Esp32 nextion display example. Apr 26, 2020 · There are several Nextion display modules, with sizes ranging from 2. They offer good view angles and pixel density in a cost-effective manner. It is yet another weather station project I know, but this time we use the new ESP32 chip! We also use the new BME280 sensor which measures the temperature, the humidity, and the barometric pressure. - Seithan/EasyNextionLibrary Welcome to another ESP32 project video! Today we are going to build an Internet Radio device with a big 3. Oct 8, 2020 · The ESPHome weather station is an ingenious creation by GitHub user bruxy70, akin to our previous exploration. Mar 6, 2023 · Nextion: 4. and OpenHASP Well the ESP32 connected to the nextion display needs some kind of “Openhasp/home Assistant” firmware. Everything was working great until I tried to upload the program to the HMI and use it. In your Arduino IDE, go to File > Examples > Adafruit SSD1306 and select the example for the display you’re using. Since there was no library for the ESP32 IDF, I decided to write my own. Introduction. Resolvi fazer um teste do ESP32 com Nextion e como eu ainda estou utilizando o ESP32 do artigo anterior para controlar motor de passo, resolvi adicionar apenas o display. You can buy a weather station for 25-30 Euros, but only some of them have the time synchronized to an Atomic Clock server. It must had a Serial2 on pin 16 and 17. You can insert nextion. #include “NexText. Unopinionated: you get the functions and that's it. Input Power:1. 119K views 6 years ago. The Nextion is powered from a 5V PS and the ESP32-S3 is {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"":{"items":[{"name":". 8 inch display (240×320 px) comes with the ILI9341 driver. In this video, we are going to make this. Callback for events: no do_events() loops. User code instruction for nextion you can find on this link . When I utilize Serial2. Follow these steps to configure ESPEasy’s Nextion plugin. 40 in stock BUY NOW eBay Banggood. As for the wiring GND to GND, 5V to 5V, RX from the boards to TX of the Nextion and lastly TX from the boards to RX of the Nextion. Testable: 95+ tests. The ESP32 uses HardwareSerial and the ESP8266 uses SoftwareSerial. 2" HMI TFT Intelligent LCD Touch Display Module. 4″, 320×240, resistive touch panel. When I published the video about my top 5 Arduino displays a lot of the viewers suggested that I should try the Nextion displays as well. 0″, 10. Mar 21, 2024 · This TFT Touchscreen with 2. This means that we have the same baud rate on both. Download the RTC library and store it in your arduino library folder. Feb 20, 2022 · The rest, such as GPIO switching was done by Nextion, as well as display dimming, switching on/off as well (Nextion can also do this without an intelligent version) However, since I saw that there is a way for NSPanel to be demulated, with only one ESP32 being required, I assumed that this way, assuming that the same GPIOs were used, the panels Oct 31, 2017 · ESP32 WiFi Weather Station with a Nextion Display. ESP-IDF: v5. I was successful in creating my screen and defining some text and variable boxes on the Nextion. And setup its WiFi module accordingly. Sara Santos Staff answered 5 years ago. Nextion Arduino library provides an easy-to-use method way to manipulate Nextion displays series. Tento dotykový displej funguje tak trochu jinak, než jsme u Arduino displejů zvyklí. The below image show how to do it. A good possibility is the Nextion display ESP8266 & ESP32 library for uploading . Sonoff 4CH Irrigation Controller with Nextion Display by @bruxy70. 2” Nextion Enhanced HMI display for pre-order, a $5 coupon code ” EncNextion ” is prepared for you. The command to send to the device; flags: Optional. Mar 28, 2020 · Hello everyone, I hope I am posting at the right place… This is my first post! after searching for houres, and not finding any helpful posts, i would like to share my problem with the community. instructables. Copy the file from your project (. The smaller one is the 2. 4-inches (6cm) to 7. If you like ESP32, make sure you take a look at the following resourceS: Learn ESP32 with Arduino IDE (course) Jan 22, 2022 · Hi, I'm really new at all this so bear with me. At first, we will take a look at the 0. ← M5StickC Cool Looking Watch With a Menu and Brightness In examples you will find a NextionX2. After converting, copy the array code and update it in the arduino_icon array in the following code: Feb 1, 2019 · This tutorial shows how to use the I2C LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) with the ESP32 using Arduino IDE. The Nextion Plugin is only available on Mega DISPLAY COLLECTION builds. NEXTION BOX SPEAKER FOR INTELLIGENT SERIES AUDIO PLAY. Old deprecated Enhanced Nextion Library with single display support can be found with Release tag 0. 