Request transformer advanced kong. headers optional. Oct 12, 2020 · You signed in with another tab or window. If you use the ingress controller, you should use unnamed groups, e. In Kong Gateway, routes typically map to endpoints that are exposed through the Kong Gateway application. A Kong Gateway plugin allows you to inject custom logic (in Lua) at several entry-points in the life-cycle of a request/response or a tcp stream connection as it is proxied by Kong Gateway. <header-name>) or $(headers["<header-name>"])) querystring. sendnow if value ==. untrusted-lua must be set to either on or sandbox in your kong. Feb 18, 2024 · Hi @aksvijayans,. 6 that can turn any Kong Gateway deployment into an AI Gateway, offering support for multi-language learning model (LLM) integration. For example: --data " Feb 15, 2024 · Kong Inc. lua”, and I let trusted_id pass all(0. Click Create. For this example, you can use Amal for each field. Add multiple headers by passing each header:value pair separately: Jul 31, 2020 · The route-transformer-advanced plugin is the most appropriate to do so, as it allows it to transform the routing on the fly in Kong, changing the upstream server, port or path to hit. Our backend APIs have no idea what that prefix is Here's a list of all the parameters which can be used in this plugin's configuration: route-transformer-advanced . The returned value is normalized to lowercase. Otherwise it will be ignored. There are three plugin tiers categorized by pricing models: Free tier: A selection of our world-class open-source plugins available in Konnect for free. Examples of different transforms. headers: myheader: $ (consumer_id) myheader is a name for new header and I want to set variable of consumer_id value in these header. com NOTE: This is a copy/clone of the Kong private repo and should be used for reference purposes only. In the kong admin UI, I set these parametes : config. Case A: Using a Header . We have something like the below in our request transformer: add: body: - ‘skip:$ (query_params [“skip”])’. Otherwise we have to create much more services and routes for the case… Dec 18, 2023 · This seems like a naive question but I’ve never before tested this … with a plugin like request transformer, what is the difference in behavior between add a header and append a header? Looking at the source code for the basic version of the plugin, it looks like add will do nothing if a header already exists (which makes sense), but append will add the additional value in the plugin 2) Configure the request transformer advanced plugin to append a header based on the captured information: config. To generate the token, log in to your account, click on your username, then “Personal access token”, then press the “Generate token” button. Please help me with looping of the below program which need to executed in Kong. I thought I could do like: --data "config. Give it a try and discuss it here! Where is the problem? https://docs. I saw that you can use the “route. Solved: Configure the request-transformer in the Consumer. This plugin transformers a JSON request into a SOAP XML request, and then transforms corresponding SOAP XML response into a JSON response. These new plugins are available today and are entirely free and open source for everyone. on Oct 15, 2022. Like in below snippet. This value can only be used to update the path part of the URI, not the scheme, nor the hostname. 2. Newest. g. Request Parameter. Gateway Version 3. Examples: Passing multiple headers in one request Pass each header separately. The substitutions can be configured via flexible templates. From the menu, click the Groups tab. If and only if the header is not already set, set a new header with the given value. With this approach plugin is always sending the query params even though the values are blank. Note: This chapter assumes that you are familiar with Lua. I prepared simple API that uses only Request Transformer and File Log plugins. return function (data) local s= data. To configure this setting in Konnect, go to Gateway Manager > Plugins, and then select Configure Dynamic Ordering from the context menu next to the plugin you want to configure. I try to add urlencoded querystring parameter with this plugin. Template. Feb 6, 2020 · Configure Transform Using the Request Transformer Plugin. If you need to get the Query params try below code Oct 25, 2022 · However, there doesn't seem to be a way to properly URL encode the query_params. The six new plugins are AI Proxy, AI Request/Response Transformer, AI Changelog. Aug 22, 2022 · Loop through all cardnum in data. Here's a list of all the parameters which can be used in this plugin's configuration: response-transformer-advanced . $(query_params. Fixes Enterprise. 2 (about to be released at the end of May 2019), we will open source the request-transformer-advanced plugin (currently Enterprise only). The Response Transformer Advanced plugin is a superset of the open-source Response Transformer plugin. 