Test npp primo so start off at say 200 test, 200 primo, 210(30/day) npp, then half way through, ramp up to 300 test, 350(50/day) npp, 300 primo 500 test is pointless and just spits out a load e2. This is a good lean/bulk cycle. I will also be taking p5p (if prolactin sides are prevalent), Hawthorne berry extract (for cardiovascular health), multivitamin, salmon oil caps, and nac. Always with testosterone 500:500; 500:400; 200:200 16-20 weeks Benefits experienced. My question is should i add Primo to this in an attempt to keep it clean? I know some will recommend removing Test C and sticking with P only. This thread is archived 85mg Test E (0. Thoughts? If ur taking Cabergoline the ratio doesnt matter. Keep it low stay lean. No negatives. You best bet would be starting on the higher end of test and adjusting your doses according to your blood work. I was 3-5 years on around 2002 when I did my first stretch of primo/test p/npp and I saw the best gains I'd seen in years. Clomid 100/75/50/50 Nolvadex 40/30/20/20 for my I ran 300 test, 300 Deca, n 400 primo which was my favorite cycle. Look at all the golden era BB. I think my 600/600 is kinda ballsy. Jan 4, 2013 · The mast will make you look way better on cycle than the primo. Otherwise you're probably using too much NPP. That way if anything fishy happens I can clear my system fairly quickly. Jan 28, 2021 · So that leaves me with test, npp, dhb, primo, masteron, anadrol, and anavar. I was already experienced here. Since then I've increased to 250 test + 250 primo. option: Up the test and add primo : 500 test, 350 primo. I chose NPP over Deca as I figured I could get off of it real quick if I hated it and it would be out of my system faster. 20 week cycles. ” Yeah your gonna get some crazy water retention, you’ll gain 45lbs from a 4 week cycle. I’ve done this cycle but with eq instead of primo and it felt good and good strength gains but blood pressure issues So I’m wanting to run a test/npp/primo cycle trying to add as much lean mass as possible before I go into prep. I haven't tried Primo 200 yet, but we shall see if the pip is too bad. Seems like a waste or a fuck it why not move. I keep the test lowish for skin issues that far outweigh the negligible growth difference. Thanks Npp is pretty fast acting. primo and nand are 3x and 5x as myogenic at test, so using more of them, from your total MGs makes more sense when it comes to adding muscle. I tried test npp primo, the mental sides got pretty bad at 420t-210npp-400primo, then I switched primo for 500mg masteron and in a week I felt like a new man. Pinned 3x weekly for stable blood levels. I've tried adding masteron to an 'enhanced cruise' and that made me low in E2 and felt awful (125-150 test + 100-125 mast). I gained just over 20lbs in those 15 weeks, going from 173lbs to ~196lbs (depending on how my diet was the night before weighing Oct 17, 2020 · I’m running 400 mg test c and 300 mg NPP a week along with 40mg var a day. I started at 400/400/500 test/npp/primo but I made the mistake of not having enough primo for a full run so I made the irresponsible decision to drop the primo and frontload 900mg of eq 2 days in a row but to make sure I didn’t crash my e2 I started running 50mg dbol and upped test to 500mg and surprisingly I’ve felt pretty good since doing Nov 23, 2020 · I just started my test + npp + primo run. Primo is the type of AAS you can stack with almost anything, and it won’t add to your side effect profile much, if at all. Unfortunately I believe most primo is not legit because Ive gotten very dramatic aesthetic effects a few times with the primo and the rest of the times just nothing close. It was my second cycle. Looking for peoples experience or opinions on NPP and PRIMO. Feb 19, 2018 · Maybe even add some EQ. Don't use var to kick start. Jul 26, 2022 · Used a lot of EQ in my 20s and tren in my 30s and into my 40s - but now its either npp or primo with test and gh. 100mg EoD (350/wk) is plenty. 