Iui 36 hours after positive opk. Just four hours made a difference in success rates.

Iui 36 hours after positive opk Is this normal after a trigger shot? Or did I predict ovulation too soon? Since ovulation happens 12-48 hours after a positive OPK and an ovulated egg lives between 12-24 hours (and sperm lives for as long as five days), couples should have unprotected sex as soon as an LH peak is detected and for the Ovulation doesn't take 12-24 hours, its more of a moment in time--I think you might be referring to the time between a positive OPK and ovulation? That can be anything from straight away to 48 hours. Well, I didn’t get a positive OPK until Wednesday and ovulated Thursday. 5 hours after trigger)Everything I read said that you ovulate 36-40 hours after trigger shot. I have found some research that 36-48 hours has a slight increase. I'm currently 6w4d. You will likely ovulate 24 to 48 hours after your trigger shot. the researchers discovered a higher pregnancy rate in cycles where the shot was given after the IUI (19. Women are advised to schedule their IUI for the day following their positive OPK test. Please call the When it peaks I trigger and have my IUI 36 hours later. Hope this helps! Well, I know you can ovulate a mere 12 hours after a + opk, maybe it is the same for a trigger shot? Â I hope someone who knows more than I do can help you out. ) When should you start testing? The clinic said that the night I got positive opk, we have to come in the next morning for iui (which might not be possible). My IUI is scheduled at noon tomorrow. , Fertil Steril 2004 Nov;82(5):1273-7). Doesn’t the surge last for more than 12-36 hours for some women? IUI after 3 Chemical Pregnancy Losses upvotes I ask because last cycle I had my first IUI and I did back to back inseminations, 1 was like 20 hours after trigger and the 2nd was 36 hours after trigger. I will be purchasing 2 vials of frozen sperm to be doing at two separate times (probably 24/36 hours after positive opk but not sure yet). That Hey allI had my iui at 1215pm today. My thoughts would be to plan your insems closer to this window rather than so far out. 😅 so I decided to give OPK a try and it turns out I was wrong about my ovulation prediction. Sometimes during long cycles (I don't ovulate regularly) I will have two surges, where I see lines getting progressively darker and it takes a long time for one of those surges to pan out - see the positive I got last weekend on CD27 after a failed attempt at Clomid/an IUI. Most places do the IUI 36 hours after triggering, which means you typically need to self-administer the shot (or have your partner do it). 5) we used an ovidrel trigger shot, I was also on estrogen prior to trigger to thicken my lining and progesterone (stayed on both through the TWW and until 8 weeks GA). and thought that even with OPKs and BBT, it might be hard to pinpoint because I've heard positive OPKs generally come 12-36 hours before ovulation, and then I heard BBT spikes come 12-24 hours after ovulation, so I thought it might be kind of hard to pinpoint. but i could start to see the line). Day 1 is the 1st day of heavy bleeding. Next cycle I had about 5 days of spotting pre period. Generally I’ve read the peak OPK means ovulation in next 12-36 hours though not guaranteed, and that BD on O-2 through O day is prime time as sperm can arrive and survive/ wait for the egg a couple days. When they say a women will ovulate within 12 to 36 hours after the positive OPK, they are assuming that these women arent testing more than once a day. Positive is the same or darker than the control line. Iui 4 and 5 have been bfp when we moved timing to 39 hour past. We did this part of the SMEP strategy this cycle But most people ovulate within 12 to . -Trigger with ovidrel (subq shot at home) -IUI 36 hrs post trigger What was supposed to be my 3rd IUI was right after my clinic reopened after initial covid shutdown, and they weren't doing midcycle monitoring. My fertile window was off by a few days according to period tracking app, and a few days make a huge difference! It just helps them time it better. Husband has How many days after positive OPK do you ovulate? Most women have a single LH peak and ovulate after 36 hours of it on an average. I ended up doing the trigger shot. The hormone surge begins 36 hours before ovulation and peaks 10-12 hours before ovulation. So If you're doing the Sperm Meets Egg Plan (SMEP), once you see a positive OPK, you do it that day, then two more days, take a day off, then do it again. My clinic isn’t the best at knowing what I need. Subject: LH Surge (hence the positive OPK), the trigger would override that, and you would ovulate in 36 Opk strips measure LH and opk (cannot differentiate). j. My surge was 36 hours and I ovulated the day after I received the first negative. Just like a pregnancy test, a faint second line usually means a negative test for ovulation; Best Time for This hormone surge is what triggers ovulation about 24 to 36 hours later. I think every person is slightly different, but just keep trying what works for you. That's called back to back IUIs. I do it every other day bcs I read sperm can concentrate if your doing it every other day as opposed to every day. Patients undergoing donor sperm intrauterine insemination (IUI-D) typically have one opportunity for exposure to sperm during a treatment cycle, making the timing of IUI Yes, it’s possible (and very normal) to ovulate 2-3 days after the onset of the LH surge. Shouldn't it be showing negative since it's now 72 hours since the shot? I am asking because my partner had to leave the city right after my iui so I'm worried if the iui sperm will After reading a lot of forum and articles almost everyone seems to do IUI at 36 hours after the trigger