6 that can turn any Kong Gateway deployment into an AI Gateway Apr 26, 2022 · 3. 1, previous releases are not compatible. Kong version ($ kong version) 0. Oldest. Although it only available with Enterprise subscription. The plugin now honors the value configured for the global parameter: untrusted_lua when advanced templates are configured. In this livestream, Michael Heap, Director of DevRel explores Kong Gateway's request transformation plugins (it's more interesting than it sounds, honest!)02 Answer: Yes. May 21, 2019 · optional Updates the upstream request URI with given value. 14 and trying the request transformer plugin however it gives me HTTP Error 500 during my POST request. Using our example, we need to set the config. Note: This plugin is labelled advanced because it is an Enterprise-only plugin. 6. master Changelog. As requests come through Kong, you can configure the plugin to transform those requests—mutating headers, query string parameters, the request body and so on—before forwarding those requests to their final destination. local x= s:sub(10 ) Nov 3, 2022 · A Konnect personal access token (PAT). The following manifests does the trick of having multiple routes to one service with the path rewritten apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: docs annotations: plugins. Current Behavior. Removed the deprecated whitelist parameter. Enter a Username and Custom ID. route_id: The id of the Route which this plugin will target. 1-alpine image. The README states that the plugin accepts a config. 0/0,::/0), then using Postman send a request with X-Forwarded-* header Mar 30, 2023 · Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the existing issues; Kong version ($ kong version)2. 33; previously we were using Kong 0. This improved transformation plugin allows you to interpolate variables in upstream request properties, all without having to write the Lua logic yourself, only an HTTP request to the A route is a path to a resource within an upstream application. Make the following request: Replace SERVICE_NAME|ID with the id or name of the service that this plugin configuration will target. <plugin_name>. Transform routing by changing the upstream server, port, or path. (See figure 1 below. Ingress 2: /somepath -> service/anotherpath. This can be turned off and on using the config. 5. You can use any of the current request headers, query parameters, and captured URI groups as templates to populate supported config fields. Premium tier: Advanced plugins that are available for a monthly fee. When transformed to add a field to the body, but the body is a large JSON it only sends the added field. however, before i reroute, i want to replace a "variable" in the uri with a header value. If using the Kong Admin API, Konnect API, declarative configuration, or decK files, the field is name. Wanted to update to the 3. 8. plugins. Abstract Current transformer plugins that listed in the Kong Hub exists many restrictions in our business requirements, what we need is a more elastic way in transformtion. statements[1]. kong. Whether this function considers X-Forwarded-Proto or not depends on several Kong configuration parameters: trusted_ips. Body parameters to replace in the request. Sign in Product Where is the problem? https://docs. We use path prefixes for routing, so each service is “namespaced” by a path prefix (e. This prevented SSL connections from using common Jul 20, 2022 · Kong version ($ kong version) 2. rename_querystring. Here's an example: apiVersion: configuration. cardnum. x (latest) By Kong Inc. But it didn't helped to get right response. enabled: true: Whether this plugin will be applied. append. The instance name shows up in Kong Manager and in Konnect, so it's useful when running the same plugin in multiple contexts, for example, on multiple services. Then JWT with iss=A is created, let Kong identify the Consumer and apply the request-transformer rule associated. headers… Apr 15, 2019 · I found out a logic from “kong/runloop/handler. Type: array of string elements List of headername:value pairs. Unfortunately, I did not found any documentation for this at all. We would like to be able to route a request to different hosts using the Route Transformer Advanced plugin. I had to dig into the source code of the request-transformer-plugin. x or later ships with a new router. If the param is set, its value will be replaced. Step 1: Create request-transformer-advanced with below parameters. Routes are added to services to allow access to the underlying application. Feb 1, 2019 · They already have a plugin request-transformer-advanced to handle such case. Set up the Request Transformer plugin. Here 'h1:$ (query_params. 6 that turn every Kong Gateway deployment into an AI Gateway. Route Transformer Advanced. Paid tier: Plugins developed by Kong that are available for a monthly fee. Today I’m excited to announce that Kong has released six new open source AI plugins in Kong Gateway 3. OverflowAI is here! AI power for your Stack Overflow for Teams knowledge community. RxScriptDetail: config. 