Ektachrome e100. Head to our Online Shop to take a look at our full assortment of creative and experimental Lomography films . Discover the magic of medium format photography with Kodak Pro Ektachrome E100 120 Film, a colour slide film that brings your memories to life with vibrant colours and fine details. It provides a moderately enhanced color saturation performance while maintaining a neutral gray scale and accurate skin tone reproduction. Kodak announced Ektachrome E100 's triumphant return to production a few years ago, and, for the past couple of years, the film has been available for 35mm and Super 8 shooters. Oct 23, 2020 · 2018年復活したコダックのカラーポジ(リバーサル)フィルム「Ektachrome E100(エクタクローム)」。 エクタクロームは、エクタクローム64、エクタクローム100。そして2000年代にはE100G、E100V、E100GXなど、数多くの種類が販売されていました。 Dec 19, 2018 · Kodak E100G Professional Ektachrome ISO-100 Transparency Film (5-Pack) dummy RETO Amber D100 35mm Color Negative Cine Film, 27 Exposures, ISO100, 135, Cinematic, Motion Picture Style, C41 Process We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. EKTACHROME Film is available in 35mm still film, Super 8 and 16mm 100-foot spools and 400-foot rolls. So, if you want the colors you’re photographing to look exactly like they do in real Kodak Ektachrome E100 Color Transparency Film - 1 Roll KODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTACHROME Film E100 is a daylight balanced color positive film, featuring clean, vibrant colors, a neutral tone scale, and extremely fine grain. The film is listed as back-ordered with an availability date of December 2018. For the Canon flash, I set it to “-1”, although recently I leave it on full but use a diffuser. A box of Ektachrome 64T in 120 format, late 90's European package, expired December 2001. The announcement of Ektachrome’s return saw a warm reception from the photography community. Even so, Ektachrome is even finer and when properly exposed will produce extremely clean scans that are great for large prints. Its distinctive look is well suited to a wide range of applications, such as product, landscape, nat Sep 2, 2022 · After multiple years of shooting the rereleased Kodak Ektachrome, here's my review and exposure guide. Dec 10, 2019 – Kodak Alaris today announced the launch of EKTACHROME E100 in larger formats. From my experience with processing old E100 in C41 Ektachrome. September 25: Kodak Alaris announces the public release of new EKTACHROME E100 in 35mm format. This brings me up to the couple of rolls I shot on holiday in Mar 14, 2022 · It’s much easier to add contrast to a scan than it is to reduce it. Related film article: Combinations – Fuji GSW690iii and Kodak Ektar The Film. Ektar 100. The locations in this video are Kodak Moments. Left – Bisbee, AZ street scene / Right – A private security contractor patrolling an area of the border fence under construction in New Mexico. 8 ai, Kodak Ektachrome E100. I would say it produces a much more pleasing result, but it's not as contrasty or punchy as the Fujifilm Velvia 100. For the first test, we're switching it up and check Nov 1, 2010 · Kodak Ektachrome E100G Color Slide Film ISO 100, 35mm Size, 36 Exposure, Transparency 5 Pack of Kodak Professional Ektachrome E100 Color Film (35mm, 36 Exposures) Kodak Ektar 100 Professional ISO 100, 35mm, 36 Exposures, Color Negative Film (Pack of 2) Kodak Ektachrome E100 Show more First Roll of Ektachrome by Hamish_Gill 9 Allotments by Hamish_Gill 1 Midland Road by Hamish_Gill 1 1 The Kodak Ektachrome E100 Color Transparency Film (35mm Roll Film, 36 Exposures) is a daylight-balanced color transparency film characterized by its extremely fine grain structure, vibrant color rendering, and overall low contrast profile. At last, larger format photographers have a "new" film to fawn over Oct 31, 2018 · The film, cameras and development. Jun 6, 2019 · Kodak Ektachrome E100 Film is Now Available in 120 and 4×5 Formats. We thought it was about time we tried a roll out. The lower contrast values contribute to a wide dynamic range and a neutral tonal scale for greater color accuracy, and a low D-min helps to ensure Nov 17, 2023 · And then there are the two aspects about Ektachrome E100 that have really impressed photographers: its grain and its sharpness. Ektachrome is Kodak’s brand of film that’s used in a wide variety of applications – such as motion picture and still photography, with options in 35mm and 11×14 large format sheets. We’d