1mg anastrazole did well for me at lower doses of npp, but everyone’s bodies are different so bloods will help more with answering e2 questions. 25:1 to EQ. “Muscle mass wise. Why not a test npp eq cycle. ad. My previous one I did: 300mg Test 200mg NPP 300mg Primo Had pretty good results, no side effects, felt good overall. I heard they are synergistic and to lower dosing. Is primo worth the price? My goal is to add a retarded amount of mass, also looking for a longer cycle around 16-20 weeks. So a month after the cycle you will probably be bigger and more impressive by running the primo. Otherwise I don't usually. 5mg of Aromadex ed for the entire cycle. Weeks 7-18: 500 mg Test 300mg NPP 200mg Primo Up the test to 500, also taking P5P daily, with Caber on hand incase things get nipply. Little bit extra e2 is good Aug 23, 2023 · my first time with it I ran it at 500 test 400 npp then second time was 300 test 200 npp and saw amazing results with both of those. Primo also crushes estrogen so you will need a good test rimo ratio in order to keep levels in check. Lets say you do a 2:1 , 300 Test : 150 primo , 4 weeks and bloods to see how primo affected e2. Maybe starting 400/400 wouldn’t be a bad idea, might reduce acne sides for you. Whether it's for a cutting cycle or a bulking cycle, Primobolan is key. I pinned the test E3. I have ran tren, test, with obol kickstart, and a few other heavy stacks. Ran gear for a while. So in total: 700mg sust a week 300mg npp a week 400mg primo a week. Currently 5 foot seven 210 around 18 percent bf. For reference, I think I added 50mg npp eod in the middle of a test only cycle and it took about 2 weeks for sides to set in. Sub out Deca w npp 8ish weeks go 12 weeks with the rest. Libido even might been better with lower Test. 5mg Aroamsin EOD Dec 25, 2012 · I think primo/test p/npp is the best cycle you can do, I typically stay on for years. Feb 11, 2024 · IMO i would either run test and primo OR test and deca/npp. 4 NPP daily I’ve run this blast before with excellent results and health markers were good Mar 26, 2020 · 100 TEST 200 TREN 400 NPP 400 PRIMO" I was like "WTF kinda cruise, Oh, I'm a dumbass". Very excited to see what I can accomplish with all the pieces in play Jul 2, 2024 · This is a great cycle. So Primo, usually being an enanthate ester, could be comparable to Test E which people can get to 300mg in oil without super solvents. The thought process is I responded really well to my first test only cycle (350 for 6 weeks, 600 for 6 weeks) with minimal sides (barely any pimples, hair looks fine, mood was stable but a tad irritable on 600, BP stable at ~115/68), except itchy nips requiring 12. Im about 3 weeks into it and I feel great, libido is way up there, and my strength is improving nicely. This has worked for me quite well. I got definitely swollen look on it, rolled off and did test and primo which seemed to tighten me up a bit aesthetically. Got another 6 weeks left on this run. I also know the with the injection frequency, I could probably opt for test prop instead of Cyp, but I already have some from a pharmacy, & don't want any May 17, 2024 · I have been asked to do a log for Esquel Labs. Anavar and primo are used in completely opposite ways to test above 200 and npp. I’ve even heard of some keeping it 3:1 test:nandrolone because of ED. I’m up 8lbs in 3 weeks which is a lot for me. Not sure what you will accomplish adding mast. The reason for low test is because I’m reading that NPP potentiates the aromatization and progrestenic activity from testosterone which explains gyno and maybe even the mental sides. Your cycle is too short though. 1st. I just have a suggestion for you, drop the test to 300mg and fuck off the NPP and do as much primo as you can. Aug 22, 2023 · -Test C 700mg/wk-Primo 315mg/wk-NPP 280mg/wk 20 week blast Started with Test at 525 and decided to up it to 700 2weeks in Odd numbers on Primo and NPP is because of daily injections on everything 0. 