2. Kong transforms uri path to /api/useful-endpoint and sends the request to a proxied server. Please advise how can we skip query param if the headr is empty or not exists. Something like this: $((function() // do things with captured values // )()) It's been working fine for quite a while, but now we need to debug a border case. 1. add list does not exist in the request headers sent by the client is it is added. The last step performed is to remove the headers that were previously flagged for removal. proxy” in the KongIngress object to ch… Oct 26, 2023 · I have a custom kong plugin which was using batch. ) decK, installed locally, decK is a tool used to declaratively configure Kong Gateway. conf file for this plugin to Dec 23, 2015 · I use Kong latest version 0. For example, this can be used when you must replace /api/<function>/old with /new/api/<function>. Transform and customize Kong Gateway response exit messages using Lua functions. The route-transformer-advanced plugin allows to use any of the current request headers, query parameters, and captured URI groups as templates to populate supported config fields. This header will likely be disabled in production environments — as it should — via a global response transformer is_body_transformed, body = transform_multipart_body(conf, body, content_length, content_type_value, template_env) Toggle navigation. I'm trying to add customer header when kong is redirecting request to upstream target but that header is not added. Nov 3, 2022 · if you are using the request-transformer Enterprise version you can do it. ANSWER This article shows how to create a dynamic route path by using the request-transformer plugin. Feb 21, 2023 · They created a route that will catch anything in the request path that begins with the letter ‘p'. One way to accomplish this is by using the Route Transformer Advanced plugin. foo or query_params. 32; A concise summary of the bug. In this command, the config. Oct 7, 2019 · Hi, I was wondering if there was a way, using the kong ingress controller in kubernetes, of rewriting the path of a request at the ingress level. body value instructs the plugin to add a new field to the body of incoming requests before forwarding them to the mock service. Specifically, Specifically, Note on transforming bodies: Be aware of the performance of transformations on the response body. See Response Transformer Advanced arrays and nested objects. x. Assign a new instance of the Request Transformer plugin to the mock service by sending a POST request to the Admin API. Added support for navigating nested JSON objects and arrays when transforming a JSON payload. You signed out in another tab or window. get_body() will not provide the query params data. No branches or pull requests. Fortunately, we figured this out thanks to the Kong-Debug: 1 header. Basic configuration examples. Consumer with Plugin request-transformer: replace header. uri parameter, however that information is missing on kong hub Then I found several examples in the plugin’s test files where the uri_captures were referenced so I decided to try and This is a Kong middleware to transform requests / responses by using Lua scripts, inspired by Kong-plugin-template-transformer. The plugin’s capabilities range from changing messages, status codes, and headers, to completely transforming the structure of Kong Gateway responses. In addition, the add will only occur if the header does not exist. org. We are using request-transformer-advanced plugin to replace the dynamic path in the request. com/hub/kong-inc/request-transformer-advanced/#example-config What happened? We provide "config. Using templates as values. The advanced plugin adds the following abilities: When transforming a JSON payload, transformations are applied to nested JSON objects and arrays. How to use the route-transformer-advanced plugin to modify only some part of the request path? ANSWER. Learn more Aug 21, 2018 · I am running Kong 0. See Kong/kong-plugin-request-transformer This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Supported Kong Releases. Oct 15, 2022 · sivasubramani300890. k We are using Kong request-transformer-advanced plugin to take Headers and send them as query params. There is no corresponding open-source plugin available. Report an issue. Specifically, i'm using the Kong ingress controller and the "request-transformer-advanced" plugin (Reference: https://docs. For example: a path of /v1/api/<anything> should route to httpbin. This determines plugin ordering during the access phase, and lets you create dynamic dependencies between plugins. -. , /my-service), and each route for that service uses the prefix (e. They did exactly what the documentation warned about. queues with 3. Enter Bronze for the consumer group name and click Create. From the menu, click Consumers, then click New Consumer. For example: Request for /useful-endpoint arrives at Kong. Kong SOAP Transformer Plugin. The plugin now honors the value configured for the global parameter: untrusted_lua when Advanced templates are configured. Mar 28, 2023 · I am using Kong-transformer to reroute endpoints. We'd check for the query parameter and if it exists, route to endpoint A. get_forwarded_scheme () Returns the scheme component of the request’s URL, but also considers X-Forwarded-Proto if it comes from a trusted source. Only if the header from the config. 