields we want to require let’s finish porting the Angular 2 examples over to a NativeScript app. They are used to build forms, send messages, create search experiences, and more. Gets or sets the TextField Hint color of the SearchBar component. npm install -g @vue/cli @vue/cli-init. As for the hiding/showing the keyboard Oct 17, 2019 · Create an Azure Cognitive Services Resource. Unlike isDisabled, the TextField remains focusable and the contents can still be copied. But you could simply listen to focus and blur events, add / remove a class for changing border color. Jun 6, 2016 · You could set hint text color to your TextField. Based on this question : How to change outline color of Material UI React input component?; I was able to change outline, and label color. tns platform add ios. Introduction. 1) Probme - When i tap on dinamicly generated text field, the keyboard shows for miliseconds and the disapears. The following is a collection of v-text-field examples that demonstrate how different the properties work in an application. com" isReadOnly / > < TextField label = "Email" defaultValue = "abc@adobe. Jan 3, 2024 · Material Design Text fields allow users to input text into your app. fillMaxWidth() . In this recipe, explore how to create and style text fields. <DatePicker> is a UI component that lets users select a date from a pre-configured range. html) that represents the user interface for this component. Aug 25, 2020 · First day trying to learn NativeScript with Angular and I can't get past the very first part of the tutorial. I do it like this: userTextField. Mar 25, 2020 · @diegovincent i would first advise you to look for Nativescript tutorials on how to write plugins. /componentName. In the <style scoped> block, create a style for the button. I also notice that you are using NativeScript core syntax in NativeScript Angular project. Particularly changing the colour. 8. We need the all-important subscription key and remote endpoint to authenticate our NativeScript app with Azure. Docs Blog Community Support. I want to filter listview using textfield input entered by user. labelStyle# Custom style for the field label TextStyle Nov 16, 2018 · And here's a Playground sample of the issue - make sure the cursor is in the textfield while hitting the show/hide button to see the problem. Notifications Fork 1. Using the playground the tutorial has me copy/paste into two files one is a . NativeScript version 4. I'll assume that you already have the latest NativeScript bits and pieces installed on your machine. Navigate to the project directory and add the mobile development platform Right now there's either no clear way to style the placeholder hint text for EditableTextBase or that you can't. 2 CLI extension nativescript-starter-kits version: 0. Always use the placeholder parameter in the TextField composable for this purpose. 1-v. A cell can span one or more rows and one or more columns. For example: Set the selection anchor to start and the selection edge to stop Feb 28, 2016 · I use a TextInputLayout, I would want to programmatically set the hint text color and the floating label color if the input field is mandatory. The main theme styles for NativeScript's buttons are applied via their element selector Button. labelColor# Field label color. /* the floating placeholder color when inactive */} NativeScript + Angular hint = " i am Gets the native [android widget](http://developer. Get 100% access to native APIs via JavaScript and reuse of packages from NPM, CocoaPods and Gradle. textFieldColors parameter to hide the indicator. spinnersTextColor: Color: Color to be used for the texts of the date/time spinners. UI component for selecting a date. in angular version 1, we used to do it like <input type="text" ng-model="userinput"> & Ask any nativescript Questions and Get Instant Answers from ChatGPT AI: ChatGPT answer me! PDF - Download nativescript for free A layout container that lets you arrange its child elements in a table-like manner. google. cd AngularProject. 2 (latest) NativeScript CLI version: 6. The first thing that you need to do is add NativeScriptFormsModule to the NgModule list of imports as follows. My objective: dismiss the keyboard if the user taps outside of the text box. 49 was published by walkerrunpdx. Sep 10, 2015 · Right now there's either no clear way to style the placeholder hint text for EditableTextBase or that you can't. Sep 6, 2019 · Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand Jul 28, 2017 · You signed in with another tab or window. What am I Dec 1, 2017 · How can I create layout with scrolling elements and static elements below? I have simple login page with StackLayout, ScrollView and another StackLayout inside root StackLayout. But when you use a TextView instead of a TextField , the placeholder is not shown because of an iOS limitation. Oct 26, 2020 · removing the label with label = null. "red" or "rgba(34,139,34,0. com/reference/android/widget/EditText. 