been through this before with other film projects. Its distinctive look is well suited to a wide range of applications, such as product, landscape, nature and fashion photography. New films have hit the scene here and there, but it has been discouraging to see major players like Fuji slowly killing their film lineup. The grain of E100 is remarkably tight and especially if you are using 120 or 4x5, it can be virtually invisible. I'll start with a stacked image of M42. Oct 29, 2018 · Ektachrome E100. Ektachrome is a quite an old film. 4 Ektachrome E100 is an E-6 process slide film, considered rarely used nowadays versus the common C-41 process films like the Fujifilm C200. Canon EOS 1-V – Kodak EKTACHROME E100. It has had a number of iterations, versions and updates. Very true to life! This was also the case with the skin tones. หากคุณรักการถ่ายภาพและชอบที่จะสร้างสรรค์สิ่งใหม่ๆ ได้เวลาเข้าร่วมคอมมิวนิ Jul 26, 2022 · Intelligent Children – Bountiful, UT – Fujifilm X-T30 – “Ektachrome E100GX”. Portra 400 the typical color negative work horse - both were shot on my Contax T2 and I also brought out my SX Expired date : 09/2024 / ISO 100. Y. ) La Perouse, Sydney. October 8: Kodak introduces EKTACHROME 7294 Color Reversal Film in Super 8 format. Certain scenes typically require deviation from the meter: backlit subjects (+1. It is a film that not only has vivid colors and very fine grain but also a very high resolution and sharpness. These new format offerings follow ฟิล์ม: Kodak Ektachrome E100. Jake Horn. May 5, 2023 · Finally, there's the Kodak Ektachrome 100D 5294/7294, which is a motion picture film stock for daylight purposes and has exceptional sharpness at ISO 100. What is slide film? How do you shoot it? What does slide film look like? All be reviled and more as Jason and I g Nov 6, 2020 · Kodak Ektachrome 100 (E100) Ektachrome is perhaps one of the most legendary films of all time – if you grew up reading National Geographic magazines then chances are that you’ve already seen your fair share of Ektachrome images. Oct 23, 2018 · July: Rolls of EKTACHROME E100 in the hands of beta testers. 0 E60 V4 Leica Summicron 35mm f2 V1 Leica Summilux 35mm f1. This film is designed for exposure with daylight or electronic flash. You’ll get the soft matte texture with increased highlights and softened shadows. I follow Kodak Professional on Facebook, which is how I know about the review. More Details. En Stock. Here are some Jun 17, 2003 · This item: Kodak Ektachrome E100G Color Slide Film ISO 100, 35mm Size, 36 Exposure, Transparency $27. That is to say, it no longer seems entirely Kodak Professional Ektachrome E100 is a daylight-balanced color transparency film characterized by its extremely fine grain structure, vibrant color rendering, and overall low contrast profile. Download Free. 35 (Single) / 120 (Pro Pack) / Sheet. Kodak Portra 160 seems to be the cheapest option if you want to shoot medium format colour photos. 378 in, 36 exposiciones, paquete de 5) (5 artículos) Recomendaciones KODAK Película dorada 200, paquete de 3, GB135-36, embalaje vertical Oct 4, 2019 · The Ektachrome E100 Canister, by Fujifilm X-T3, XF23mm f1. The lower contrast values contribute to a wide dynamic range and a neutral tonal scale for greater color accuracy, and a low D-min helps ensure brighter May 13, 2019 · Kodak Alaris recently sent me a brick of Ektachrome E100 to play with. Watch on. May 8, 2020 · Testing the exposure limits of Kodak's Ektachrome E100 120 Slide Film. At Lomography, we absolutely love creative photography. Fuji Provia 100F is currently slightly cheaper than Kodak Ektachrome E100 (at the time of writing). What you see is what you get with this stock. Picking it up at the (Mississippi) River, entering through Clinton, Iowa and traveling the entire length of the state to Missouri Valley, IA took about a day. ROCHESTER, N. If you haven’t read that post, you can find it here. With Kodak E100 being daylight (5600k) balanced, no wonder I was getting such a blue shift from the parts of the day that were cloudy…. Overview. I think Ektachrome and slide films in general are great at capturing strong colors so I’ll have to think of some cool situations that can show that off. 4 pre-asph infinity lock Slide film Now with the Ektachrome E100 at least one Kodak color reversal / transparency film type is back. Ektachrome E100 offers extremely fine grain, a vivid, brillant color rendition and very good tonality. Outils multifonctions. Tech Pub. こんにちは。