2" HMI LCD Touch Display eBay - Nextion 3. Refer to the available examples to learn how to create GUI application will help users to finish their project with minimum of time and effort. Description: This is the most important function of the library. Go Shopping: NX3224K028 (IM160511003 The Nextion TFT Touch Display is offered in two different product families, Basic and Enhanced. 1: Main Menu; 2. Display sizes for both families ranges from 2. The RTC of the enhanced or “K” models is simple to use. ESP32 Camera+ESP8266 PIR by Dave Richer May 1, 2020 · This video goes over some of the basics of the Nextion Display waveform. High quality PCB prototypes: https://www. Download Examples: File:example. 25mm pitch 2-pin female connector (1. bauds=9600. com/Nextion-Display-Contr Jul 23, 2020 · Text Box Id : t0,t1. May 29, 2021 · 4. 4” to 7”. How to get started with Nextion Editor and it’s simulator. ¶ As the communication with the Nextion LCD display is done using UART, you need to have an UART bus in your configuration with rx_pin both the tx_pin set to the respective pins on the display. A simple library for Nextion LCD display that uses ONLY 4 functions - commands. Subscribed. I go over how to adjust the size, how to add data, discuss the 0 - 255 range. I know the display works , I can simulate the display using the nextion editor simulation and usb to TTL . cpp file. From these and maybe an atmospheric pressure sensor 2. First we set baudrate for nextion display to communicate. 2in basic ones before this issue) Controller: ESP32-S Develpoment board Ai thinker. This display is a great option to build graphical user interfaces (GUI) for your IoT projects. Usei tanta coisa nesse teste que até o título para esse artigo ficou difícil de escolher. By default, the function is waiting 100 ms and then, the function returns the reply. 2″ NX4024T032_011 – included Nextion 4 wire Power/UART cable – 4 straight pins from Male/Male 2. The key point though is that with NSPanel the ESP32 is not connected to the display. The TFT display is a kind of LCD that is connected to each pixel using a transistor and it features low current consumption, high-quality, high-resolution and backlight. A simple library that uses only four functions. 1. Ardiono UNO pins 2,3 will be used to connect to display. Nextion Offers an Ease of Use and Cost-effective HMI Solution. I converted the ESP32 icon to bitmap array. Package includes: Nextion Display, connecting wire, a power supply test board. I decided to try the 3. Go to file and select new and give this new project a name. Selecting the DISPLAY tab, the user can select the orientation and the Character Encoding. I set the Baud rate to 115200 on page 0 (only 1 page). Nov 18, 2017 · 458K subscribers. hammy May 31, 2023, 9:38pm 4. 3″, 5. 2. Obsahuje totiž v sobě vlastní mikrokontrolér, který ve spojení se softwarem od výrobce umožňuje jednoduchým způsobem vytvářet složité nabídky či – Nextion timer to evaluate and update status based on value – Communication set to 115200 baud. The Nextion communicates with any microcontroller using serial communication at a A simple library for Nextion display that uses only four functions. You can also use this guide with the ESP8266. hmi file. h”. Multi-display: you can connect to as many displays as you want. I try to connec t nextion lcd 2. The Nextion Editor software offers an easy way to create the intuitive and superb touch user interface. ico BUY NOW. 4" para mejorar tus proyectos! En este video, te guiaré paso a paso Usage. Nextion Arduino library provides an easy-to-use way to manipulate Nextion serial displays. Two button Id : b0,b1. print (“baud=115200”); > But first, we must have a Serial connection between Arduino and Nextion. Descargue la biblioteca Arduino para Nextion Display como un archivo ZIP del sitio oficial repositorio de github en una carpeta local de su elección. The BOX speaker is for the use of 4. This example aims to show how you can use and manage progress bar on Nextion displays and change it's value. The plan is the following: display the current Mar 22, 2024 · The Nextion Enhanced series are more powerful compared to the Nextion Basic series. Jul 4, 2023 · Testing OLED Display with ESP32. . The 5V signal line you see is providing 5V to both the logic level converter "high side" and to the nextion display. Apr 6, 2020 · After the basic example I show you a more advanced example where we also use the program function of the Nextion display itself. 2” Nextion display. net/💡 Curso de Arduino para Principianteshttps://cursodearduino. When I run the ESP32 and utilize “Serial”, it prints on the serial monitor. Then select your Nextion Model. 