Ngu idle wiki fibonacci perk Your first priority is to max those out, followed by the Evil NGU perks in the ratio of 2:2:1 for power:cap:NGU. PPP: Perk Point Progress: Measures small fractions of progress towards a Perk Point. 423 there are 153 achievements, giving a maximum of 5825 BPs (+58. It was formerly named The Aethereal Sea Part 1 but apparently an intended Part 2 got cancelled with the "Story's End" release (Build 1. A challenge becomes visible once it is unlocked and its description can be seen when hovering over its button. FoAP: Gen Perks / Quirks / Wishes: Generic Perks/Quirks/Wishes: Perks, Quriks and Wishes that gives a new multiplier for energy/magic/resource 3 cap/power/bar. To access the "Achievements" pages, click on the "Info 'n Stuff" button at the bottom left of the game page. Purchasing up to level 144 of the Fibonacci Perk enables to gain a 5% chance that any item dropped as loot gains +1 level. Values are the max value that can Get both NGU E/M NGU to softcap, then NGU PP and Ygg/EXP for 2-3 hours; 04:00-21:00: Farm Meta with full NGU gear, focus Adventure a + Adventure b; 21:00-24:00: Softcap NGU PP and split Magic into NGU Ygg/EXP Evil Adv NGUs have been milked dry, prepare to farm the ITOPOD; Day 2+ onwards: Defeat Boss 166 to unlock T8; Complete the T8 Unlock Puzzle There is an official Discord server for NGU as shown in the Info 'n Stuff tab on the game, where 4G, the game developer, lurks. Permanent bonuses from fruits. "they're not cheating, they just paid" I did the math, and the amount of money it would cost to max that perk, using the best deal, but excluding any packs, is $99,812. Perks/Quirks/Wishes: You should be done with all available Adventure-boosting Quirks, Wishes, and maybe Perks. There are two final titans after T12v4, each with only one version: T13: TIPPI THE TUTORIAL MOUSE Unlocks at Boss 295 in Sad ; T14: THE NGU IDLE. D when they are defeated. But in general cap and power for both magic and energy are first. 3 × B a s e V a l u e {\\displaystyle Level^{1. r/runescape. Pressing F will reclaim all allocated At the bottom of the rebirth screen, there is a choice of Normal, Evil difficulty or Sadistic. Around boss 17 or so, you AP - Arbitrary Points - The premium currency of NGU Idle, used in the Sellout Shop; AT - Advanced Training - A feature unlocked after all Basic Trainings have been unlocked in the current rebirth, allowing energy to be used for boosting certain features Fib - Fibonacci Perk - An ITOPOD perk, which grants bonuses on levels corresponding to I focused on Yggdrasil, taking Crappy Perk, the Seed perks, and First Harvest right after the newbie perks, and I don't regret it. ) 30 3 Normal Bonus Boss EXP! +2% EXP from bosses 24 and on. Welcome to Sadistic difficulty (Perk 144, 500k PP) QP Tier (Perk 167, 800k PP) Card Recycling: Card Spawn (Perk 216, 3M PP) Adv Tier (Perk 172, 3M PP) Quirks. Toggle the Defense boosts [edit]. - NGU: Everything - Yggdrasil: Seeds and max levels. By paying one-off gold fees, you can unlock and level up Diggers. The player has a natural attack and defense of 100, with trainings giving a bonus equal to L e v e l 1. THE END now exists. Only one MacGuffin Fragments are unlocked after defeating WALDERP's final form for the first time. ⭐ Binance NGU Idle Wiki. AT levels from the Instant Advanced Training Levels! perk do not count towards the total, and neither do AT/TM/temp Beard levels banked during the challenge. Note: PP gain is higher in Evil, so it is not necessary to remain in After that, crappy perk, titan EXP perk (1 level) and I want your seeds. MacGuffin Fragments are unlocked after defeating WALDERP's final form for the first time. Drop chance works like this: each drop has a specific chance to drop (on top of requiring you to kill something that drops it of course). As of build 0. The Newbie Stat Perk grants a 100% multiplier to your This is not an exhaustive list, for a more “official” list, see the NGU Idle Trello Board. Basic Training [edit]. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews 100 item would give 51 to the quest (essentially completing the quest unless you didn't reduce quests to 50 with the fibonacci perk). Name: Skeleton Guardian 30M Power and Toughness 3B Health 3M Health Regen per Latest build history can be found here . Each item's flavor text is also "THE END", except for the last one, which says "THE END BEGINS HERE. Manually complete the first three Major quests by accepting a quest, going to the zone, obtaining the necessary amount of quest items, and submitting the quest for QP Pretty Pink Princess Land is the 24th location in Adventure Mode. 2 Perk Points at floor 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190; etc. A Giant Seed Consuming A Giant Seed will always award Once unlocked, the Infinity Cube appears in the Inventory Tab, right next to the weapon slot. Any help is appreciated, thanks! Item Daycare is a feature that allows you to level up items without merging them, by having the Daycare Kitty "shine happiness and sunshine all over them. Equipment [edit]. Third, start spending your EXP Fib - Fibonacci Perk - An ITOPOD perk, which grants bonuses on levels corresponding to numbers in the Fibonacci sequence FoA - Fruit of Adventure FoAP - Fruit of Arbitrariness NGU Idle Wiki. Second, you should focus on spending both PP and QP on adventure status as much as possible (but get Fib 34 first). For example, let's say that the helm you want has a 30% chance of dropping from a boss in a specific area. Every 1,000,000 Perk Point progress (PPP) earns 1 Perk Point. 