潔く銀です。 今回は、最近使用したKodak Ektachrome E100をデータ化したので、使用した感覚と共に記事に書いていこうと思います。 デジタルの急速な進化にフィルムは時代に取り残される形になりました。採算が取れないのでフィルム事業は衰退していき、度重なる値上げ&値上げ Sep 20, 2020 · Ektachrome E100はこの厳しい逆光の中でも見事に光を捉え、繊細に描き分けてくれる 大切な人を撮るときに必ず用意する一本です。 こちらはNikon F6 + AF-S Nikkor 58mm F1. Feb 25, 2019 · With the FPP Home E6 Kit you can develop color positive 35mm, 16mm or Super 8 Ektachrome at home!https://filmphotographystore. I made a few noob errors when I shot Kodak Ektachrome100 for the first time a couple years back in Hong Kong. 16mm format to follow. But this film became my favorite film for stree Ektachrome. The Return of Kodak Ektachrome Film is Nigh. I placed an order as soon as the FIND lab started taking orders and received five rolls in the first shipment. Sensibilité 100 ISO. Pack Size. Kodak has chosen the former Ektachrome E100 G as basis for the new E100. Canon EOS 1-V – Kodak Oct 21, 2018 · The new Kodak Ektachrome E100 film is available to preorder now from B&H Photo, Adorama, and other online retailers for $12. Not just the experience itself, but the comments I received in response to me sharing the various mishaps. je voulais voir mes photos immédiatement après le développement, sans devoir les scanner Save 50% Usual price £39. Olympus MJU – Kodak EKTACHROME E100. Originally developed in the early 1940’s, Ektachrome has seen many iterations over the years. Join our community, share your photos and read the latest photography tips and features. FAQs Re-launch 120 and sheet films. Vivid Detail. The new EKTACHROME film will support 135-36x camera formats and be available in fourth quarter 2017. Finally, at the end of 2019, Kodak has brought this much-missed film back to 120 and 4 x 5" sizes. Boîte de 5 films 120 Kodak Professional Ektachrome E100, le seul film inversible moyen format de chez Kodak ! Ces pellicules ont un grain extrêmement fin et un rendu de couleurs éclatantes. Add to order. So, for our Kodak Ektachrome 100 Film Review we put a roll of 35mm in our Olympus mju II and took it around Brixton. Summary & conclusions. FAQs, English and Chinese - Ektachrome 120 and sheet films. *In storage conditions of 10°C (50°F) and Dec 10, 2020 · Welcome to my review of Kodak's Ektachrome. I’d encourage anyone wanting to use Ektachrome for photos and film to test it out ความโดดเด่นของ Kodak Ektachrome E100 เป็นเรื่องของเกรนที่ถูกจูนให้ Sep 9, 2022 · Since Portra 160 is a relatively low speed film, it has a very fine grain. The short version is that whilst things didn’t exactly go to plan, all was not lost, and I was pretty chuffed with a few of the Jun 10, 2019 · A chunk of my fourth roll of Kodak Ektachrome E100 was about experimenting with an incident meter. As someone who hasn’t shot much reversal film before, I promised a bit of a series of posts documenting my early experiences. It was first released to consumers in 1946 with an ASA rating of 32. Kodak recently announced that they are planning to release E100 in 120 format as well. Discover awesome analogue photos shot with Kodak Ektachrome E100 . 4Gにて撮影しました。 F6の露出制御能力は大変高性能で、安心して露出を任せることができます。 Dec 10, 2019 · E100 features Kodak EKTACHROME E100 features clean and vibrant colors, a neutral tonal scale and extremely fine grain. Stacked and processed entirely in Pixinsight, (except for an application of color noise reduction in PS Camera Raw. For those with newer X-Trans IV cameras, to use this recipe simply set Color Chrome FX Blue to Off, Clarity to 0, and Grain size to Small. This recipe is compatible with Fujifilm X-Trans III, X-T3 and X-T30 cameras. In fact in Singapore alone, there stands only 2 shops/labs left I know of that does E-6 processing but I have only worked with one. Stations Météo. You can find out more information on Guttman by reading through his interview with YAG University Jan 21, 2024 · Kodak Ektachrome E100 at 400, Leica Noctilux 50mm f1 E60 V4. Be sure to check out my review of the Cinestill chemis Get access to my most recent class, all about colour theory & colour grading, alongside all of my other courses and courses from other creators: https://s Kodak Ektachrome E100 and Provia 100F are great colour slide films. When it comes to still photography, we’re looking at Kodak’s E100 Ektachrome Color Reversal film. Current digital medium format cameras offer some of the best in image quality. The red bleed to the right