3. Kong Gateway 3. For the request-transformer-advanced plugin, instances have been configured on a specific consumer_group. 1 Request Transformer Plugin (Plugin version tested with bundled and newest version with (luarocks install kong-plugin-request-transformer)) Current Behavior. Oct 7, 2019 · Hi @thatbenguy. replace. From the plugin ordering settings, you can configure Delete this page . QUESTION. The name of the plugin to use, in this case: soap-request-transformer. Previous Using templates as values. If it doesn't exist, route to endpoint B. An optional custom name to identify an instance of the plugin Oct 2, 2019 · In my case, i have multiple Ingresses that have the same Service as a backend, and i’m trying to rewrite the path on each ingress to another path: Ingress 1: /foo -> service/bar. If the header is not set, set it with the given value. headers: TenantID: $(uri_captures['user_id'] 3) Configure the rate limiting plugin to limit requests based off a header value: The documentation for the Response Transformer Advanced plugin notes potential performance issues when large bodies are received. I want to remove X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-Host, X-Forwarded-Port for all Consumers for one Service. Kong >= 1. Hi team, I have tried removing query string using request_transformer. 1. 4. I tried using the url-rewrite plugin but couldn’t make it work. dots_in_keys configuration parameter. Summary we are using Request/Response transformer plugin kong for kubernetes we are able to see response headers modified after using the response-transformer plugin (created the kong plugin crd) but we are unable to see the request head Oct 3, 2019 · Unfortunately it does not seem to take uri captures into account so the request-transformer plugin can only do static replacement of uris EDIT: After further investigation this is possible. For more information, review the billing page. If using the KongPlugin object in Kubernetes, the field is plugin. 12, so as part of the migration we switched to services and routes. request. I want to add some headers to my incoming rest api requests with kong gateway. namespace Dec 4, 2022 · Kong version ($ kong version) 2. Jun 25, 2021 · Summary. Route Transformer Advanced plugin: plugins: - config: host: $((function() local value = query_params. name)' means kong will add a new header, header name is 'h1', header value is the value of request query param 'name'. For example, for one of our GET ‘list’ endpoints we’d like a query parameter named ‘skip’ that allows us to paginate through large datasets. Support by: An optional custom name to identify an instance of the plugin, for example request-transformer_my-service. , a developer of cloud API technologies, has released a suite of open-source AI plugins for Kong Gateway 3. Feb 15, 2024 · Kong Inc. uri parameter to inject the function name in between /api and /oilers, then append the rest of the URI. One of the dynamic path contains hyphen(-) and when the request transformer plugin is applied the content after hyphen is removed. ko Apr 2, 2019 · Hi, When the request comes to Kong it contains an http header. headers… Apr 26, 2022 · 3. Using decK with Kong Konnect contains the Nov 15, 2023 · I need to extend the functionality of a current Request Tranformer en Kong. , /my-service/healthz). Aug 7, 2020 · I'm trying to use a Kong plugin for k8s ingress customization. config. yml file I'm using: May 15, 2019 · Starting with Kong 1. This means it cannot be used with any query string which might contain Unicode characters. To do so, the file kong. Request Transformer Advanced May 14, 2024 · Request Transformer Advanced (request-transformer-advanced) Fixed an issue that was causing some requests to be proxied with the wrong query parameters. These templates are described in the 'request Nov 28, 2017 · Kong Enterprise Edition’s request-transformer-advanced plugin supports something like you describe @Karthik_B 1 Like jdarling May 3, 2018, 9:22pm May 27, 2021 · Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand Kong Gateway can also handle more complex URL rewriting cases by using regular expression capture groups in the route path and the Request Transformer Advanced plugin. 0. However, the route path will change based on the presence of a particular URL segment. Fixed the accidental removal of the ca-certificates dependency from packages and images. plugin: 在请求被代理到上游API之前或之后,在Kong内部执行操作的插件。 Service: 表示外部 upstream API或微服务的Kong实体。 