6k; Star 21. page. # Custom colors. css: border-width: 1; border-color: white; background-color: white; height: 7%; width: 90%; May 7, 2017 · <TextField hint="Test" secure=true text="test"></TextField> The TextField value is empty, it should be displayed **** <TextField hint="Test" secure=false text="test"></TextField> The TextField value shows test. All. You signed out in another tab or window. TextInputLayout. The NativeScript theme also includes a handful of class names to change the look and feel of buttons in your applications. For you convenience I am attaching sample code. Material Design Text fields allow users to input text into your app. Modify the style to create a colorful button Apr 30, 2017 · With the Material Components Library you can use the com. Here is my code : Dec 5, 2016 · Setting placeholder-color on TextField crashes if the hint property is not set. Gets the native [android widget](http://developer. Version: 7. Gets or sets the complete date. The getViewById returns undefined. Apr 15, 2020 · How can I change the text color in the value in TextField to red? I have tried help I found on the internet, but it doesn't work, I am thinking that maybe it is because I am using Typescript, I am new to Typescript. Using the Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac and Linux), execute the following: tns create AngularProject --ng. Use Angular, TypeScript or modern JavaScript to get truly native UI and performance while sharing skills and code with the web. There's a margin of 30 on each side ( columns="30, *, 30" ), and a StackLayout styled with a white background in the 2nd row and 2nd column, and that contains our picker. Installation. 0 │ 2. When I try to get this done it gets positioned outside the field, or at least it looks that way. Here a simple project to Sep 16, 2017 · Make sure you import NativeScriptFormsModule on the module that declare AddProductComponent Component not only in AppModule. tealAccent, borderRadius: BorderRadius. 0. name" ></TextField>. Personally, I'd prefer to alter the secure property on the Textfield using element references: NativeScript. Mar 1, 2019 · Let’s create a document object for jsPDF, Add the needed definitions and start creating your first document. The isReadOnly boolean prop makes the TextField's text content immutable. possible properties could be: placeholder-color. dp)) To sum up, adding hint text to a TextField is simple but adds much-needed clarity to your app. tns create NativeApp. Mar 4, 2019 · Im trying to get Icons inside a textfield in a Nativescript Angular project. This is part of material design and it comes out of the box in NativeScript. May 3, 2018 · The best way to solve this would be through two-way data binding. 2. import { NativeScriptCommonModule, NativeScriptFormsModule } from "nativescript-angular"; import { ComponentName } from ". It can contain multiple child elements which can span over multiple rows and columns, and even overlap each other. < TextField label = "Email" defaultValue = "abc@adobe. Did you try assigning color on TextField? TextField. Preparing search index The search index is not available; Options. Advanced usage Grouping related textfields (previous / next buttons) Jun 9, 2015 · npm install -g nativescript. Nov 30, 2016 · How can I remove the blue underline that appears on a TextView - Android. Dec 3, 2015 · 1 Answer. 18. Sidekick Version: 1. Open main menu. Try to generate pdf as base64 data by passing ‘datauristring’ as a param to the Mar 21, 2019 · Here are the steps. 1. 0; GitHub color value of the hint text (e. When i tap really fast a few times then the keyboard stays. Then when you have all that, you can look at my plugin code and try to add the new property to handle the border color. setHintTextColor(Color. email" (or password) to work. android. Gets or sets the earliest possible date to select. And if you need two-way binding with the input value then you can use ngModel for the text property. Thanks in advance. 👍 7 calebeaires, enchev, bradmartin, joshcomley, alexziskind1, Mahmoud2B, and tuqire reacted with thumbs up emoji The field itself can be styled just as every other TextField, additionally the picker supports changing of its colors through predefined css classes: date-time-picker (picker background and title text color), date-time-picker-spinners (background and text color of the date/time selecting spinners), date-time-picker-buttons (background and text Oct 4, 2017 · Issue: setting placeholder-color is applied successfully on initial load. After installing native script, create a new project called NativeApp. 9k. Note: Any properties relating to icon apply only to the TextInputLayoutWithIcon widget and will not do anything on the regular TextInputLayout widget. . For multi-line text input, see TextView. The color prop provides an easy way to change the color of textual content; label, prefix, suffix, etc. I have tried everything suggested on stackoverflow and other websites. Finally use a Column to add 2 Text composables to complete the external label and counter text. For example, the following stacks a number of Nov 24, 2016 · Yep, you can update this wording from chapter 6: “At the time of this writing, NativeScript doesn’t expose a way to style a text field’s hint color through CSS—although there is an open issue requesting the feature”. Gets or sets the latest possible date to select. A few important things to note in the above commands. 👍 1 xuhcc reacted with thumbs up emoji Looking at the gif above you may notice when focusing the Email address and password fields, the placeholder/hint of those TextFields is shown in the accessory bar above the keyboard. I tried the following code: let shareInput: TextField = this. We do not have such NativeScript property, however you could use iOS and Android specific code. The GridLayout below is set up to have 3 rows and 3 columns, creating a box in the middle basically. Jan 3, 2017 · As a temporary solution, you could use NativeScript Animations and to create similar functionality. 2019. Here's an example of hiding the Nav bar and setting the status bar background to a gray-ish color. TextField component is an abstraction over iOS's UITextField and Android's widget. For single-line text input, see TextField. May 16, 2016 · The first thing we should do is create a new NativeScript project. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. 5. This is an overview of the most common usage of TextField. Scenario. lr tb ku mo cs sf hq rg sb cu