0 hours when put in the Daycare (base rate) EYYY, I'M CONSTUCTIONING HERE! Construction Zone is the 41st location in Adventure Mode. Of course I can right-click and spend all points to get final level, but I didn't want to do that. Some accessories carry a drop chance bonus. Boosts are items that enable to empower your equipment and accessories to their best potential and increase your adventure stats. Chapter 4: T6 On this page. When you CTRL+ Left Click on it through Inventory you unlock Beast Mode skill for Adventure Mode. 4G's Sellout Shop, named after the game's creator 4G, is where Arbitrary Points (AP) and Kongregate's currency can be spent. I. Fandom Muthead Fanatical Follow Us. There are multiple ways to boost your attack. SPOILER ALERT: Hidden names revealed here! NGU: As high as possible (FYI my normal ngu's arent even near hardcap, highest was around 600m+ levels) BEARd: Permanent ~3000%. With over a year’s worth of content, NGU Idle is the top Idle game on Kongregate. Beginning. You can have up to 10 stat boost for rich perks 2 Adventure boost for rich perks Improved macguffin drops 1 Macguffin slot 1 improved macguffin itopod drops 1 Blood macguffin spell fibonacci perk inventory merge slot Out of these i just couldn't decide which would help me the most as I get nearer to evil difficulty. Quirk takes 7 types of Baby's First Quirk, GOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLD!, and The Beast's Seed ;). Various gear can be equipped before eating the dish to increase the Total Cooking Bonuses. 25% AP gain). Toggle Resource 3 upgrades subsection. More posts you may like r/runescape. Details included in Awakening The Beast (WARNING: SPOILERS). 1 4G's Sellout Shop. Contributions; Talk; Iron Pill yields +5x more stats per level of this perk, up to 26x at level 5! 500 5 Evil "Iron Pill Still Sucks 1/5" Iron Pill yields +1x more stats per level of this perk Gold is a resource earned by killing enemies. File:BeardsOfPower. At the beginning of the game, the tick rate really only applies to Basic Training leveling and Energy/Magic Speed. This cap will increase by 1 Energy every 20 Energy you get, at every rebirth. 5% of your levels gained in your Time Machine when you rebirth, saving it for the next rebirth! NGU Idle Attack boosts []. There is another guide in the wiki (Truth) which is overall These mods are written for bepinex v5. Banked levels are lost when changing the difficulty level or starting a challenge. Normal enemy: Gold 880,000-1,100,000 Boost 100 (0. This guide is a work in progress. There are several different kitty art portraits that can be cycled through by clicking on the kitty in the Daycare screen. Perks: All of first 3 rows (except Rich Perks 1, 5 o'clock shadow, and Bonus Boss EXP), as well as First Harvest, Fibonacci 1, Adv Training banks 1-3 and Temp Beard banks 1-3 completed. NGU IDLE > General Discussions > Topic Details. Without any Energy Power can be translated into how effective your allocated Energy is. 4. 82% at boss 59, and increasing by 0. Explore properties. (Bugged, AK while the game is open does not decrease the count so it will benefit all the online AKs. Hacks [edit] Advanced Training is a feature that is unlocked once both Ultimate Attack and Ultimate Buff are unlocked in the Basic Training menu. Once started, there will be a "Quit challenge" button in case you wish to give up. e. 1,000,000 PPP = 1 PP. For following items your base chance is d r o p c h a n c e This guide is a work in progress. You can earn APs in the following ways: Arbitrary points gained from all sources, except for ITOPOD kills and Special Prize, can be increased by: Completing achievements (max 58. With the Double Basic Training perk, you gain two levels per bar fill. Is anyone willing to beat him for me up to and including the 3 times the final form, so I Daycare Slots [edit]. At the beginning of the game, you can equip: 1 Weapon; 1 Head piece; 1 Chest piece; 1 Legs piece; 1 Boots piece; 2 Accessories. 20 25 Normal Fibonacci Perk level 987 +5% Bonus EXP gain. 371, released during April Fools, Flubber, a joke item, was actually introduced into the game, as well as the ascended version of Looty McLootFace, Sir LootyMcLootington III, Esquire. It can be accessed by clicking the big green button at the bottom of the "Features" menu. The other spells will become avaliable as your gold production increases, enabling to boost GPS, File:198 - Energy Power MacGuffin Fragment. You should get 3 levels Fibonacci perks one you get 10 levels in power Energy is the first basic resource you get in the game. " This feature is useful for items that are difficult to level-up normally, like the Hearts which can only be purchased, or items that are time consuming to level-up such as the Infamous Forest Pendants . Additionally, the 2D (set) bonus gives a permanent multiplicative 7. Download the x64 version and extract the contents of the zip file: to NGU Idle's game folder \Steam\steamapps\common\NGU IDLE:. The proper way to interpret this I suggest you maxing the energy power, magic power, energy bars, magic bars, energy cap and magic cap perks. 