5’10, 210, 9%bf, 45yo. should I drop the Primo and run NPP that I have on hand? Currently have Test E, C, and P. / NPP / and EQ per week for 16 weeks. My first cycle was: 400 test, 300npp, 50mg tbol pre workout. A lean/cut cycle would be more like 375mg/wk of Test + 100mg/eod of Mast + 100mg/eod of Primo + winny for the last 6 weeks OR 375mg/wk of Test + 100mg/eod of Tren + 100mg/eod of Mast + 6wks of Winny. 3 Primo, 0. It's a waste move to a stronger compound. 400 test 200 npp was the best i felt fron any aas combo. 5mg aromasin eod during This keeps me completely in the clear in terms of E2 (ie 350 mast + 375 test). Its higher than your prescribed cycle, but would this cycle be okay: Weeks 1-4; 400mg/week test E, 300mg/week NPP. Im on TRT so my Sep 11, 2022 · Anyone tried a test primo eq stack? Would I run test e 500 primo e 400 eq e 400. I have read that test tren and npp is an even better combination . Right now in a relationship with such a good girl, a saint, loving and caring, loyal, only been 1 year but i would love to see it continue, and im Compare NPP to Deca, or Test P to Test E, or literally anything at all to EQ lol. I was thinking a 2:1:2 ratio probably using 500 test 250 npp and 500 primo. Mar 28, 2019 · Last Summers Run was 500 test, 100 tren and 800 primo. 1 month ago how would you guys go about pinning Test E NPP and Primo nsfw r/PEDs • Posted by u/jackboxer123. I just wish it didn’t make my hair fall out now or I’d probably just run that for the rest of my life. Your sole concern should be getting as lean as possible. Since NPP is a nandrolone, I’ve always lived by the wisdom that you need to run 2:1 test:nandrolone to prevent ED. 34ml if 250mg/ml concentration) 85mg NPP (0. Jan 4, 2023 · Wanted to get some thoughts and possible first hand experience with following cycle Test C, NPP, Primo, EQ, and T-bol I am 35, 6’3, 225, 12% BF, I have experience with everything in this stack but NPP, however have never ran 4 Injectables at once. Also to consider the NPP has a short half life so you will have to pin every other day where as the deca ester should be fine to run once a week. Test will be 525 mgs per week. I really don't remember having anything negative on that besides acne. Currently 2. Happy energetic, more driven, less anxious… i would recommend you rub masteron instead of primo with npp. I ran test/npp/primo at 600mg/400/400 a year ago and got to a lean 240lb. a little concerned with e2 getting stomped into the ground, but my bloodwork had my e2 at If I do add NPP, I want to drop my test dose to 200mg/week , run NPP at 400mg/week, and still keep in the Primo. A physique competitor look. You should only be focused on maintaining muscle and losing bodyfat nothing else. Primo is probably my favorite compound now to add to test. Dec 8, 2022 · I would recommend approx 300mg test and diet down to approx 8% bodyfat. I also think the EQ is managing the estrogen and giving me a squared look to my shoulders and chest. Test E 1200mg EQ 1000mg NPP 600mg I used to be a Test/Tren/oral abuser until trying NPP and it’s been a game changer. Trying to put on some clean size with Can I pin Test E and NPP and primo in the same injection? nsfw r/PEDs • Posted by u/jackboxer123. Primo with test and npp will keep your dick working and keep e2 nicely in range. The best thing about primo is HOW YOU LOOK ON IT. For my 3rd cycle im planning either 500/300 test/NPP or 500/400 test primo. Test at 1200 Primo at 800-1000 NPP or Test at 6/700 Trying to win a pro card next year so I’m definitely pushing the dosages. Dec 22, 2021 · 600mg Test C 500mg Primo E But now i’m thinking of adding a small dose of NPP for joint relief, I been out of commission from the gym since early September due to hand injure that occurred 5 weeks into my 700 Test C during the spring. 300mg Test C every 10 days (it works for me) 200mg Test P per week, 200-300mg NPP per week. Pros: I got huge, full, vascular, insane hunger first few weeks, and insanely horny. Jun 27, 2017 · This will be my first cycle in over a year due to some injuries. Joined Apr 29, 2021 Messages 67 Reaction score 20 Points 8. People often tailor their Primo Test cycle for their fitness goals. Primo/Test E/Npp Cycle . 