Home assistant multiple binary sensors

Home assistant multiple binary sensors. In the bathroom, I've devised a binary sensor that considers the room “occupied” if humidity exceeds 60% (a tell-tale sign of a shower in action) or if the The use of this device class should be avoided, please consider using the update entity instead. You’d use those entities in the value template and the turn_on/turn_off service fields. unit_of_measurement: "W". Nothing else, that is impossible. 7. I can then select the image as a ‘image0. Everything is there. But I run into this “thing” that I don’t understand. My logic is if I request the JSON once and then template out for each of my sensors this would be better than querying the JSON multiple times, once for each sensor? My binary sensors currently look like this… Aug 29, 2021 · A new sensor entity called sensor. components. and that is the only config data that will change. This enables end users to modify the entity names and entity IDs through the Home Assistant UI at Settings-> Devices & Services-> Entities. For this reason i use the second sensor. I have two two binary sensors with ON or OFF statuses reporting the water level on a tank. I have in the office 3 motion sensors, one at the door and one on each desk (my wife and myself). Aug 17, 2019 · I have two binary sensors on a NodeMCU and am trying to create an ‘and’ condition that sets a template sensor if, and only if, both binary sensors are on but just can’t get it right. on_press: then: - switch. Sensor template and binary sensor template can be configured using the user interface at Settings > Devices & Services > Helpers. 1°C/min depending on the current state of the To add the Times of the Day integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button: Manual configuration steps. e. yaml file and and I have two binary sensors. Every device publish multiple sensory data, humidity, temperature etc. window_bagno_rotation sensor: - platform: template sensors: finestra_pranzo: friendly_name Aug 15, 2023 · Specifically, I’m aiming to create a sensor that displays “on” when the oven wattage exceeds 100, “off” when the wattage is at 0, and “ready” when the wattage falls between the range of 10 to 100. However I want to do multiple different sensors and I Apr 13, 2017 · Hi I have a few sensors measuring the current power usage and the total consumption since last reset, What I would like to do is to multiply the value this template sensor is presenting with the cost of electricity, for examle 2kr (swedish currency) per kWh. currently I have 4 mqtt devices, for testing only used 2. May 17, 2020 · A tangible demonstration of template binary sensors in action. Whilst both the Rear Door Open and Mar 31, 2018 · I’ve created a custom sensor component following the instructions on the home assistant website. living_room_opened_windows returns 0, then it will use mdi:check-circle, otherwise it will use mdi:alert-circle. yaml through binary_sensor: !include sensor_binary. i am very new to all this and really struggle to get my head around some of the different bits especially the configuring the yaml file after trying to add something. so someone else may school me (please do!) but xor for single bits is just mod 2. I’m quite new to this. The time when the sensor should turn off. Hello, I’m looking to create an all-in-one sensor module. If sensor. For MQTT you can do workarounds by registering directly to the topic. garage_door) that opens and closes the garage door and a zwave sensor (binary_sensor. I’d rather be able to set a default for a unavailable input sensor, as I can do it via |float(0) with a template sensor. Off time. you can mod this for a group, enumerate them, an area or whatever: Apr 11, 2023 · I have many scenes and automations, I’ve had HA for several months, but I have no idea, I can’t cope with building automation, where: There are 10pcs window/door binary sensors I want the opening or closing of any of them, i. any change in the status of a single item, to send me a notification to my phone. Apr 22, 2024 · You can make a template sensor that does this. Humm. no for off. so this works for all sensors you have. I configured 3 sensors which receive data from power meter: sensor: - platform: mqtt state_topic: … Configuration. # Enable logging. To enable this sensor, add the following lines to your configuration. Here is the ESPHome yaml Feb 3, 2018 · Hi, I am trying to set the HA as MQTT data collector, logger, and controller. I’ve found this issue in github, which seems to address the same problem Allow multiread in modbus binary_sensor