0 hours when put in the Daycare (base rate): Stats: Power: Base value: 22,000,000: Max stat at lvl 0: 22,000,000: Max stat at max lvl: Added in Build 1. Yggdrasil, The World Tree is a feature that is unlocked by using A Giant Seed, which is a guaranteed drop from Grand Corrupted Tree. * a really weird story if you’re into that. Each time a new training is unlocked, it simultaneously unlocks a new skill in the Adventure tab. 4 Wishes. The initial soft cap is 100,000 Energy, and when you reach it, it'll stop increasing. Beards of Power is a feature that is unlocked by using UUG's Armpit Hair, which is a guaranteed drop from UUG, The Unmentionable. Seeds, fruit unlocks, and tier upgrades persist through rebirth. Simply put, this is a means to start your game over (not a hard reset; don't worry) with a multiplier (termed "NUMBER") that allows you to progress further into the game faster and earn more EXP which can be used to buy permanent upgrades! Overall, this means unlocking more content, The perks I have available are: beard temp level bank 4 and 5. 1% base chance, up to 20% max) Badly Drawn (set) - 0. Once unlocked, they can be fought any time so long as they are not in cooldown (aka "respawn" time). [] There are some I. Without it, you cannot mitigate the damage you receive from boss fights. It uses magic and gold for rituals to produce blood, which can then be used to cast magic spells. 25% in build 0. ), which is a cat looping in itself. 41% every boss after, The Beast is the 6th Titan, unlocked by defeating Chocolate Salty Balls (boss 132). To unlock the Infinity Cube, the player must max out the 4G's Merge In adventure mode we can choose skills to fight monsters/Boss & Titans. so they most likely did cheat. Note: This trick, which is also the 148th achievement, is mentioned as a "secret between you and me" in the How to Play "Rebirthing" Perk points are awarded the first time you reach every 10th floor, increasing by 1 every 100 floors 1 Perk Point at floor 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90. Daily Spin available from Money Pit, and ITOPOD from Adventure Mode SADISTIC difficulty is unlocked upon satisfying all of the following requirements: Reach Boss 301 aka beat boss 300 on Evil difficulty The Exile v4 beaten Once unlocked, there is a choice of rebirthing into normal, evil, or SADISTIC difficulty. perks that can be bought with PP to boost your defense. Some useful tools NGU idle starter guide TBlazeWarriorT's NGU Junkyard v1. Hacks are a feature that is unlocked by using the Incriminating Evidence, which is a guaranteed drop from Greasy Nerd. Fibonacci / Fibo / Fib: The Fibonacci Perk: An I. You can sprinkle in some golden showers, energy ngu speed and boosted boosts if you want, but the focus is really on seed stuff because fruits eventually become your major source of many things. Cinematic Mode; Instructions; Favorite ! > close NGU IDLE * 4. Note: PP gain is higher in Evil, so it is not necessary to remain in Normal solely to get perks. :) If you'd like to try out your own way, do so! This note is just an indication of a There are several upgrades that improve different aspects of Experience: Bonus Titan EXP! +50% EXP from Titans. Zone farming - If you're strong enough to Titans are boss enemies in Adventure Mode that are tougher and have their own adventure zone. To get a wish you must allocate some of all 3 resources to it. This guide is going to help you get your bearings, and to noticesome things that can easily be missed. . This guide was created by collecting and organizing strategies discussed in the NGU Idle Discord . Get bars when its cheap and you have beards unlocked. If there are no signs of this wiki being used within the next 15 days, this wiki will be closed in accordance to the Dormancy Policy (which all wiki The Item List is accessed from the Inventory. 116,500 1 Normal Fibonacci Perk level 610 All quests are for 50 items, no more RNG of 50-59 items. When leveled to 100, your power stat will increase by 50% instead of 40%. It is unlocked by beating boss #269 on SADISTIC difficulty. Reply reply Top 11% Rank by size . NGU PP is still unaffordable, and I haven't quite unlocked the PP Digger yet. 481 - Get to know everything! The Junkyard also includes: OS Calculator, Shavings Calculator, Drops Calculator, Items Comparator, DR Checks, Boost Calculator, a Drop List, Yggdrasil Fruit and Upgrade Calculators, ITOPOD Calculator, EXP Calculator, Ratio Calculator, Perk organizer NGU Idle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. All growing or grown fruits will be lost upon rebirth, so one should always eat or harvest them before rebirthing. 43% bonus to drop chance. Enemies respawn at a rate of four seconds each. 1% base chance, up to 20% max) Boost 200 (0. 1 1. it's really helpfull. Last Modified: 2024-11-05 06:08:32. View Mobile Site Arbitrary Points (AP) is the resource necessary to buy items in the 4G's Sellout Shop. Completing achievements (max 58. to be spent in Perks. Questing; Yggdrasil; EXP Spending; NGU Priority; Perk Order; Items to Keep; Adventure Zones; Evil Prep; Ygg go brr. This guide is outdated in some ways. There are three types of boosts: Power which is orange and also adds to Max Health Toughness which is blue and also adds to Health Regen From NGU Idle Wiki Item Daycare is a feature that allows you to level up items without merging them, by having the Daycare Kitty "shine happiness and sunshine all over them. Overview. stat boost for rich perks 2 and 3 adventure boost for rich perks 1 and 2 improved macguffin drops macguffin slots macguffin itopod drops EM 3 and faster ngu 3 iron pill sucks not so minor better qp advanced idle questing spawn faster fibonacci (not started) Id: 275 Type: Accessory Set: None Item Drop Level / Drop Zone(s): lvl 4 from Titan The Godmother (Hard+): Daycare: The Godmother's Wand will gain one level every 48. View Mobile Site Follow on IG Drop chance increases your chance to receive drops from Adventure Mode. You can allocate Resource 3 (R3) to any of the available 15 hacks which will level up and permanently boost other stats in your game. It is unlocked by beating boss #82 Mysterious Figure. Search. R; R3 / Res3: Resource 3 ITOPOD perks are extremely important, especially the ones that increase energy and magic power/cap. 3 Quirks. If there are no signs of this wiki being used within the next 15 days, this wiki will be closed in accordance to the Dormancy Policy (which all wiki Basic Training is a feature that is unlocked by default. Infinity Cube [edit]. Added in Build 1. In Evil difficulty, various features level slower and it is more difficult to climb bosses. Drop chance only serves to boost that chance. 305,000 1 Normal NGU Idle Wiki. If there are no signs of this wiki being used within the next 15 days, this wiki will be closed in accordance to the Dormancy Policy (which all wiki founders accept when File:Wandoos. ; ↑ 1/1 Laser sword = 1 "Laser Sword" and 1 "Quadruple Sided Laser". " This feature is useful for items that are difficult to level-up normally, like the Hearts which can only be purchased, or items that are time consuming to level-up such as the Infamous Forest Pendants. "MERRY HOLIDAY-MAS-UKKAH-WANZAA" Added a festive new theme for the (insert holiday of choice) season! Go burn your retinas off staring at the new candy cane look! Added some special challenge completion rewards for Evil challenges! Evil Blind challenges now awards +2% Daycare Speed per completion in Evil. This will pit you against a mob. Added 2 final Titans. A rebirth that changes the difficulty is similar to starting a challenge - number and all last rebirth number factors are reset to 1 and banked Fibonacci 34 is a great perk to start with. Wishes take a minimum time of 4 hours. Wishes are a feature that is unlocked by using A Severed Unicorn's Head, which is a guaranteed drop from The Godmother. Loadouts [ edit ] Loadouts enable to create pre-sets of equipment for quick switching. It is a crappy operating system designed by macaroonsoft that can be used to multiply Attack and Defense by dumping energy and magic into it. This modifier affects every feature except for Basic Training and Wandoos (and only the square root of this modifier Greasy Nerd is the 7th Titan, unlocked after defeating Boss 125 on Evil difficulty and completing an unlock quest. Like adventure equipment, the infinity cube gives you adventure stats which can be leveled-up with boosts. Feel free to add to it or modify at any time Did you clear Evil and you are stuck on where to go next? This guide will share some proven tips to navigate through Sadistic all the way to the end. The Greasy Nerd, especially in his 'Normal' portrait, has a resemblance to Freaks and Geeks actor, Jerry Messing ('Fedora Guy'), from a 2013 photograph of him tipping the brim of a fedora. Things are changing a lot every update as Sadistic is a fairly new part of the game Note: If you The Daycare Kitty babysits your items, shining happiness and sunshine all over them to give free levels over time. THE END is the shared name of 16 consumables you can gather from late SADISTIC difficulty features. NGU Idle is an adventure-based idle game that is an actively ongoing creation made by Somethingggg (aka 4G) and you can play it on Kongregate, Armor Games, Kartridge, or Steam (PC only)!. If you would like to prevent this wiki from being closed, please start showing signs of activity here. Item levels are base drop levels without challenge or set Defense is as crucial as Attack for Boss Fights . It is the first and main way to get some stats for boss fights. It requires energy. FoA: Fruit of Adventure: A fruit Yggdrasil. You earn (200 + Floor) PPP per dude killed, (700 + There is a rule of thumbs for perks, quirks and wishes that tends to help in most cases which is that when you are not sure what to get, go for energy, magic and resource 3 in I finally have enough PP to buy all Fib level perks. Player Portraits are the images that represent your hero in Boss Fights. PO. 2 While not specified in the description, Advanced Training levels gained during a rebirth also count towards the 100 levels. The final one is level 1597, and the one before that is level 987. I only want to buy up to level 987 because I don't Reduce the speed divider placed on idle Questing by 2! Normally, this divider is 8 100 1 Normal Another Gooder Idle Questing Reduce the speed divider placed on idle Questing by 1! 5000 1 Evil Fibonacci Perk level 233 QP rewards +10%. It is the third basic resource you get to use in the game. In return, new features are unlocked, which can allow more and faster progress. Questing. Loadouts [] Loadouts enable to create pre-sets of equipment for quick switching. What is Attack boosts [edit]. 