adds to the feeling. It’s also a milestone that, frankly, many of us never thought possible. Not only that, this film preset even simulates the unique look of the Kodak Ektachrome film. Classic Chrome. Even with the few rolls I’ve shot – and despite the mistakes and issues I’ve varyingly had – I’ve got to the point now that I now feel comfortable enough with E100 in the ways I normally shoot. . Inspired by Kit Yip and Tommy Oshima’s flickr shots Sep 25, 2018 · The new EKTACHROME film, officially designated E100 in 35mm format is available for order by dealers and distributors immediately and will begin shipping starting from next week. Oct 5, 2018 · First of all a massive thanks to Kodak Alaris for allowing me to be one of the few to beta test this amazing film. Bold Color. Mar 13, 2019 · Olympus MJU – Kodak EKTACHROME E100. Our full review of Kodak’s newest film, Ektachrome E100, can be seen here. 35mm/36 exposure cartridges – just released and shipped fresh. Bright Colours Was a complete idiot and shot 3/4 of a roll of Ektachrome 100 at 400 by not checking my ISO dial. Jul 30, 2020 · Kodak describes Ektachrome E100 as “ a daylight-balanced color positive film, featuring clean, vibrant colors, a neutral tone scale, and extremely fine grain. Available in. In this video, I test them out for landscape photography. KODAK Film inversible couleur EKTACHROME E100 Format 120 - Pack de 5. 00. 8mm and 16mm to follow. Film lovers have been pretty excited with the re-release of Kodak’s Ektachrome, and have been anxiously awaiting their shipments to give it a try. I had it all planned out - first I was going to shoot a roll in something with a fancy evaluative meter, and then from there I would work my way up to shooting it with something a little more Nov 5, 2018 · Yeah. A new 120 format 5-roll propack and a new 10 sheet 4×5 box will be available to order within the next 10 days, worldwide. In Comparison to the Older Kodak Ektachrome E100. 1 2 ถัดไป. The complex was visited by the Emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties for annual ceremonies of prayer to Heaven for a good harvest. E100 uses the same T-grain technology that Kodak employees in most of their other professional films. Its distinctive look is well suited to a wide range of applications, such as product, landscape, nature and fashion photography . 50. E100/120 Press Release. The lower contrast values contribute to a wide dynamic range and a neutral tonal scale for greater color accuracy, and a low D-min helps to ensure Nov 28, 2018 · The film provides flatters skin tones to perfection and in most lighting situations, except in extremely warm candlesticks or bulbs, it renders cold blue-ish green shadows and warm light yellow highlights. In the past 120 Kodak Ektar was cheaper than Portra 160. Nikon F3, Nikkor 35mm f/2. My ultimate conclusion is that E100 versus Velvia 50 is an aesthetic choice. It's been a while since I've done one of these exposure test videos, but I'm excited to bring these back. May 2, 2019 · by. 78/Count) Sold by CONTINENTAL SUPPLY and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. I couldn't believe somebody tried the new Ektachrome E100 at EI 800. Ideal for both daylight and studio use, its ISO 100 rating ensures optimal Kodak E100. New KODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTACHROME Film E100 delivers outstanding image quality and performance: - Virtually grainless scans and enlargements - Clean, bright whites - Moderately enhanced color - Neutral tone scale - Outstanding skin tone reproduction #Kodak #E100 # KODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTACHROME Film E100 delivers extremely fine grain (rms 8), a low D-min for whiter, brighter whites, and fe atures moderately enhanced color saturation with a neutral color balance and a low contrast tone scale. Seeing the saturated colors, “halo” effects and huge color shifts for the first time had me smiling like a madman. 4 pre-a infinity lock Colour positive slide Colour reversal film Kodak E100G Kodak E100VS Kodak Professional Ektachrome E100 Leica Noctilux 50mm f1. At least from the pictures posted on the review, E100 looks pretty reasonable at EI 800. 