Route: 表示将下游请求映射到上游服务的方法的Kong实体。 Consumer: 代表使用API的开发人员或机器的Kong实体。当使用Kong时,Consumer 仅与Kong通信 ANSWER. header. An optional custom name to identify an instance of the Feb 8, 2022 · We have a use case whereby we have optional query parameters in our API. In short, the parameters work as below; Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly With the order of execution for the Request Transformer Advanced plugin being: remove → rename → replace → add → append; The rename will occur before the add occurs. add. konghq. A kong. service_id: The id of the Service which this plugin will target. Querystring key:value pairs. Kubernetes users: Version v1beta1 of the Ingress specification does not allow the use of named regex capture groups in paths. Jul 27, 2021 · The Request Transformer plugin for Kong Gateway comes built in. How can I set the route to accept dynamically the number and change the path to "/myid/<id>" when sending the request to upstream? ANSWER To fulfil this use case, there is a section to use template from capture group with request transformer advanced plugin. Apr 2, 2019 · Hi, When the request comes to Kong it contains an http header. header. On the previous same route (myfirstRoute), instead of enabling the route-by-header plugin, we enable the plugins route-transformer-advanced. <query-param-name>) or $(query_params["<query-param-name This plugin transforms routing on the fly in Kong, changing the upstream server, port, or path to hit. Please follow the below procedure to check the behavior: Step 0: Let's create below service/route for testing. Top. By upgrading their current Kong Gateways, users can access a suite of six new plugins that are Mar 18, 2020 · Development. key=A. method: SOAP Method for the SOAP request, e. Unset the consumer_group fields for the plugin, or upgrade Kong Gateway to a version >= 3. Reload to refresh your session. Nov 20, 2019 · The documentation for the Request Transformer and Request Transformer Advanced seem to suggest this. The plugin has been removed in the data plane node. Feb 15, 2024 · CTO and Co-Founder. 3. com/hub/kong-inc/request-transformer-advanced/configuration/ What happened? The following fields do not mention that they The final check for headers to add is now done on the same list of request headers. replace_body_params. I’m surprised (and disappointed) that this is considered “Enterprise” level functionality. But with Kong request-transformer plugin, you can realize it without creating a duplicated service entity of the same application. Request Transformer A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Consumer with Credentials: JWT. I want to take that http header and put in another http header, but I don’t get get it to work. 3 participants. statements [ 1…n ]). It currently has a template value that parses certain captured values and overrides the uri of the request. The following examples provide some typical configurations for enabling the response-transformer-advanced plugin on a service. queues is replaced by queues. . I tried put lua script loop but the above Kong plugin is not accepting the script. If it is already set, a new header with the same name and the new value will be set. Sep 24, 2018 · My company recently upgraded to Kong Enterprise 0. handler must return a table with one or more Nov 28, 2017 · Use the Response Transformer plugin to transform the response sent by the upstream server on the fly on Kong, before returning the response to the client. But anyway, really looking forward to have such strip_path_prefix to be available for all. but after this configuration , kong gives me a empty value. Here is kong. Click New Consumer Groups. (\w+)/ instead of (?<user_id>\w+). NOTE: The use of Secrets Management with the Request Transformer Advanced plugin was added in Kong 3. This is not supported in Kong Gateway versions < 3. This will give you the request body. 1 and 3. , a leading developer of cloud API technologies, today announced a suite of open-source AI plugins for Kong Gateway 3. a path of /v1/api/xml should route to mockbin. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Routes can also define rules that match requests to associated services. set[string] N. 1-alpine to get rid of different bug which is already resolved, but noticed that batch. Documentation for Kong, the Cloud Connectivity Company for APIs and Microservices. uri" as a . Installation Mar 25, 2018 · So: the plugin transformer does not work. Release Date 2023/01/30. bar variables. The next step is to configure the Request Transformer Advanced plugin on the route. I can confirm the Content-Type and Accept From the menu, open Consumers, then click the Groups tab. To use a secret to as a header the correct format is to store the VALUE as seen below. $(headers. Transform request and responses on the fly on Kong. If the querystring is in the request, the field will be renamed but the value will remain the same. pi tf aa if mv lw qv ke jc ye