by janiversen · Pull Request #59886 · home-assistant/core · GitHub and states the issue as merged, but neither did I find anything about it in the Dec 15, 2020 · This blueprint ease the configuration of any binary sensor to trigger different actions in case of a single click, long click (longer than a delay to configure) or double clicks (time between clicks to configure). Entities that are members of a group can be controlled and monitored as a whole. Steps I took: a) Created the binary_sensor as follows: (this works) - platform: template sensors: motion_north: unique_id: motion_north friendly_name: Motion North device_class: motion value_template: >- {{ states. Jun 21, 2019 · Hi All. For example, if you have a zwave switch (switch. So, as I’m attempting to put some Hikvision binary sensors in, I added a section: binary_sensor: !include binary_sensors. window_bagno_window sensor. Name. On means open, Off means closed. When a condition evaluates true, the script or automation will be executed. I believe you can invert the state of the binary sensor group. yaml as follows: trigger: - platform: event event_type: motioneye. 1 observations: - entity_id: "switch. temperature unit_time: min name: temperature derivative time_window: 00:05:00 binary_sensor:-platform: threshold # will switch state not at 0°C/min but 0. Mar 20, 2023 · Works great for a single IP but I’m trying to monitor 2 IP’s. Announced to Home Assistant as MQTT Sensor. sensor. The states to be checked are stacked (not nested) under the and: modifier. Formula: Sensor one ON and sensor two ON = Tank High Sensor one OFF and sensor two ON = Tank Half Sensor one OFF and sensor two OFF = Tank Low Ive tried this to no avail Mar 28, 2022 · This works fine, but sometimes gives me a negative value, which makes no sense here (i think this is happening, when some sensor returns “unavailable” or so. if their states are the same Aug 15, 2021 · Hey guys, I’m trying to add two additianal sensor for smarter status reporting of a poolcover. Specific entity doesn’t work. Mar 9, 2022 · When both binary_sensors are set to on, the main binary_sensor is set to on, and afterwards, when one of them is set to off, the main is also set to off. blueiris_motion_porch', 'on') }} Each line should return True of False. Once I entered the below code in the my configuration yaml, I used “binary_sensor. In any case, as I said it’s not a big problem, and I think it cannot Jun 20, 2023 · My questions is, how do I extend the following yaml code to also include my particle matter sensor, which should be connected correctly (5V and GND work, fan is working) Pin 4 to D6 and pin 5 to D7. sensor:-platform: derivative # will be positive for rising temperatures and negative for falling temperatures source: sensor. Sensor 2 goes from off to on. This sensor displays exactly what caused the last update of location and sensor data from the device to Home Assistant. On means vibration detected, Off means no vibration. Sensor. {{ is_state('binary_sensor. {% if is_state('binary_sensor. This can be useful for cases where you want to control, for example, the multiple bulbs in a light fixture as a single light in Home Assistant. You can change it again later. A binary sensor is a sensor that can only have two states. living_room_opened_windows will be created by putting the above YAML code in your configuration. device_class: battery. filters: - delayed_on: 10ms. yaml then put that value into a Markdown card in Lovelace. Feb 20, 2022 · Its a bit of a long way round but you could create a binary_sensor for each of your sensors which turns on when the original sensor is 2. Add Card> Grid. I’m digging the forum for IF, ELIF statements, but no luck. Aug 6, 2019 · Hi, Long time HA user, but first time I’ve needed to make a call for help, having exhausted my search capabilities in the forum!. Jun 30, 2021 · Magnetic (Mike) June 30, 2021, 12:43pm 1. This sensor entity is used to determine the icon. Beginning in Home Assistant release 0. In this example the topics are prefixed with “home”. is_on: esp32_local_switch. Each file looks like this: Apr 27, 2021 · Hi, I am trying to have a sensor “motion_north” if any one of the North facing motion sensors were triggered, then to stay on for 1min if any of them were. 0. Unless overridden by setting all. ESPhome and/or/not conditions. toggle: dehumidifier1. Group - Home Assistant says the opposite, the group state is on if at least one is on. For each sensor present, entities will be created in numbers equal to the items present below him. Tip: If you want to create multiple sensors using the same endpoint, use the RESTful configuration instructions. 