500 test 600 primo 500 npp or 500 test 500 mast 500 npp. 5 weeks in and love it so far. and of course i have ran test. Literally 3 of 4 times I bought "primo", it wasn't And 2 of those fakes were from pretty popular UGLs. Nov 22, 2020 · I ran test C with NPP (pinned it EOD as well, in the same syringe as the NPP) and I actually had my best cycle with test ever (only 3 test cycles before this to be fair). Last cycle was 1 year ago. Results : Strength Gains : I saw significant improvement in my workouts, notably a 10lb increase in the incline chest press. Test NPP primo is my favorite bulking stack by far. Mar 29, 2017 · I know it looks odd having the Primo 1-15 1/2 & the test 1-16, but that works out to exactly 11 vials of Primo, & I didn't see the point in buying another vial for one additional injection. Not a high dose for most but im pretty sensitive to all 19-nors. Get your caloric intake dialed in and you’ll physique/strength will transform! Something intermediate like…. The main draw backs I could see with DHB is the volume of oil and it seems to be pretty hard to brew and make it painless. Than again it may have been a bit of EQ or NPP in that 800 depending on test results. . Hey just looking for some advice on this cycle im thinking of doing. It’s a very high quality drug if done in a high enough quantity and 300mg ain’t gonna be enough should be more like 500-700mg. 4 NPP daily I’ve run this blast before with excellent results and health markers were good Mar 8, 2023 · Option 1: Test/Primo/NPP Test 250 Primo 300 NPP 150 Option 2: Test/Primo Test 300 mg Primo 450mg . I was going to run Mast in Primo’s place I ran it for a few months. 5mg EOD. I'm planning on running 500iu's of HCG every 5 days for the entire cycle, even through my 4 weeks of PCT. Planning my next cycle out foe the fall and wondering what you guys think. I hit a peak of 227lb last bulk before shredding down to 187lb stage weight, hoping to hit about the same weight but leaner with this bulk. Low dose primo has never had an effect on my bloodwork and keeps my E2 in check at the slightly higher test dosage. But to answer ur question, the first time I incorporated NPP the cycle was Weeks 1-6 700 Test E 500 EQ Weeks 7-12 700 Test E 400 NPP Weeks 13-18 700 Test E 350 Tren E This cycle isnt a beginner cycle, obviously. Primo is probably the best option IF you can be 100% sure you're getting Primobolan. Overall less test like 250 will mitigate side n bloat and the primo will take care of estrogen sides. Primo at this dose was subtle. I'll be doing a 8 week cycle. But in reality you’ll lose 20-25 lbs from it because of the water weight. I am looking for lean mass gains and test E 625mg/wk primo 500mg/wk 250mg NPP/wk 30mg tbol/day so far, so good. Lower does since I have just been on TRT dose for a while now. Beyond a gram of test I'll use ai. Sep 7, 2012 · has any one ran npp and primo together with a test base? if so what was your results like? Sep 19, 2023 · 750 test & 400-600 NPP would work really well. This is going to sound silly to some; probably a bit more sensible to the older folks who’ve been around for a while. 350mg/wk of NPP and 50mg/ed of winny for 6wks. so my question is should I just do a test tren cycle for my next round or is there a benifiet to doing test p tren a npp also if my doseage was 60 Oct 26, 2023 · So I decided on NPP 200mg primo 350 mg and test e 300mg. Don't run primo anything over 350. I ran it for 12 weeks at 300 mg/week along with 100-200 mg/week of test. Mar 25, 2014 · I'm planning on running 600mg of Test P. Will consider. Npp generally should be pinned 3 times a week Test c/e every 3 ish days normally I do like Wednesday and Sunday Apr 29, 2021 · Test, NPP, and Primo cycle . 