這些年頭各大廠商的幻燈片一直在停產,加上幻燈片脆弱的特性而使過期品都難以發揮本來質素,市面上可用的就只能買少見少。. Overall, set your ISO to 100 and trust what the meter says. testing out new Ektachrome E100 slide film vs. Here are some snippets from that piece. I’ve been thinking about pushing Kodak Ektachrome E100 to 200 or 400 ISO. Professional Ektachrome E100 35mm Film delivers outstanding image quality and performance. Setting it to “0” without a diffuser or tuning it down will give you overblown highlights. It’s new Kodak EKTACHROME E100. 10 Sheet (4x5, 8x10) / 50 Sheet (5x7) Jan 16, 2023 · In a 400' roll, this 35mm Kodak Ektachrome 100D Color Reversal Film 5294 is a 100-speed motion picture camera film intended for photography under daylight illumination (5500K). To expand on that: it really depends upon what you photograph, and yes, what you like. You can either expose according to the light meter or overexpose just a bit. 67 Therefore Ektachrome E100 with its slightly cooler color rendition takes a unique position in the current Kodak film portfolio: It is the only Kodak film with a tendency towards cooler tones, as all Kodak color negative films have an either slightly warm (Portra 160) or significantly warm (Portra 400 / 800, Ektar, all amateur color negative Jul 22, 2021 · Pour mon retour à l’argentique j’ai choisi l’Ektachrome E100, un film sortit en 2018 pour plusieurs raisons : les couleurs d’un film inversible sont plus saturées et vives que celles d’un négatif. Outstanding skin tone reproduction. Get our 300+ Preset Bundle! This Ektachrome preset can make your photos authentically look like they were captured using an analog camera. 但是曾經經歷破產的Kodak卻在近年逆市重新推出Kodak Ektachrome E100,以重新調製的配方來重現這卷經典的 Featuring vibrant colors and extremely fine grain, KODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTACHROME Film E100 is a daylight balanced color positive film with a neutral tone scale. For flowers it really didn’t make a significant difference. Jan 26, 2023 · Film is the new Ektachrome E100. Kodak. The magnitude of Kodak successfully rereleasing a film like Ektachrome is huge. สามารถสั่งซื้อทางเว็บได้ปกติ จัดส่งให้ในวันที่ 19 พ. This image is an integration of the scans of two film slide images, one 90 minute and one 120 minute, shot on Ektachrome E100 last month. Paired with the F6’s virtually infallible meter, you can not go wrong with E100. Accueil Studio et Labo Film pellicule Kodak 1 film couleur ektachrome E100 135 36 poses. I had the various rolls for anywhere from a few days to about Nov 13, 2018 · Velvia 100 Kodak Ektachrome in softly diffused shadows. With Kodak’s reintroduction of E100, film shooters finally have hope of a momentum swing needed Nov 27, 2020 · I share results from a roll of Ektachrome E100 underexposed and push processed, with use of colour balancing filters to see what kind of results, if any, I w Oct 1, 2019 · With a faster lens and maybe some lighting I feel it would produce good results even on super 8 or super 16 in a similar situation. 95 $ 27 . But because certain raw materials, which were used in former E100 G, are Jun 22, 2015 · Kodak E100VS – Shot at ISO200 – Cross processed in C41 chemicals. and LAS VEGAS, NV January 5, 2017 – Kodak Alaris announced at CES 2017 that it would be reintroducing the iconic KODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTACHROME Color Reversal Film for professional and enthusiast photography. Nov 2, 2018 · Ektachrome E100 v. Reviews. Initially available in 35mm 36 exposure cartridges, 8mm film (EKTACHROME 7294) will start shipping on October 1st 2018 and 16mm film is expected to begin shipping by The old Ektachrome was known for its vibrant colors and the new Ektachrome lives up to this reputation! The colors in my images were rich and vivid. You can see the advantage of the low grain, fine detail, and vibrant greens/blues in the Ektachrome shot of this palm tree. Dec 10, 2019 · Kodak Alaris Announces EKTACHROME E100 Availability in 120 and Sheet formats. They’ve spent years tweaking the formula to get it just right, and it’s finally available! PLEASE NOTE: Due to worldwide stock shortages this is currently limited to 5 ROLLS per customer, per day. E100 might become my new indoor available darkness color Film prices often fluctuate a little depending on supply and demand. 