123 (Taras) April 14, 2022, 4:34pm 5. HomeKit doesn’t work on second Home Assistant instance. Maybe it’s something simple, I have many difficult projects, but somehow I can Dec 8, 2022 · Have done so. I’ve a sensors. friendly_name: airquality. Hi all, I am struggling adding an if statement in my yaml code. sensor:) and then have each platform under the one section. sensor 1, sensor 2, sensor 3, etc). 1°C/min or -0. 9 - 29 Nov-22 - Bug fix when using multiple entities in “Trigger Sensor - Binary Sensors” Version: 1. Then, click the + button to add the 2nd leak sensor. png’. value_template) Sep 3, 2018 · Thank you for your suggestion. I am running: Supervisor Latest version and HassOS 3. I have tried copying/mimicking many guides to no avail. But I would not care to guess what the state would be if there are multiple sensors having multiple values. I want to wait until the three motion sensors have not detected motion for at least 15 mins each. Nov 1, 2022 · Configuration. esp8266: board: nodemcuv2. Recently purchased some gs-wds07 sensors (433mhz with Open and Closed state). I got so far behind because HA was so damn stable that everything just worked. So in your example the folder would be empty, it was only for explaining and maybe future use. Then, paste in this code block for the first sensor and replace the entity with your own. I’ve added these into HA as separate binary sensors, then I’m trying to use another binary sensor to determine the overall state (Open or Closed). Jun 1, 2021 · Hi there, Is there way to pull a binary sensors attribute? Specifically, I want to grab the “upper” attribute from my binary_sensor. Aug 26, 2021 · I am new with HA. Hi, I’m trying to build a template sensor that reads the state of two sensors but I’m not sure it it’s possible and, if it is, how to acomplish. 13 When I have a single file containing all the May 12, 2020 · Relatively new to HA and have mostly copied and pasted my way through I’ve noticed that the Configurator has a red exclamation point and then this: duplicated mapping key at line 162, column -71: sensor: ^ This correlates with the second instance in my configuration. Now, create an automation that turns off all lights if all motion sensors in Home Assistant stopped detecting motion for 5 minutes. Home Assistant can group multiple binary Jul 9, 2019 · Hello, I want to make a second binary sensor but I have an error. Home Assistant has the potential to support custom events in the same fashion; an Event platform that permits you to define, for example, a temperature sensor that receives its values from a custom event. yaml which is called in the configuration. room-assistant) state as specified; Occupancy is cleared when ALL of the following conditions are met (all are optional): Conditions can be used within a script or automation to prevent further execution. Leave the setting “All entities” to off. yaml and works fine for all other binary sensors in it: - platform: ping host: - ikeatradfri: "ipadress1" - iungo: "ipadress2" - solaredge: "ipadress3" - synology: "ipadres4" - timecapsule: "ipadress5" Nov 20, 2017 · To troubleshoot this, I would use the template editor, and separate out the two sensors to see what is working and what is not working. 1 Like. Aug 2, 2023 · Go ahead and click on developer tools, then click the states tab and enter “binary” into the filter entity search box. i am trying to add a binary sensor for my front door using this code binary_sensor: - plaform: mqtt name: "Front Door Sensor" state_topic: "tele/RF_Bridge In case a command results in a non 0 exit code or is terminated by the command_timeout, the result is only logged to Home Assistant log and the sensors value is not updated. Baujahr70 December 18, 2021, 7:11pm 16. This is a simplified example code for the sensor: - sensor: - name: "Leistungslimit OW". sophof (Sophof) November 11, 2019, 1:08pm 1. The sensor entity that is to be tracked and whose trend is to be detected. Unique IDs are internally generated as follows: Binary Sensors: {mac-address}-{zone-number} Under “Config” set a name (“Unit Name:”) for your device (here it’s “bathroom”). Put the binary sensors in the group and set all:true. It does come with a backward-incompatible Streaming vs polled binary sensors. Jun 7, 2020 · Hello experts, sorry if I asr a noob question, but I am new to Home Assistant. The attribute of the previous selected sensor entity that this sensor tracks. Do I need to have a separate ESPHome . Aug 13, 2020 · 20220102 - UPDATE: As of release v5. I’ve built a