since you might even be ovulation only 48hrs after your peak! I'm quite confused. Trigger shots are typically used in both oral medicines and injectable medication cycles as well. Anything past 36 hours a definitely no go for me. I found this article about delaying insemination until 42 hours after the trigger shot. You don’t need to hit all three realistically though, two of those nights are enough. Sperm can survive up to five days in the female reproductive tract, increasing your chances if you time it right with an ovulation kit or a great ovulation predictor test during late ovulation using ovulation Ovulation occurs roughly 24-36 hours after a positive ovulation test. The time period of ovulation after LH shoots up can be between 12-36 hours broadly. They generally do IUI's the day following a positive OPK or 36 hours after a trigger shot, whichever comes first. If your result line often has significant color, you should consider trying another brand, and if it's still positive for many days in a row, then you may want to see your doctor and test your LH levels on the third I would trust the Drs, that’s their job to know when to do iui. Awaiting Natural Ovulation: Blood work or urine-based ovulation predictor kits or ovulate naturally and come in for insemination the morning after a positive result on a Maybe you are a late implanter. If you do a trigger shot, the IUI is done 36 hours later. If an opk is only testing lh I can’t afford to keep doing IUI so I was hoping to do home insemination while saving. There are cases when women have 2 LH peaks. With positive opks you generally ovulate within 24-36 hours (right?) and the trigger is closer to 36-48 hours. Hence, we compared the results of doing intra-uterine insemination 36 and 42 hours after human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) The IUI is scheduled 36 hours after the trigger medication is injected. I’m very intrigued and want to try it, but of course I’m panicking that it’s too late. Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs): These over-the-counter tests detect the surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) that precedes ovulation by 24-36 hours, offering a practical signal for optimal timing. generally people ovulate 12-48 hours after the FIRST positive.  "On average, ovulation occurs 24 hours after the first positive ovulation test. I've had a lot of friends tell me that their doctors are more concerned with timing and plan appointments accordingly, performing the IUI closer to around 30-36 hours after trigger. On Tuesday (CD13) I had a 19. said my lining was too thin. O-2 and O-3 are two of the best days to have sex for pregnancy chances. Some people may have positives that last 1-3 days but only the first counts OPK detects LH Surge, which in most cases occurs 12-36 hours BEFORE ovulation. I would get just one ultrasound when I went in after the positive OPK to take a look at Ovulation typically occurs 12 to 36 hours after a positive test, when lh levels rise, making those days crucial for use in conception. Posted by u/ubabamagic - 1 vote and 19 comments A lot women (including myself!!) think we ovulate on average 12-36 hours after our PEAK on our OPK. Last IUI I called the RE and You can generally expect a BBT rise anywhere from 1 to 4 days after the first positive OPK, indicating ovulation anywhere within that time frame. OPK: An OPK shows a positive result each time LH crosses the test’s threshold. I got my first 100% positive OPK on CD17, today, which is already the 3rd day of high BBT. My doctor did follicle monitoring etc. A positive result from an OPK that only measures LH, indicates that The IUI takes place 12-36 hours after the trigger medication is administered. I was told that ovulation would be around 36 hours after trigger. That cycle did work for me but, When they say a women will ovulate within 12 to 36 hours after the positive OPK, they are assuming that these women arent testing more than once a day. Jul 22, 2015 #3 Hi all! We are doing our first IUI this cycle. (5 days, 4 BDs). Ultrasound and labs to confirm surge and then they have me trigger as back up. That’s why it’s recommended to have sex the day of your first positive and the next two days after that. If no surge Monday they said check again Tuesday evening and if still no surge to take the trigger shot and come in Thursday for IUI (36 hours later?) or if I do get a surge Tuesday evening If within 12-24 hours after ovulation, the released egg meets with a sperm, fertilization may occur. report. After the 5th IUI didn't work, (36 hours after +be opk was the insemination) I have a question about IUI timing. If you are testing for pregnancy, it is advisable to test no earlier than 12dpo, otherwise it might be a false positive. ~33%), and ovulating three days after also happens for a substantial number of people (~10%). How long after ovulation induction do you ovulate? If a trigger is used, ovulation typically occurs 36 to 40 hours after the trigger. Insemination Process Timing-The sperm specimen must be specially prepared for IUI at a specialized fertility lab. I was supposed to have iui done but my Dr. Infertility doesn't go away after the first positive test. Dmaymama. We were able to bd that night, and the next night. In an unmedicated cycle I normally ovulate the day after a positive OPK and get a clear temp rise the day after that. One more I am on CD12 (took clomid cd3-7), and I just got a positive opk this evening. Your should have sex to coincide with ovulation — 24 to 36 hours after you take the shot. Awaiting Natural Ovulation: Blood work or urine-based ovulation predictor kits or ovulate naturally and come in for insemination the morning after a positive result on a home OPK. Do one IUI 24-48 hours after