00 £19. Speaking of highlights, which are not very easily blown, E100 has a tremendous exposure latitude for a slide film, still keeping details in Description. How to Shoot E100. Oct 14, 2019 · Note by the daylight, overcast line it says 7000k and by the cloudy day line it shows that the colour temperature can be as high as 8300 Kelvin. I recently shot two rolls of Ektachrome with my double exposure technique. “Bush and Waves” - E100, 135mm lens, 1 second at f32, 812 warming filter. Kodak Ektachrome E100 is a positive colour transparency film, especially since Fujichrome Provia 400X got discontinued and there’s nothing quite like it. Dec 10, 2019 · Kodak Alaris has announced that its Ektachrome E100 film stock will be released in 120 and 4x5 sheet film packs ‘within the next ten days. Matériel affut photo. น่าสนใจ ล่าสุด ยอดนิยม. 99. Kodak Professional Ektachrome E100 is a daylight-balanced color transparency film characterized by its extremely fine grain structure, vibrant color rendering, and overall low contrast profile. Ektachrome is a brand name owned by Kodak for a range of transparency, still and motion picture films previously available in many formats, including 35 mm and sheet sizes to 11 × 14 inch size. The lower contrast values contribute to a wide dynamic range and a neutral tonal scale for greater color It will look even worse. The Temple of Heaven (Chinese: 天坛; pinyin: Tiāntán) is an imperial complex of religious buildings situated in the southeastern part of central Beijing. One of the big advantages that these Jul 9, 2020 · Ektachrome E100 is a E6 film, sometimes known as colour reversal or slide film – which gives you get a positive rather than a negative. They were shot in the American southwest whilst Kodak Professional Ektachrome E100 - Película de color (1. 5) snow/beaches (cloudy = +1, sunny = +2) fog (+1) Outside of these situations, your meter will most likely give you stellar results. 29€90 TTC. After shooting a few rolls, I've decided to use it more often as it performs much better than the E100 film. J'ai un avis sur ce produit ( 1) Voir les avis. Nikon FM3A, Nikon F100 and Ricoh GR1s ready for business. This film seems to provide a very usable scan that has more leeway for interpretation, and it’s still much easier to perfect the colors than a negative. Kodak have re-released Ektachrome E100, their famous 35mm slide film. Dec 11, 2018 · Cross process Ektachrome renders some of the best results possible of all slide film, and it will hide its age better than E6 for expired rolls. You can expect virtually grainless scans and enlargements, clean, bright whites, neutral tone scale, and outstanding skin tone reproduction from studio to location, fashion to landscape. Produits Outdoor. Very surprised at the detail retained in the door and frame. ขอแจ้งวันหยุด 15-18 พ. Oct 16, 2020 · 浴火重生、Kodak Ektachrome E100. Past generations of Kodak and Fujifilm’s Jul 28, 2020 · Left: Kodak EKTACHROME E100, right: Fujifilm Velvia 50 — click/tap to view fullscreen. $50. Apparently somebody over on emulsive. Kodak’s Ektachrome Reboot is on Track Despite $46M Loss and 425 Layoffs. Kodak 1 film couleur ektachrome E100 135 36 poses. Kodak Ektachrome E100 35mm. From studio to location, fashion to landscapes. ”. ’ In a tweet shared earlier this morning on the Kodak Professional account, Kodak Alaris confirmed new 5-roll 120 'propacks' and 10-sheet 4x5 boxes will be available to order worldwide within the next ten days. May 27, 2019 · It’s safe to say that my first post about shooting Kodak Ektachrome E100 gave me a lot to reflect on. Specification. With the surprising results I thought it would be best to showcase what Ektachrome E100 can do in low light with these 5 frames. org did. Posted on November 2, 2018May 26, 2024by Wendy. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ค. Back-Ordered. However, my unfortunate galaxy brain decision (which I wholeheartedly do not recommend in retrospect) was to shoot the rest of it at 200 instead on the basis that it was an incredibly bright day for that first 3/4 and I wouldn't be surprised if my camera was metering slightly overexposed anyway Sep 18, 2018 · Kodak Ektachrome E100 – A few Double Exposures – By Michael Turek. Dec 10, 2019 · KODAK PROFESSIONAL EKTACHROME Film E100 is a daylight balanced color positive film, featuring clean, vibrant colors, a neutral tone scale, and extremely fine grain. com/collections/darkroom-suppli Feb 8, 2019 · After shooting those three rolls, I ordered a handful more and look forward to shooting them. 95 ($0. Thanks to my friends at Indie Film Lab for Feb 6, 2021 · Kodak Ektachrome E100, Summilux 35/1. Trip number 4 this year between Colorado and Illinois & back again saw more time on the Lincoln Highway. qe gw wh my il fl lm fg hb bj