bunch of binary sensors with ESP32 that should transmit their data using Bluetooth low energy and not wifi, since they are supposed to be battery-powered. You should see your new ping sensor in the list. 20210608 - IMPORTANT UPDATE: release 4. But I can’t get only open state sensor. Jun 3, 2019 · Configuration. ESPHome. Obviously they will need unique names, but otherwise they are all the same type of device. Dec 21, 2017 · Ive made this as an entrance in my sensor_binary. So 1 sensor gives 1 to the sum, the other gives two. In fact, the config check is OK, but upon restarting, I get a message “lyric can’t start” (or Apr 19, 2022 · door binary_sensor (or group) state to “off”/closed (for interior rooms eg. The incorporation of binary sensors Jan 17, 2022 · Hello everyone, I need help I can’t get my Binary Sensors to show as entities on my integrations. where if you press a button multiple times, the binary_sensor state doesn't change as you always get "single" so writing automations based on this is impossible. Sep 21, 2020 · Multiple binary sensors in rf bridge. state: >. yaml entry binary_sensor: - platform: bayesian prior: 0. yaml. All my sensor files are located in a folder called sensors. binarysensor. Choose 2 columns and uncheck “Render as squares”. Add the motion sensor for the staircase, the boiler room, and the garage to this group. door_status) that tells you if the state of the garage door. Not doing anything fancy, just an automation to send email when IP is down. How to sanitise sensor status for automation (null characters in sensor state) finity August 5, 2021, 4:37pm 2. How can I combine the status of these 2 sensors to ensure that if the tilt sensor is between 1 and 7 degrees the opening sensor shows the tilt and not open status? binary_sensor. kitchen_lights" prob_given_true: 0. yaml file are the following include: group: !include groups. The http integration serves all files and data required for the Home Assistant frontend. The time when the sensor should turn on. gh_ost_erreichbar', 'on') }} Aug 12, 2023 · I’ve set up a motion detection trigger to change a binary sensor state in my templates. motion_group” as a trigger for my automation using the automation UI (Note, “Garage Group Motion” is the friendly name that pops up when searching the Entity for the trigger but once I click on it, the name defaults to “binary Aug 5, 2021 · Feature Requests. This should be typical use for HA. Streaming is more responsive and causes less network traffic because the camera will tell Home Assistant when the sensor’s state has changed. 8 - 20 Nov-22 - More user friendly selection for enabling and disabling options and Bug Fix There are some that have even more states (like the cube) The problems appear in case 2. What is the proper way to monitor multiple IP’s. 1 - left open. png’ to ‘image3. yaml The configuration. rest config here, correctly formatted, and we’ll help turn it into rest. On time. Here is the old binary_sensor May 20, 2020 · These items usually come from other integrations. If you need help refactoring your configuration, post your current sensor. You can then use the group as the trigger for your automation. While I’ve managed to create binary sensors that toggle between “on” and “off” based on certain con Oct 24, 2023 · Hi guys! I am currently struggeling to create a sensor that returns two calculated integer values as attributes. Derive entity platforms from homeassistant. Example: sensor: - platform: template. A manual update is triggered when the user pulls to refresh. motion_detected event_data: device_id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' binary_sensor: - name: "Camera4 Movement" state: "true" device_class: motion auto_off: 10 And this works just fine. 6 prob_given Oct 29, 2023 · Help me I bought shelly blue Door/window this has an open closed sensor and a tilt sensor. input_boolean. Also; once that’s done, there is no sensor to change from “not going up” to “going up” (or down). light: !include lights. 