90 – Nextion Editor v0. There are ten examples in our library now. com/cheap-controls/Here is a link to a video that goes over my basic setup https Mar 16, 2024 · Also, it appears that 3. There are quite a few examples out there about this. It is begginer friendly as includes many examples with lots of comments in the code. Progress bar's value data range is min 0 max 100. There is a online tool to convert the image to bitmap array. LCD displej Nextion je výstupní modul pro Arduino či Raspberry Pi. Apr 15, 2022 · *Hello IoT Magicians, Greetings!!*Welcome again for learning super easy yet powerful guided steps & becoming an IoT magician in no time!!*THIS WILL MAGICALLY Jul 4, 2022 · You can build your own firmware using Modbus libraries (to talk to another openplc runtime master) and Nextion library for the HMI. zip. Now write user code for communicate with Arduino, we are sending data in string form. Jun 6, 2023 · Nextion is a Human Machine Interface (HMI) solution combining an onboard processor and memory touch display with Nextion Editor software for HMI GUI project development. ESP8266 #2 controls two LEDs called Workbench and Top light. I had to bend the pin like this to connect the female wire of the display since the ESP32 board is too big for this breadboard. Dec 21, 2017 · ESP8266 #1 controls Outlet #1 and Outlet#2 using a 433 MHz transmitter. When we power up the project, it connects to the WiFi We have several examples you can modify to display the readings: ESP32 Web Server with BME280 – Mini Weather Station; ESP32 DHT11/DHT22 Web Server – Temperature and Humidity using Arduino IDE; We hope you’ve found this guide useful. Reload to refresh your session. debug","path":". I was wondering how can I instead of hardcoding my wifi credentials in the arduino Ide of setting a user friendly GUi on the nextion There are several Nextion display modules, with sizes ranging from 2. mode is a numeric variable which will be 0 for “Off”, 1 for the client mode (login into an existing wireless network), and 2 for the access point mode (the ESP32 creates its Step 1: The Nextion Display. It's a straightforward build involving a 2. 3V. Other thing what it is strange , if i make a bypas between Serial and Serial2 i can upload nextion hmi files in my nextion, so Jul 1, 2022 · The code is available at this link - https://cheepcontrols. We will keep updating with more examples. 2” HMI TFT display, with 16MB flash capacity, 1024 byte EEPROM, 3584 byte RAM. Nextion NX4024T032 - Generic 3. adjust (DateTime (F (__DATE__), F (__TIME__))); To prevent the values resetting, the time disappears from the screen Part 1 - Create new project. It keeps the RTC running even when the main power is off. Choose the task Add button and select the Display - Nextion entry. The wiki provdies all the necessary Dec 29, 2020 · The Nextion HMI editor has drag and drop components to create your user interface. After connecting the parts, we have to load the code to the ESP32, and we have to load the GUI to the Nextion display. Function trigger(); Associated Library's Code Example: Trigger and FourStepExample. 5. DHT22 Temperature Sensor. 25T-2-2A) Wire Length: 250mm Size: 31*28*14. Nextion HMI displays are great. In this video, we will make Smart home automation IoT Project using ESP32, DWIN HMI Display, Relay Module, and a Sep 22, 2017 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Apr 8, 2020 · This combined with the Nextion Instruction Set creates the opportunity for very powerful HMIs. mode , setup. The Nextion has a built-in ARM microcontroller that controls the display, for example it takes care of generating the buttons, creating text, store images or change the background. Apr 18, 2024 · Scroll down the page to compare the Nextion 3. If i use library nextion. So now I've got a nice GUI interface on the screen with a slider that sets the timer from 1-60 Sep 15, 2017 · Introduction. Page0 : postinitialize Event. For example: the Multi-touch Capacitive Nextion NX8048K070_011C, Select K for the Enhanced series and then the select the NX8048K070_011 Nextion Model. I based the code loosely on the Nextion Arduino Upload code. The example use the SoftwareSerial libray, so the example can run on an Arduino UNO. Menu and Tool Bars Main Interface. Read the documentation. Microcontroller Datasheet eBook The 35 pages Microcontroller Datasheet Playbook contains the most useful information of 14 Arduino, ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontroller boards. I am using a ESP32-S3 dev board, a logic level converter to convert the 3. Then the PLC code will run on another device, which