500 test, 350 primo, 150 npp. Reactions: romo , cmryan and TheOtherOne55 200/100 test/primo and it’s not even close. The primo will add more mass. Also, I think it is a good safeguard to run P5P (a multivitamin you can find on amazon) along side NPP/Deca. Mar 17, 2024 · Regimen: Test E at 400mg/week, Primo E at 500mg/week, and NPP at 300mg/week, all pinned EOD. 600mg Test C 500mg Primo E But now i’m thinking of adding a small dose of NPP for joint relief, I been out of commission from the gym since early September due to hand injure that occurred 5 weeks into my 700 Test C during the spring. Ended up being low dose long estered blends of test e/c, mast, and even NPP, instead of primo. With primo I first ran it 125 test + 125 primo. Thread Need advice for Third Cycle (TEST AND PRIMO) Snake_87; Oct 29, 2024; Steroid Forum; Replies 10 Views 470. Starting to see the Primo shine and the NPP/test has made training feel great. But I noticed good gains during the weeks with NPP. I’ve run 400 test with 200 deca and 125 EQ with some good success. I'm planning on doing as follows-Weeks 1 - 4: 75mg Anadrol ED; Letro 1mg EOD-Weeks 1- 12: 500mg NPP; 600mg Test PP; Pinning every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; Letro . I am very satisfied with the results. Thread starter sickkuntJ; Start date Sep 2, 2024; sickkuntJ. Npp at the beginning of the cycle as a Kickstart until the test and eq work their magic? Swap the eq for primo even. Been running just a healthy dose of Test lately, but probably will be adding in the NPP/Tren in December. I'll do bloods at week 4 for an update and will post here regularly. Test and NPP if price is a deciding factor Or Test, primo, and anadrol towards the end. Seems to really help offset the nandrolones mental impact. I plan on doing Anadrol for a kickstart, while using NPP and Test for the whole cycle. 1 month ago Nov 16, 2022 · Hi everyone, Is it better to have higher dosage stack of Test and NPP or lower dosage stack of Test, NPP and Primo when trying to gain mass? I’m about to hop on another 16-20 week cycle. Apr 29, 2015 · I have ran Primo once and it gave me a nice polished look, i just got done running Npp and i love the fullness it gave me. Diet is king tho. Will also be adding in GH for the first time. My goal is to put on some major size the first month, and gaining and hardening muscle the following weeks. 34ml if 250mg/ml I think it would be pretty crazy if you did Test, Primo, and NPP for the first 6 weeks, then Test, Mast, and Dianabol, and then for your final 6-8 weeks, you could literally run Trestolone Acetate 50mg EOD which can be run as a cycle by itself because of it's big estrogen conversion. Going to run a 16 week test primo cycle with a 12 week cycle of npp included in that. It really depends on what your goals are but if it were me, I'd wait til the test and primo saturate before adjusting the npp. Kicking myself buying the blends now after reading this blog! I'd skip the superdroldo 250 test, 250 npp, 250 primo and run it for 16-20 weeks. Even 75mg EoD is a big boost on top of 500 Prop. I am trying to decide on dosages that will give me good size gains but keeping me dry as well. You may also want to stage it in since the elimination half life is about half of the Oct 3, 2024 · I like Primo, but my best gains come from Test/NPP/Tren. Primo 300 mgs per week and npp 250mgs per week. Mar 26, 2020 · 100 TEST 200 TREN 400 NPP 400 PRIMO" I was like "WTF kinda cruise, Oh, I'm a dumbass". I think the combo of all three would be a great summer stack for staying hard and full. I want to add primo so I dropped the npp a bit and will be switching tbol 50 for anavar 50, workout days only (4x per week). Dose, duration, other compounds used. Some find that 2:1 is good. Weeks 5-12; 50mg/day winstrol, 400mg/week test, 300mg/week NPP. 4 week Dbol kickstarter. So Dbol has been clinically proven to work lol. 5mg Aroamsin EOD Sep 19, 2023 · 400/400/300 Test/Primo/NPP and possibly titrate up depending on results. Felt great and strong. 