3 or higher) Or import this Blueprint by using the forum topic URL: blueprint: name: Short long Jun 22, 2019 · For anyone else, this was what I couldn’t find earlier, just did not fluke the right google string till late last night. Updates periodically according to your settings in Configuration -> Companion App -> Sensors. I have searched for a solution below, but was not able to find the right solution. # Example configuration. Is there any sample IF or MACRO loop for this control? Thanks in advance. My current code to run the BME680 is: esphome: name: esphome-web-something. Sep 2, 2017 · Hi, I’m trying to announce only OPEN state binary_sensor in my home. Currently I have multiple sensors defined in my config file, each having their own section name (i. The options are mentioned though on the right. So far this is what I have: alias: Office Off description: '' trigger: - type: no_motion platform: device device_id: device1 entity_id: binary_sensor. To use the HomeKit integration with multiple different Home Assistant instances on the same local network, you need to set a custom name for at least one of them. bathrooms) media player(s) state as specified (default: “playing”) motion binary_sensor (or group) state to “on” room presence sensor (eg. To add the Trend integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button: The name the sensor should have. I would consider making template sensors that are binary_sensor and create a group from that if you want to be absolutely sure, or do some experimenting. But if you have a binary template sensor your example is Sep 21, 2016 · Configuration. cinghialino (Cinghialino) August 5, 2021, 12:31am 1. inverter1qpigs_pv1_charging_power sensor value 2: sensor. It lists the integrations to Jun 21, 2019 · I have multiple door/window sensors that sit in two groups: ‘window_sensors’ and ‘door_sensors’. The sensor has support for GET and POST requests. 90, unique IDs are generated for each sensor or switch entity. For example from entities: sensor value 1: sensor. Home Assistant Aug 18, 2020 · This time I am trying to take the status of my ZWave Lock, and my Wyze Sense Contact, and create one sensor to say the overall status of the Front Door. By correctly setting the entity_class to either ‘door’ or ‘window’, the statuses ‘open’ or ‘closed’ are shown for the individual sensors. inverter2qpigs_pv1_charging_power May 2, 2023 · template: - sensor: !include_dir_merge_list templates/sensors/ - binary_sensor: !include_dir_merge_list templates/binary_sensors/ But i don’t have seen a binary template sensor in your config. There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant: Binary sensor. yaml and added this line: binary_sensor: !include_dir_merge_list includes/bin_sensor. Right out of the box these sensors showed statuses ‘on’ or ‘off’. motion Jan 7, 2021 · I plan to use several proximity sensors. When I call a script, TTS announce door status via kodi media player. On this board I want to power a BME680, TEMT6000 Lux Sensor, HC-SR501 Motion sensor and a SSD1306 Mar 27, 2023 · Instructions on how to integrate REST sensors and binary sensors into Home Assistant. I created a single file for each sensor that i have, and put it into includes/bin_sensor folder. To be able to add Helpers via the user interface, you should have default_config: in your configuration. 0, Multiscrape could be used as a RESTful sensor as well, enabling you with all the benefits like form-submit, entity pictures, icon templates, etc. One request, multiple sensors. like this: {{is_state('binary_sensor. The group integration lets you combine multiple entities into a single entity. value_template: >-. The binary sensor has support for GET and POST requests. A condition will look at the system at that moment. yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. A “Controller” for MQTT with the protocol “OpenHAB MQTT” is present and the entries (“Controller Subscribe:” and “Controller Publish:”) are adjusted to match your needs. 0 - closed. Examples binary sensor platform. Jan 30, 2023 · So I recently did a major update to HA and stepped through multiple versions. I’d like to make some of the data available as standalone sensors - but it doesn’t make sense to duplicate my component and query the website multiple times choosing to save a different value Oct 2, 2020 · Binary sensors streamline the process of monitoring various states within a home automation system by providing a clear, binary output. So I edited configuration. But this never happens at the same time, there has to be a “group” that states it may happen within 20 or 30 seconds. MelleD March 27, 2023, 9:08am 3. (tried to replace open/ close to on/ off but still with no luck). BinarySensorEntity. Now with 1 binary sensor there is no problem, but I can’t seem to integrate all six. Mar 23, 2023 · The ModBus integration allows to read multiple ModBus registers for sensors, but unfortunately not for binary sensors. Devices added. i don’t think payload_off accepts an array i fear you have to template it (i. Sensors are updated upon initial app launch. . I understand the recommended way to define sensors is to have them in a single section (i. I cannot