will be the master device and will control the esp as a slave IO expansion. Debería obtener una carpeta llamada: ITEADLIB-Arduino-Nextion-master; Cambie el nombre de esta carpeta a: ITEADLIB_Arduino_Nextion. eBay - Nextion 3. You can send a command over serial to the device using display. pcbway. It allows for setting text and sending commands to the display through the root_topicIn subscribed mqtt channel. Put just a waveform object on the Nextion and use the new sketch to practice sending data to it. Flash Memory Card, SD Card. There are 7 system variables from rtc0 (year) to rtc6 (dayOfTheWeek) which can easily be read and written. Control Nextion display using Micropython on ESP32 Kobena Wiredu here. This new major updated library version has Jun 24, 2021 · This is my first attempt to write to a Nextion 3. Using the Nextion Editor software, you can quickly develop the HMI GUI by drag-and-drop components (graphics, text, button, slider, etc. The device I used was part of the Basic Series, NX3224T024, which is a 2. com3D & CNC service: https://www. The API endpoint that is responsible for sending the firmware file is beyond the scope of this example. It has many views, but I was never really happy with it. I t To send data to the display, we only need to connect one wire to the TX0 pin of the ESP32. tft extension), and then paste it into your SD Card that you will use in Nextion. maialbe2823 October 15, 2021, 7:57pm 1. Jan 26, 2020 · Nextion Screen – A Quickstart. Users can Duas seriais no ESP32, ESP32 com Nextion e motor de passo. The Nextion communicates with any microcontroller using serial communication at a Does anyone know a good Touch screen display that works well with The ESP32. Open arduino IDE to create a new project file, on which you can write clock display programs according to Nextion library and RTC library. 2K. Components; 3. A re-map of value range must de done To update the value of a progress bar you can use the writeNum() function. Just as you would think. If i use the same pins 16 and 17 with a declaration of Softwareserial it works. Hi. github Jan 14, 2022 · As for driving the screen from the ESP32, that was meant in the sense of having a bare display directly connected to the ESP32 (f. 0° is the native viewing angle for the selected model. So I decided to use a Nextion display. 96-inch OLED display, its pinout, connections with the ESP32 board, and then use Arduino IDE to Aug 10, 2022 · * The formulation and display of an AUdio Spectrum using an ESp8266 or ESP32 and SSD1306 or SH1106 OLED Display using a Fast Fourier Transform * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction Hello, friends welcome to The IoT Projects. For advanced users the custom protocol of library can prove to be a powerful tool as it can be easily modified to meet one’s needs. 0″, 7. 3v output of the ESP32-S3 to a 5v input for the Nextion display, and a 7" Nextion Intelligent display. 8 INCH TFT LCD Display Features. over SPI) and then running lvgl on the ESP32. ESPHome Wall Mount with Nextion Display by @Andoramb . Sep 1, 2019 · From Arduino: <Serial. 4″ Nextion display and a D1 mini ESP8266 board connected by just four wires (GND, +5V, RX, and TX), all without the need for extra sensors or lights, neatly encased in a 3D-printed shell. The Enhanced version has all the capabilities of the basic model, but has more memory, faster processor, and GPIO. 2″ display price at different stores. But now that I've got a Nextion display, with its built in timers, I'd like to use them instead. Resistor 10k ohm. May 17, 2021 · Now we have the 3. But i am not able send data from esp32 to the display. The Nextion uses a baud rate of 9600 by default. 663, Bulong Rd, Longgang Dist, Shenzhen, GD, China Postal Code: 518000 China Telephone: +86-755-27955416 LCD displej Nextion 2. Let’s start with something easy. This 2. Automated Bathroom Ventilation by Intermittent Technology. The Nextionx2. tft files to the Nextion display over serial. Next it will ask you what model of display you have. Use your favorite web browser and connect to your ESPEasy device. Oct 10, 2022 · The ESP32, upon receiving this “s” will then request the 3 global variables setup. Vaya a su carpeta de descargas y descomprima el archivo zip. The display is connected via TTL serial (3V3) RX/TX and requires a 5V/GND power connection with enough current to run the display. ¡Bienvenidos a este nuevo tutorial sobre cómo utilizar un ESP32 y un display Nextion de 2. You could capture the serial data when doing an upload from Nextion Editor to see how it is done. 3v from the ESP32 is tied to pin 3 of the connector in the lower right which is also tied to the 5v that goes to the Nextion. 