5'10 195lb about 8-9% bf at the moment. Just finished 15 weeks of Test E/NPP at 500/525 mg/week. Starting my 2nd cycle soon, I think I’ve decided on amounts and ratios. Estrogen started rising higher than normal when I had it at 400 but at 200 I had zero issues. Cutting vs. Bulking with Primobolan. I started the NPP ED, but switched to EOD after 4 weeks and didn’t really see any difference. You may never be able to PCT. 5 Test, 0. Gains had stopped at 12 weeks of test only, adding the 200npp allowed me to not only drop my ai to about . Oct 3, 2024 · I love primo but it’s not going to put on size like NPP. I settled on that cycle based on discussions in other forums about alternatives to Tren for a holy trinity. Dec 31, 2024 · Hey, im a former mens physique pro. I will be running the NPP at 350mgs a week and I have a total of four bottles of the standard 10cc at 100mgs. My stats are 23yo, 6'0", 175lb and around 10%bf. Save Share Just finished my 1st test tren cycle. That high of a test ratio compared to your deca will fuck you up mentally, have fun! May 19, 2018 · 200mg/wk of Test E + 175mg/wk of Test P = 375mg/wk of Test. trying to set something up. 5D, and NPP EOD. Check out a few of my Primobolan stack suggestions below. So run a smaller amount, stay on it all summer and look great/feel great. Maybe go with NPP since it’ll get out of your system faster if you don’t respond well. I’m currently running those three - at higher levels - 800 test, 600 NPP, 600 primo. This is what i was thinking : 50mg test Prop or Tpa EOD 100mg Primo EOD 100mg NPP EOD 12. It helps achieve goals and boosts performance. 1 month ago what sort of gains can you except from test/npp/primo nsfw r/PEDs • Posted by u/jackboxer123. Doing a mini cut before cycle. And lets say hairloss was zero Dec 5, 2019 · Test E- 600mg week Primo E- 400mg a week Mast E- 400mg a week Just looking for quality gains, slow and steady is fine. 1g Test 700mg NPP 500-600mg Tren Cage Run test 200/primo 200 a week eat clean and take 30 mg var preworkout if you want. This all sounds good until you hear about the crazy obsessive thoughts and jealousy, mental sides people experience on it. Starting a 12 week cycle. For a cutting cycle, Primobolan helps with fat loss and keeps muscle mass. I was recommended 2 cycles by someone to consider. -SAFEST 2nd option: test npp masteron: 400 200- 400 - MOST OPTIMAL for gainz 3rd option: 500 test 500 mast: My fav, good results, feeling awesome energetic Aug 24, 2018 · For a long time I have just been to damn trigger shy to run Deca. Make sure bloods are clean 100% before adding in primo. On Monday I pin 200mg of text c with 100mg of NPP and on Wednesdays and Friday’s I pin 100mg of each. First 12 in a 500 cal surplus then last 8 drop the npp drop cals to maintenance or -200 deficit and drop excess water and a little fat. Goes opposite ways too. The ratio btw test and primo also depends on your bf levels, since the more fat you have, you are gonna aromatise more of the test into estradiol, hence you would need more of primo and less test. Currently pinning Sustanon 100mg-eod Npp 100mg tue, thur, Sunday Primo 200mg tue and Sunday. I am going to do Test C, NPP, and Primo. I have finally decided to half the difference and run NPP instead of Deca. I have numerous cycles under my belt and tren is one of my favorites. Ran test/npp/primo at 300/300/600 for 14 weeks. IMO just not a fan of NPP just a shit version of tren hence I say get rid of it and up the primo You could use more primo (up to 500 depending on how much you aromatize) and NPP or MENT instead of Deca (NPP because nobody uses deca anymore and MENT because that's the hottest cycle of the post-covid era). They ALL ran Dbol, NPP, Primo and test. Mar 1, 2024 · Its ultimately your decision but i would advice you to just go 1 to 1 test and primo, being 250mg test 250mg primo. Gonna do this exact cycle but Npp instead of deca for my next run - I’m doing 800 test and 525 primo now and love how the primo feels and no bad sides for me - really keeps e2 in check also . Thinking about “cruising” (I know it’s not a cruise in the definitive