get the behaviour that it’s set to off only when both binary_sensors are set to off after a “triggering”. k5map (Mike) September 21, 2016, 3:04pm 1. Oct 28, 2022 · Version: 1. I purchased a 5pk of Wemos D1 Minis which I was hoping to use for the main board but also have a couple ESP8266 (esp-12) laying around as well. 3 - both open. yaml of a sensor call out. When discovery is enabled Tasmota will send all the sensors information to Home Assistant. I used it and entered a third motion sensor. After creating new template sensor it doesn’t show any status - it refreshes each time for 5 minutes and it displays unknown status and it starts counting again from 5 min. Aug 30, 2022 · But I want to create each file for each binary sensor (possibly one file for all template binary sensors). Belek Feb 15, 2023 · Here is my binary_sensor: binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: test_for_petro: friendly_name: Test for Petro device_class: power value_template: > {{ is_state('binary_sensor. What I am struggling with is creating templates/sensors from multiple sensor values. Just repeating the yaml entry with different IP does not work as only last entry is taken as valid. Can I simply just add the bottom two sensors to the template sensor here? There are comments in the config that should explain what I’m trying to do/understand. I have solved this for my solar power value by creating a new helper first using the Combine the state of several sensors Sep 8, 2019 · inverted: true. Jan 17, 2022 · I have followed all the installation / configuration steps of each add-on. Please consider adding the following device class: yes for on. yaml file. yaml file, restart Home Assistant to apply the changes. However, for Oct 7, 2023 · That is a bit unexpected. To enable the Bayesian sensor, add the following lines to your configuration. cs007 September 21, 2020, 4:38am 1. The name the binary sensor should have. Check the state of an SickRage instance. Dec 16, 2021 · If an MQTT Binary Sensor’s state is 1 and then it receives a 0 followed by another 0 and then another 0, only the initial 0 causes a state-change from 1 to 0 and that’s what the History Stats sensor would count (if it’s configured to count zeros). config/name. - name: "Haus Watt now". My Config: esphome: name: kitchen-sensors esp8266: board: esp01_1m # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: ota: password: "" wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password # Enable Sep 19, 2022 · Schwoby (Schwoby) September 19, 2022, 10:00pm 1. Although we try our best, some entities don’t work with the HomeKit May 30, 2022 · Hi I’m writing this in case someone is looking for a way to create a template sensor where at least one set of multiple conditions need to be true in order to return an ON state (or whichever state is needed) YAML is a new language for me and there are lots of examples of using variables or if…elif etc, but I couldn’t find anything using a logical AND or a logical OR in templates Sep 19, 2020 · ronytomen (Tony) September 19, 2020, 12:16pm 2. i’ve got two sensors from the Version integration, the “Current Version” & “Home Assistant Versions”. lk_zb_motionsensor_d0003_ias Aug 18, 2020 · Home Assistant already has an MQTT platform where received data is consumed directly by sensors, binary_sensors, fans, locks, etc. I was thinking that I have a two bit binary number given each bit from each sensor. It queries a web-site and retrieves a bunch of information that I’ve currently saved as attributes. This works fine too. Polled mode queries the camera periodically (every five seconds) to check the Nov 11, 2019 · Development. Jul 25, 2021 · If you have more than 1 sensor, I recommend adding them as a Grid to save space on your dashboard. Aug 13, 2021 · I have HA up and running. yaml for each one, even though the bulk of the config data is the same? I want to use “Ultrasonic Sensor 1”, “Ultrasonic Sensor 2”, etc. To give you a sneak peek into the realm of template binary sensors, let's take a detour into my Home Assistant setup. Anyways I had an old binary sensor that was created with a value template. For example, a condition can test if a switch is currently To make a relay discovered as "light" in Home Assistant use command SetOption30 1. If sensors A and B are on, then Oct 23, 2023 · Instructions on how to integrate MQTT binary sensors within Home Assistant. wyzesense_frontdoor', 'on') %} Open. You only need to add this to your configuration file if you want to change any of the default settings. porch_motion_sensor', 'on')}} {{is_state('sensor. The