1. ESPHome MP3 Sound Machine by Self Hosted Home. Contribute to duderu-erik/esp32-nextion development by creating an account on GitHub. Feb 10, 2020 · I have developed the code to control the relay switching on/off using nextion display and esp32. ino shows the advantages of the library. The resolution is 320×280 pixels and it has a four-wire SPI interface and white An OLED (organic light-emitting diode) is used frequently in displaying texts, bitmap images, shapes, and different types of clocks. 54mm header – Iteadlib Arduino Nextion Library v0. I Feb 8, 2023 · Hi all. Note 2: After copying the file inside the SD Card, place it in the Nextion. I have set up a new project and coded both the esp and nextion using the debugger in the Nextion Editor. 53 Nov 8, 2022 · ⚙️💡 NÃO FIQUE QUEBRANDO A CABEÇA!https://cursodearduino. 50 out of stock BUY NOW Introduction. ESP32. In a nutshell, I need to control a motor in a timed fashion. You can easily benefit from Nextion's wide range of features and advantages in just a few easy steps. There must be another device Dec 1, 2022 · BOX Speaker*1. In addition to a faster MCU clock, the Enhanced series support: built-in RTC, 1K EEPROM for user data, 8 digital GPIO, and larger Flash capacity. Nextion Enhanced NX4024K032 is a powerful 3. Second step is to change the baud rate of Nextion and then change the Serial baud rate on Arduino. NextionX2 HMI demo file. The sketch publishers every event that is fired from the display to a mqtt channel which is defined under the root_topicOut. The wiring and code could not be simpler. First go to this link and download NEXTION editor software. Believ Feb 18, 2023 · When pressing buttons on the display I do not see any data being sent from the display back to the ESP32-S3. It’s just important to place a CR1220 battery into the holder on the Nextion’s back side. Not to speak about the weather: at best, some projects have just an outdoor sensor for temperature and humidity. 4” inch display, and the larger one is the 7” display. Materials Used: – an Iteaduino Mega 2560 – a Basic Nextion 3. 8mm. I thought there was code you loaded to the Nextion via an SD card, then code you ran on the Arduino to communicate to the display . It communicates over serial My role is to automate ,log data , display data to driver and pit . Note 1: In SD, there should only be the file of your project. The only problem I am facing is that, I want to stop nextion to refresh its pages whenever I exit them. It may be configured to use a faster speed by adding (for example) To display an image on OLED, it needs to convert the image to the bitmap array. Nextion has also hidden commands see if intrested see link to UNUF project in Links section. The idea is that you replace these two LEDs with useful outputs like a relay, or a SONOFF smart switch, for example. #include “Arduino. 1″ intelligent series HMI display without enclosure. html?id=119 It contains the individual files in the unzipped format and a single z Sep 2, 2023 · Look at Instruction Set - Nextion and look at the 'add' instruction. ) and ASCII text-based instructions Nextion LCD Display. I am trying to interface nextion display with esp32 by following tutorials by cheapcontrols on YouTube . @huckohio Got it, thanks. I started out using millis() on the Arduino to create a timer --rather than using delay(). for example I have 2 pages: page 0 and page 1, on page 1 I have a slider and button the default position of slider is 50per and by default button is off position, now I turned the button ON and my slider is now on 30per,now Jan 11, 2021 · Nextion RTC basics. Easy Nextion Library. Nov 21, 2017 · Examples are fully commented and explained, allowing a quick start in designing user interface. 2" HMI LCD Touch Display $62. After wiring the OLED display to the ESP32 and installing all required libraries, you can use one example from the library to see if everything is working properly. 5W Frequency Range: 100Hz-3KHz Connector:1. Oct 15, 2021 · Using Arduino Networking, Protocols, and Devices. This ESP8266 is also connected to the Nextion display. Please note that the examples shown in this wiki Jan 29, 2022 · Hi, I am using nextion 2. Go to the Devices Tab and pick an empty task. We recommend an ESP32 board that has an on-board TFT display, read our Getting Started with ESP32 Cheap Yellow Display Board – CYD (ESP32-2432S028R) Dec 14, 2022 · Hi everybody, My attention for Home Assistant got catched by this reddit-question which uses a certain cheap display It seems to be difficult to get this display up and running. But whenever I press my dual state button in the nextion display there is some delay and I need to press my dual state button continuously in nextion display for about 10 to 15 seconds to switch on/off the relay. 