02 seconds. Nov 24, 2019 @ 6:29am Perk Rebirth Question Yggdrasil, The World Tree is a feature that is unlocked by using A Giant Seed, which is a guaranteed drop from Grand Corrupted Tree. 3 The Breadverse is the 37th location in Adventure Mode. It is unlocked by beating boss #100 Doctor Wahwee on evil difficulty. The Build Drop Chance page lists all accessories with such a bonus. The boss's attack minus your defense is the amount of damage per second you will receive. stat boost for rich perks 2 and 3 adventure boost for rich perks 1 and 2 improved macguffin drops macguffin slots macguffin itopod drops EM 3 and faster ngu 3 iron pill sucks not so minor better qp advanced idle questing spawn faster fibonacci (not started) Achievements are milestone actions you can perform for Bonus Points (BP). Playing the game, you can earn extra slots for Challenges can be accessed through the Rebirth page. "The Lore Update" Added lore for Perks: All of first 3 rows (except Rich Perks 1, 5 o'clock shadow, and Bonus Boss EXP), as well as First Harvest, Fibonacci 1, Adv Training banks 1-3 and Temp Beard banks 1-3 completed. The time it takes to level Below you will find a list of the Build History and Associated Patch Notes for each build "Story's End" Added Boss Portraits for Bosses 270-300 Added Lore for Bosses 290-300. You generate Energy every time the green bar at the top left fills up and until it reaches its cap, which at the start of the game is 500. There are two final titans after T12v4, each with only one version: There is a good pastebin with general pre-evil advise for pp. Due to the formula used, it is recommended to allocate as little as possible, while you have other things to do. Q; QP: Quirk Points: Points earned in Quests to be spent in Perks. Recommended stats: Item levels are base drop levels without challenge or set rewards. The perks I have available are: beard temp level bank 4 and 5. ITOPOD farming - Since most of your time in ITOPOD is spent at your optimal (one-hit-per-kill) floor, turning on Beast Mode raises that floor (by about 8 floors) so you get a little extra PP and possibly XP if you're near a new ITOPOD tier. Wandoos is a feature that is unlocked by using A busted copy of Wandoos 98, which can be dropped by bosses in The Sky or the first two Titans. followed by the Evil NGU perks in the ratio of 2:2:1 for power:cap:NGU. This page lists combinations of pieces of equipment aimed at maximizing each stat/special. There are level milestones which give a small bonus and stack multiplicatively Faster NGU Energy III Faster NGU Magic III Generic Energy Bar Perk III Even More Gooder Idle Questing The Fibonacci Perk. write-to-me. Recommended Stats to Defeat Titan: Titan Skills:Every 10th attack, beginning with the 3rd, The Beast will activate a special skill from the following list. Zone farming - If you're strong enough to THE END On this page. Getting your cards and mayo going is how you turbocharge your Sadistic progress. And secure 5 or more beard slots. Create account; Log in; Personal tools. There are currently a total of 6 daycare slots: . It is essentially a mini-game within the game in which a character can progress and acquire equipments that allows for them to get even further into the game. The default color is yellow with a random name such as "Butts" or "Crappier Energy". The First Harvest's The Best, The Fibonacci Take the 1st level of Perk. NGU energy and magic power, quantity (cap) and regeneration speed (bars) require a balance, and this balance can vary depending each player's game play. Added COOKING, the final feature. 67 with every achievement. When should you enter evil? Here are some recommended things you should do first: Get all your normal challenges done (Except for the normal 24hr challenage, and maybe one or two No TM) A fully maxed and greened Choco Set Save up at least 200 PP for the Welcome to Evil Perk and more for Banks Fruit of Knowledge This wiki has had no edits or log actions made within the last 45 days and has been automatically marked as inactive. If there are no signs of this wiki being used within the next 15 days, this wiki will be closed in accordance to the Dormancy Policy (which all wiki founders accept when From NGU Idle Wiki. ; Stat Boost for Rich perks I each level in the perk grants you 10% Defense & Attack with a maximum of 1000 upgrades. After 5 kills on a given difficulty, autokill is unlocked no matter what your stats are. Pushing up to new record-high The Aethereal Sea is the 45th location in Adventure Mode. To unlock the Infinity Cube, the player must max out the 4G's Merge and Boost Tutorial Cube item to level 100. At first, it is not very useful to the player because of the lack of high - Adventure: ITOPOD Max Level, Perks, PP - Inventory: Everything - Blood Magic: Iron Pill bonuses. 3 Resource 3 upgrades. Attack by game Parent article:NGU Idle. It's used for Money Pit, Augmentations, Broken Time Machine, and Blood Magic. 25% * 120%. If you want any help, tips, or answers, feel free to join us on any of these platforms! This wiki has had no edits or log actions made within the last 45 days and has been automatically marked as inactive. 1 Purchase. Finish Generic Energy Power/Cap Perk 1; Titan EXP (just 1 level needed due to bug: perk gives bonus EXP for all online AKs) Doesn’t count down on online AKs, get bonus EXP as long as game is kept up; If you go offline NGU IDLE > General Discussions > Topic Details. g. This Perk Points: Points earned mostly in I. A subreddit Hey NGU idlers! I guess I'm getting old, I'm about to give up on WALDERP, somehow manage to beat him twice, but now I can't progress anymore. If there are no signs of this wiki being used within the next 15 days, this wiki will be closed in accordance to the Dormancy Policy (which all wiki founders NGU, on top of being the name of the game, is also a feature that is unlocked by using A Number, which is a guaranteed drop from Gordon Ramsay Bolton. Unlocking requirements [edit] If possible, have 500k PP saved up for perk 144 (Welcome to Sadistic Difficulty), as well as 120k QP for quirks 70 (Improved Base ITOPOD PPP!), 149 (BIG CHONKER CARDS), and 156 (Card Recycling: Mayo). NGU Idle is a free-to-play idle game full of weird humor, tons of upgrades and hundreds of hours of content! Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. 500 1 Normal Fibonacci Perk level 21 +10% Energy and Magic Bars. 5 79,226 ratings a 2; Incremental; Idle This wiki has had no edits or log actions made within the last 45 days and has been automatically marked as inactive. D. 006% base Adventure mode is a feature that is unlocked by defeating boss 4. Look below for list of skills. I had previously stopped at the one that gives some Adventure Stats Percentage, which is #34 on the Fib levels. Once unlocked, this feature will remain unlocked. 5 Items. The total No, perk levels are more effective and affordable at this point 26 Time Machine Level Bank II Each level in this Quirk saves an additional 0. There are no penalties for quitting except possible time wasted pursuing the challenge. You should get 3 levels Fibonacci perks one you get 10 levels in power/cap. Best completed after defeating boss 58 and prior to starting a Challenge. Before you are able to fight them, they must be first awakened. It is unlocked by beating boss #232 on SADISTIC difficulty. NGU Idle Wiki. Yggdrasil is time-gated more heavily than almost everything else in the game - no matter how strong you get, you can't really speed it up other than by getting whatever bonuses are available as soon as they become available. Player portraits were first implemented with about 43 images, in July 2019 (build . Once satisfied with Grand Corrupted Tree, aka GCT, is the second titan, and is unlocked after beating Sundae (boss 66). This bonus is AMALGAMATE is the 12th Titan, unlocked by defeating boss #248 in SADISTIC difficulty. 260). Hacks do not affect Normal mode. Unlock it by killing Titan 10! Filled in some missing set bonuses for Space and Bread. Feel free to add to it or modify at any time SADISTIC Difficulty [edit] The Perks "Welcome to Sadistic" and the Quirk "Card Recycling: Mayo" provide great value. Fibonacci Perk level 3 +10% Magic Cap. Of course that time is based on the stats with quest-based Fibonacci 34 is a great perk to start with. A Giant Seed Consuming A Giant Seed will always award . Play NGU IDLE, . Basic Training []. Most Player Portraits are unlocked by completing the corresponding equipment set. If consumed again, it will say, "Why. 188,500 1 Normal I finally have enough PP to buy all Fib level perks. 1 Energy Power. Dark mode; Create account; Log in; Pages for logged out editors learn more. Hacks: Level 4200 in Adventure. Recommended Stats to Defeat Titan: Titan Skills: Hack - (starting on the 7th ↑ 1. Improved Base ITOPOD PPP (Quirk 70, 40k QP) BIG CHONKER CARDS (Quirk 149, ~39k QP) Card Recycling: Mayo (Quirk 156, 40k QP) Wish Tier II (Quirk 114, 9k QP) PP Tier (Quirk 110, 20k QP) This page contains a detailed guide on how you can go about awakening The Beast. For following items your base chance is d r o p c h a n c e 100 3 {\\textstyle \\sqrt[3]{\\dfrac{dropchance}{100}}} . Mar 2, 2020 @ 1:52pm Questing What I do is I calculated the expected time it takes to get the 50 quest items (if you didn't get that from the the fibonacci perk you might want to calculate for 55 or 60 instead), The perks I have available are: beard temp level bank 4 and 5. perks that can be bought with PP to boost your attack. Feel free to make edits if something is too confusing or is incorrect. If you want to figure out all the clues by yourself, DON'T READ THIS! First, you have to have beaten Boss 132 (Chocolate Salty Balls) to unlock The Beast titan fight area. 425). There are multiple ways to boost your Defense. Read the WTF’s that are everywhere, and talk to people in the chat rooms (You should knowhowever, that #7 is the best). Please, Sign In to add comment . Category. Normal enemy: Gold 400,000 TIPPI THE TUTORIAL MOUSE is the 13th Titan, unlocked by defeating boss #296 in SADISTIC difficulty. There are level milestones which give a small bonus and stack multiplicatively. Evil difficulty is unlocked upon satisfying all of the following requirements: Reach Boss 301 aka beat boss 300 Attack Boost Rebirthing quickly 3 times in a row, each under 30 minutes long and each defeating boss 37+. 698% (158. Others are unlocked through wishes, seasonal updates, or the "Sexy Player Fashion Pack" available in 4G's Sellout Shop. Basic training is the most direct way of increasing your attack and defense. Note: This is a toggle-able ability which will persist through rebirths. MacGuffins are unique items that provide some permanent bonuses every time the player rebirths, they can be infinitely leveled, meaning you can continue to merge them together Banks are unlockable bonuses, obtained with Perk Points and Quirk Points, that allow you to retain some percentage of your levels in Advanced Training, Beards Of Power (temporary levels), and Broken Time Machine when rebirthing. Id: 172 Type: Consumable Set: Pissed Off Key (set) Item Drop Level / Drop Zone(s): lvl 0 in The Sky: Daycare: Pissed Off Key will gain one level every 24. Most are accessible off the Features menu, but not all. Welcome, welcome, welcome. O. Once unlocked, a "MacGuffin Fragments" button will appear in the inventory, below the Daycare button. - The levels in the Energy Dump and Magic Dump are reset. But it’s up to you to figure some things out on your own. 3. Rebirth will despawn currently living titans and starts a new cooldown timer from the moment of rebirth. It is unlocked by beating boss #116 EVIL Badly Drawn Kitty. NOTE: if using Linux, need to add WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winhttp=n,b" %command% to the game's launch options in steam. Play NGU Idle and get the exciting rush of so many numbers . You may need to allocate a bit on regen for idling IDP; around 9 Quad regen total should be enough. This feature allows you to allocate your energy and magic into 9 different energy and 7 different magic "NGU"s that persist through rebirths. You can join it through this invite link: ☀https://discordapp. The presence of this titan is foreshadowed by numerous rodent encounters throughout the game, but especially the flavour text of boss # 15 in the bestiary: Recommended stats to defeat titan: When Cooking a feature that is unlocked by defeating IT HUNGERS. [edit] There are some I. The shop usually has sales, and the items on sale can have up to 10, 15 or even 20% off! Sales can change anytime, so don't forget to regularly check them out! Badly Drawn World is the 19th location in Adventure Mode. 5 without any achievements and ~$63,072. P. Also when fighting a Important Perks. 21, which can be downloaded here. Upon rebirth, banked Beard levels apply right away, without Rebirthing finishes a run by resetting some progress in return for various unique benefits. Your first AMALGAMATE kill unlocks the 8th and final ingredient slot in Cooking. Currently, there are 47 different zones, each with their own respective bosses, monsters, and loot. K. The final one Orders inside of a tier is a recommendations, but not a strict one at all. Evil Basic This wiki has had no edits or log actions made within the last 45 days and has been automatically marked as inactive. All Discussions What I do is I calculated the expected time it takes to get the 50 quest items (if you didn't get that from the the fibonacci perk you might want to calculate for 55 or 60 instead), set window's alarm's timer to that amount and leave enough empty slots in my inventory for those. 4 See Also. Veny. ) The various features of the game. As suggested in the in-game help, start by getting some energy speed. Perk. The only way to get it higher is by Unlock Fibonacci Kitty(F. Different quantities of ingredients are balanced to maximize Current Meal Efficiency. 2 Use. Advertisement. Poop. Bonus Titan EXP! (ITOPOD Perk 34): Supposed to only give bonus Titan EXP for 3/6/9 kills based on perk level, but online AKs do not reduce the count, so keeping the game open allows for constant bonus EXP on all online AKs "top" 10 is meaningless since perks have increasingly higher costs as you go down the list, but a "first to grab" is possible. It enables you to grow different kinds of beards using the excess energy generated after the resource has capped (aka mostly based on bars), which each give different kinds of temporary bonuses. The Newbie Stat Perk grants a 100% This wiki has had no edits or log actions made within the last 45 days and has been automatically marked as inactive. It allows the player to use energy to improve their Power, Toughness, Block Damage Reduction and Besides, Perk Point income is still very low: in my file, just after the first Walderp kill I had earned a total of 127 PP to date. Clicking the button will start the challenge. Gold Diggers is a feature that is unlocked by using A Scrap of Paper, which is a guaranteed drop from Jake From Accounting. Most players will begin by using the cheapest and essential spell, "Blood NUMBER Boost", to bolster the rebirth multiplier. The Fibonacci Perk is a very special ITOPOD perk: When the level of this perk reaches the next number in the Fibonacci sequence, you get a new secret perk! See more The Fibonacci Perk is a very special ITOPOD perk: When the level of this perk reaches the next number in the Fibonacci sequence, you get a new secret perk! The Fibonacci Perk A very special perk: When the level of this perk reaches the next number in the Fibonacci sequence, you get a new secret perk ! (Until it inevitably gets spoiled on the Fight your way up to higher floors forever, earning Perk Points, Experience, Boosts, and Arbitrary Points along the way. This Resource 3 is unlocked by using the Incriminating Evidence, unlocking alongside Hacks. - Wandoos: Permanent levels from Wandoos upgrades, ITOPOD, Money Pit. The Newbie Stat Perk grants a 100% multiplier to your defense and attack. If a beard slot is active at rebirth, a part of that Adventure mode is a feature that is unlocked by defeating boss 4. PPPL: Pretty Pink Princess Land: An adventure mode zone. +3 kill per level that will benefit from this Perk. com NGU Idle Wiki Yggdrasil, The World Tree is a feature that is unlocked by using A Giant Seed, which is a guaranteed drop from Grand Corrupted Tree. NGU IDLE. This feature allows you to allocate NGU Idle/Strategy. Contributions; Talk; Contents Fibonacci Perk level 2 +10% Energy Cap. stat boost for rich perks 2 and 3 adventure boost for rich perks 1 and 2 improved macguffin drops macguffin slots macguffin itopod drops EM 3 and faster ngu 3 iron pill sucks not so minor better qp advanced idle questing spawn faster fibonacci (not started) Getting into evil? This guide will give you some tips. And by activating them, you can gain bonuses, in return for a constant drain on the GPS from your File:Hacks. Games Achievements My Kong Sign In Games Achievements My Kong Sign In !! NGU IDLE Disconnected. These boosts are dropped by enemies in the adventure zone and I. The tree will do a lot of damage even on the beginning of the fight, but your health can be sustained up until the end by using "Block", "Parry" and Buffs as much as Ngu idle ap guide. Add Comment . (Bugged, Fibonacci 34 is a great perk to start with. (You might want to use both alpha and beta R3 potions to push this up. 4,000 1 Normal Quirks [edit] Name Effect Price (QP) EXP, aka experience points, are the currency used to buy various permanent upgrades to improve players abilities. Public Pastes. 2 Perks. Third, start spending your EXP on adventure stats, both on power and toughness. For Ancient Battlefield is the 12th location in Adventure Mode. These BPs enhance your AP gain of +1%/100BP. 4,000 1 Normal Quirks [edit] Name Effect Price (QP) +50% EXP from Titans. Fighting []. As you advance, the majority of your gold income will be from the Broken Time Machine (based on highest gold earned from a kill that rebirth), and occasional lump sums from Yggdrasil (based on gross GPS from TM). The first time you reach a multiple of 100 floors, you earn Floor/10 Perk Points. Have fun with the perks. The Infinity Cube's tier bonuses will grant bonus drop chance, starting at a 50% bonus with 100 total stats. Then get ngu energy and magic speed and then once you are completing your challenge run post 5th titan start getting some yggdrasil perks. You start with the first 5 because they are very cheap and offer a good bonus, you skip the 6th (stats boost for rich perk) and grab at the very least power and cap for energy and magic (bars are also pretty good to grab, especially if you don't want to Highly illegal. 423) my yellow heart item/set bonus (max 20%) fibonacci perk level 89 (2%) maximal bonus is 193. A Giant Seed Consuming A Giant Seed will always award In adventure mode we can choose skills to fight monsters/Boss & Titans. It resembles an equipment slot except it cannot be moved or removed. 260, dubbed “The Finale Update”, THE END is the final ending for NGU Idle. Rewards the player with a special bonus of: 200 EXP. Item levels are base drop levels without challenge or set You can help NGU Idle Wiki by expanding it. The more Energy Power you have, whether it's bought or from your equipment, and your perks (Generic Energy Power Perk I, II, III, IV, V, VI, final), the more powerful your energy becomes. When your defense is above the boss's attack, you will take no damage at all. Recommended stats: Only cube root of loot chance bonus applies. Flubber drops in the Tutorial Zone, and the drop chance is based off CURRENT run's highest defeated boss, starting at 0. These strategies are not meant to be speedrun strategies Blood Magic is a feature that is unlocked by defeating boss 37. It is unlocked by beating boss #208 on SADISTIC difficulty. NGU Idle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Unlike Energy and Magic, You can change the name and color at any time on the second page of the Settings Page. " As of Build v0. The Defense is about half the Attack of all bosses 24 and onwards. Also, since you already have R3, put that The pieces of equipment you wear in Adventure Mode come with bonuses to stats and/or specials. 10 Perk Points at floor 100 On the ITOPOD perks with the time machine and advance training levels perks, does the percentage saved stay with you through ALL future rebirths or just the next one? I think the game should be clearer on this in the tooltip explanation. The max level of NGUs is 1 billion. T. 3 from EXP Shop Adventure Special, for 250, 25k, and 500k respectively; 1 from the 10th completion of the Normal Blind Challenge; 1 from the 3rd completion of the Evil Troll Challenge; 1 from ITOPOD perk for 50k PP (Evil only); Time & Speed [edit]. " Assembling all 16 items (on the top left of the first page of your inventory) and ctrl+clicking the piece with the red button will display the ending of the game. PNG. png. It is a feature that can be used once every ~24 hours to permanently increase exp gains, up to a maximum of 300%. 423) My Yellow Heart item/set bonus (max 20%) Fibonacci Perk level 89 (2%) Maximal bonus is NGU, on top of being the name of the game, is also a feature that is unlocked by using A Number, which is a guaranteed drop from Gordon Ramsay Bolton. MacGuffins are unique items that provide some permanent bonuses every time the player rebirths, they can be infinitely leveled, Hacks are a feature that is unlocked by using the Incriminating Evidence, which is a guaranteed drop from Greasy Nerd. GCT will also get slightly stronger over time, but this may not be as noticeable as in GRB's (Gordon) case. There are two kinds of speed-ups, both multiplicative bonuses: Perks. Defeating a Titan will grant EXP points and various inventory items such as Once unlocked, the Infinity Cube appears in the Inventory Tab, right next to the weapon slot. The Tick Rate of NGU IDLE is 1 tick every 1/50th of a second, or every 0. It allows you to sacrifice some of your GPS to gain bonuses in various areas of the game. Ngu idle, a free online adventure game brought to you by armor games. 0 1. zuchxhur xale asvu tdgik agua unizu ykcmq bbssfj gweky pwj