typical way to expose attributes on a sensor is to create a template sensor which is based on the attribute. smoke_1','on') }} According to the documentation linked bellow, the template can only be true or false. This one takes every value lower than 0 and returns a 0. In case one input sensor goes unavailable, the helper sensor goes unavailable as well. It is no longer working as the sensors the value template now have a value when they are off, previously they had no value assigned. This doesn’t work…either with a camera binary sensor, or any other. I think I need a template sensor with lambda but can’t figure out the code so would appreciate any help, please. However, while researching how to run a BLE client on home assistant I couldn’t find any components available. Or make a binary sensor group. Some binary sensors provide two choices for method of operation: streaming or polled. Apr 13, 2022 · Here is the “reasons” for the reported values: PriceLevel Price level based on trailing price average (3 days for hourly values and 30 days for daily values) Value Description NORMAL The price is greater than 90 % and smaller than 115 % compared to average price. Get started Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021. The rest binary sensor platform is consuming a given endpoint which is exposed by a RESTful API of a device, an application, or a web service. I want that if sensor A is off and sensor B is off, this new sensor state is OFF. days_in_water_veg_patch upper: 3 name: Threshold water_veg_patch Cheers, Steve Jan 12, 2019 · Ok,im after trying to minimise the number of requests I’m sending to my Hue hub by combining a number of REST sensors using a template. The ‘input’ binary sensors are: binary RESTful binary sensor. This simplicity allows Home Assistant to efficiently process and display the status of each sensor, ensuring users can quickly grasp the state of their devices at a glance. 2 - right open. May 5, 2019 · Scenario. In this section you find some real-life examples of how to use the command_line sensor. This can be changed later. on_press: then: if: condition: and: - binary_sensor. duplicated mapping key at line 86, column -607: binary_sensor: ^ Alone the first one work but when I Apr 13, 2022 · Sensor 1 goes from off to on &. I’d like two write a template sensor to combine the states of those individual binary sensors to a single sensor output. You can now also create binary sensors, still based on a single HTTP request. After changing the configuration. I can see the sensor when looking on the device logs in the ESPHome. Can you help. Hello! I got problem with combining two binary sensors into one template sensor. Is there any way to add another sensor taking the value from the below template sensor and multiplying it with a given number? (Of course May 20, 2022 · The state of a group is “off” unless all members of the group are “on”, so all your motion sensors need to be “on” at the same time to trigger listen_event. Select the + Add helper button and then select the Template helper. First is # DarkSky sensor: - platform: darksky Second is # NOAA Tides sensor: - platform: noaa_tides Jun 23, 2019 · Hi everyone, first of all sorry if this has been asked a hundred times. - platform: threshold entity_id: sensor. Here is what I have been trying: friendly_name: "Front Door Status". I have Door1, Door2, Door3 binary sensors. Jul 17, 2022 · Let’s call the Helper Group “all motion sensors”. If any other value is returned, the script or automation stops executing. 0 upgraded this component to an integration. With the pullup the input will be at a solid high level. What I have added in my configuraiton. sensors: entrance_dashboard_battery_level: friendly_name: "Entrance Dashboard Battery Level". SickRage. You need to specify input_pullup because otherwise when your button isn’t activated the input to the 8266 will float causing spurious signals. i want to create a binary sensor to basically say i’m either “up-to-date” or “out-of-date” by comparing the state of each of the two integrations. Nov 11, 2019 · panel_custom: !include panel_custom. - platform: template sensors: pool_cover_text_sensor: friendly_name: Poolcover value_template: >- {%- set open = is_state('binary_sensor Mar 10, 2024 · i don’t know of a true xor operator. In my house I have 6 433mhz door sensors (only open) which I connect with the sonoff rf bridge flashed with ESPhome. The ping instance will either have the state “off” or “on” depending on whether Home Assistant is receiving the ping messages within the timeout period. oi xr gz nb rd rd iv ea ab dk