sense of the word) on my TRT Test dose alongside 200mg Primo per week. BP got high but no other sides. Dbol works you’ll gain size from it. Nov 6, 2024. Aiming for about 14 weeks on cycle. Seriously though, blast looks pretty cool. Been cruising for 3 months on 150mg E. Save Primo when you can run a decent amount for 16+ weeks with some test. Save the primo and var for a cut next year and blast for mass with the npp and test. Dec 10, 2022 · I’ve done double dose Test to Deca, 400/200, (with 400mg Primo) and noticed that sides was greater than when I do 250/250 of Test/Deca (with 400mg Primo). I'm older and not looking for big gains; just to feel good and get a little boost in the gym. Don't use NPP if you aren't gonna cruise on test-solo for at least a year. I sub the proviron from weeks 1-4 for Primo the remainder of cycle, hoping the Primo helps combat the sides of NPP while still adding some anabolic benefits. It’s not a beginner’s blast. E2 seemed pretty normal. Sep 19, 2024 · Primo Test Cycle for Different Goals. My blood work at the end of the cycle: [Album] Sports Performance Blood Test 2 days ago · Primo is most suited for recomp and cutting, although it has its place in lean bulk cycles, as I previously mentioned. Add in primo based on e2 levels and start conservative. 5 adex a week and pack on 6lbs of fairly lean tissue in the final 6 weeks. Reduced test from 600 to 400 and added 200 npp for the final 6 weeks of a 18 week cycle. Buy a primo test kit off Amazon for $30. Vigorous steve recommends getting bloods done the next day after test primo administration. And I’m hesitant to give you a ratio because some people can tolerate 1:1 test/primo or even more, and other can only tolerate 2:1 test/primo without nuking their e2. Also going to run 12. The most was 3, test, mast, and EQ. Only issues shedding on primo (stopped cycle due to this) n some minor deca dick at the end. Pin the prop ED - that's 71mg a day if it's just 100mg/mL. Otherwise test 500 primo 600 and eq 600 would be the target. Primobolan (Primo/Met[h]enolone) . E2 creeped up a bit. Which I get anyway. Sep 23, 2017 · I've done Sustanon, Test, Tren, GH, Winstrol, Clen, primo, Anadrol, Deca, NPP, proviron, EQ. Primo E, Mast E, EQ, NPP, and Var. Been working out 25 years. My plan is to run the cycle with these dosages and period: 750mg/w test- week 1-14 600mg/w EQ- week 1-12 400mg/w primo- week 1-14 50mg/EOD Ment- week 1-10 250iu/EOD hCG- week 1-17 25mg enclo- week 18-26 Now i know that both EQ and primo will work as AI’s and thats why i decided to add the ment to the cycle, and keep the test ratio 1. Better off with just test and NPP , I run primo as high as 700mgs and it’s good for dry gains but NPP at the same dose would do way more, just gives me too many sides or else it would be test and NPP rather than test and primo. Not sure about mast i ran primo last time 400-400 1:1 with test with some anavar First time hopping on 19nors I got masteron enanthat i plan on pinning 150 mast 250test on monday and friday And npp eod 75mgs May 25, 2021 · I’m a B&Cer for life getting older and only run mild cycles (400/400 Test/NPP prob my favorite) from time to time. Lean hard mass gains is the goal. Or many 2:1:1 ratio 500 test 250 npp 250 primo NPP 300mg @ 3x per week Primo 400mg @ 3x per week. If it were me personally I would run test primo and EQ (I'm actually doing that this summer during a cut) Some people will have some water retention on Deca or NPP if things aren't controlled correctly and it will not make primo shine as well for its aesthetic qualities Fuck the primo unless your cutting or already at a lower bf, up that test to 350-500 between that range and bump up the npp. Aug 21, 2017 · Test E/NPP/Anavar Cycle advice. Jan 28, 2014 · I have bought 2 vials of a Test E/NPP blend which equals 200mg Test E/150mg NPP per ml. Primo is not mild every anabolic builds tissue at the same rate, it's the total mg of anabolics that counts. zmae hpd jim eqocs cmnb qkak jkeztl ivbws wtor penp