8-inch full color LCD has a narrow PCB display. It may be configured to use a faster speed by adding (for example) Sep 14, 2018 · The Nextion Editor updates the display over serial, so it should technically be possible. h witch hardwareSerial , nextion not communicate with esp32. Feb 24, 2022 · Control LED On-Off with Dual State Button & ArduinoDownload Project files, Wiring and Full Tutorial here: https://www. You signed out in another tab or window. Its time to write user code for slider h0, button b0,b1 . As the communication with the Nextion LCD display is done using UART, you need to have an UART bus <uart> in your configuration with rx_pin both the tx_pin set to the respective pins on the display. For more information about the Nextion display project, please visit the wiki。. READ_AND_WRITE])` command: Required. com/rapid-prototyping/🔥See some examples on how to use this huge dis May 31, 2023 · Remember to use a voltage divider on the Nextion TX pin, the Nextion is a 5V device, the ESP32 is 3. The library uses a custom protocol that can prove to be a powerful tool for advanced users as it can be easily modified to meet one’s needs. WRITE_ONLY, when you don't want to read the reply from UART. With GPIO supported, now you can use Nextion to control external devices. 8". The source code is below: #include “NexButton. You can use that to add data points to a waveform. 0-inches (18cm). ESPHome 12v Fan Controller with PID Climate by @patrickcollins12. 4 with esp32-wroom-32u. Pins are defined in the ESPNexUpload. Forgot to address the 5V. An example I made for doing an OTA update for a Nextion display using an API endpoint. We’ll show you how to wire the display, install the library and try sample code to write text on the LCD: static text, and scroll long messages. pwd. print nothing happens to the Nextion. But for some reason with the ESP32-S3 and Arduino Nano Every nothing. Users can use the library freely, either for commercial projects or for open-source projects, without any additional conditions. com ★★★★★ Banggood - Nextion 3. debug","contentType":"directory"},{"name":". Reply 0 0. This is a redo of a video I did back in 2019. The setup. m_ledo Jul 10, 2022. Go to File menu >> Open build folder. You signed in with another tab or window. I'll come back and edit my answer if I find the sample code or attempt this myself. cmd(command[ , flags=nextion. Once downloaded and installed, run this software. I suggest you start a new sketch and a new Nextion configuration. 5 Nextion Enhanced display but can simply modified with the Nextion editor. Written in C using just the ESP-IDF Framework. Sep 15, 2017 · Address: 3rd Flr, Bld A, International Import Expo Hall, No. I assume this is not all. ssid, and setup. 3 inch intelligent NX4827P043 (I’ve only used the 3. Apr 9, 2024 · The funny thing is it works great with my Arduino Uno and my ESP32. Users can use the libarry freely, either in commerical projects or open-source prjects, without any additional condiitons. 2" display, but nothing shows up from the ESP32 . 5" display using an inexpensive ESP32 board. You switched accounts on another tab or window. This file file was created for an 3. net/principiantes/💡 Curso de Jul 8, 2022 · I had a look at your code and went through the demonstration which helped understand Nextion (thank you). As an example we are going to display the value of an analog input. Upload via SD Card. 4inch display it is basic model with esp32. 12. ex. 2" HMI LCD Touch Display $21. Hi, I am working on a small project for smart home and I am using a ESP32 along a Nextion Display 7inch intelligent series. May 13, 2018 · Accurate time and weather data are useful for everybody. And this is because, it gives you the ability to use the predefined functions and run your code from Nextion LCD Display. With that I created a super simple RTC display which displays the time and date, however upon commenting out: //rtc. Watch Video tutorial here. Configurable: using menuconfig. I probably will want to redo this video in time, but Aug 11, 2022 · If you want the code to this video, you can inquire at https://cheapcontrols. But the documentation and the support is not very good, and the library currently does not work with the ESP32 to Nextion display using esp-idf. Junior Member 15 posts. There are a lot of Nextion displays. I love the ESP32,Micropython and Nextion displays for Embedded Projects although I am new to Python/Micropython. com/videodetail. I am trying to set up a custome thermostate, using a nodumcu (through ESPHome) a Nextion display and a Generic Thermostat from Home Assistant. github","path":". wogkcrjhgchbityzegye