first positive OPK, or 24-48 hours after administration of HCG; Do intrauterine insemination (not intracervical insemination or I had one letrozole cycle last round that resulted in a mature follicle, LH surge, and then ovulation but no luck. If I ever got a positive OPK they wouldn’t (Yes the 12-36 hours estimate isn’t helpful in this case. You will continue to get positive OPKs after a trigger as well. We last had For example, one trial found that performing an IUI 42 hours (instead of 36 hours) after the trigger shot led to significantly higher pregnancy rates. OBGA utilizes 2 fertility labs. Ideally, ovulation must occur within 36 hours after getting a positive OPK. We did this part of the SMEP strategy this cycle But most people ovulate within 12 to Posted by u/SpreadFair8222 - 13 votes and 8 comments If your ovulation test is positive, this indicates that your LH levels are high enough to be considered “surging”. In the example below, LH spiked on cycle days 11, 14, and 16–so you’d get a positive test Also, Generally try to give your trigger shot about 11 days to be fully out of your system before testing. I would definitely call and let them know about the positive OPK and see if you can get your IUI bumped to tomorrow. Injections begin on cycle day 3 What is the best time for doing an IUI in terms of hours before or after ovulation? A doctor has provided 1 answer Doing IUI the same day of the positive OPK is a good idea could it work ok ? using donor sperm ? days before ovulation normal ? opks are neg. D. It’s not the “standard” pattern, but there’s not anything wrong with it. In October I tested around 7pm and got a positive opk. To pinpoint this timing, your physician will either use ultrasound monitoring at the clinic IUIs should be scheduled for the day after you have a positive OPK result. spotting is cd13 O day is 18-19 why does thia happens am ttc with DS and iui, 36 IUI's at my clinic are planned around 36 hours from the time of a trigger shot or positive OPK. , you ovulate 36 hours after your shot. MommaBrook2Be. Sperm can survive in the female reproductive tract for up to five days, and an egg remains viable for about 24 hours after ovulation. 5K subscribers in the SingleMothersbyChoice community. I got bfn the first 3 iui;s with donor sperm when we were doing it 20-24 hour past positive opk. I thought it was meant to happen today, but they want to do it when I have a positive OPK. However i got my +opk this afternoon, so after the iui, and its worrying me as does that mean ill ovulate tomorrow afternoon and not today as timed with trigger? I usually ovulate 24 Once you have a positive result in the morning, test again in 6 hours to verify an LH surge; After the first positive result, ovulation usually happens within the next 24 – 36 hours. So I had IUI next day morning. Hi! Quick and possibly silly question: is ovulation 12-36 hours after the FIRST positive OPK or LAST positive OPK? I had my first positive for this Unless I get a positive OPK, then I come in that same day. Due to the HCG hormones in the trigger shot, your OPK / pregnancy tests will stay positive for a few days. You should get a positive result on an OPK a day or two before that, on day 16 or 17. For cycles using gonadotropins, monitoring is required. My clinic did IUIs with frozen sperm about 24-28 hours after first positive OPK, and I did have success that way but it took a few tries. Do not test before day 11. However, it would help if you understood precisely what the OPK result means. I had an ultrasound done yesterday cd14 after 100mg Clomid days 3-7. It was negative, so I triggered that night and the IUI was 36 hours later. When I get a positive OPK my temp spikes 48 hours later like clockwork. I did it every other day on my fertile week and then did it the day after my positive OPK. We did a double IUI - inseminated once 12 hours after trigger and inseminated again 36 hours after trigger and worked for us first try (I think it was around $500 for the second round with IUI procedures are most successful should when performed 24 to 36 hours following their presumed ovulation. Most women experience it for up to 72 hours, when the LH surge is still present in their urine. So if you get the postive and never test again you dont know how long your surge. This leaves about a third of people who ovulate at some other point relative to a positive OPK, including several days after the first positive. Editingnto add that the only tests that can tell you low, high, and peak are testing lh AND estrogen. I had the IUI 36 hours after the trigger shot and got pregnant the first time. I triggered with ovitrelle 36 hours before. 3. This is why timing is so important. Is this sperm you froze or received from a bank? P. The purpose of OPK testing is to time intercourse or IUI procedures. Were you still getting positive OPKs and/or having regular periods?? Curious because I’ll be getting testing done soon, and wanted to know if it could be ovulation problems for people that don’t suspect it IUIs are scheduled 24-36 hours after the trigger shot. It was at 7. And yes, the trigger shot, along with the positive OPK, will pretty much guarantee ovulation in the next 24-36 hours. Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Tracking: A slight rise in body greenpinkie • 38, grad after 19xTI/IUI/IVF Since ovulation can happen 12-48 hours after a positive opk and you can’t be positive that the cramps were ovulation cramps, best to have sex again! If you did ovulate and conceive yesterday, the egg will still be in that Fallopian tube, no worries about flushing it out. What time was your trigger taken? My RE does a trigger at 7PM, with an IUI in the morning two days later. I may have slight PCOS and the digital and the normal OPK came back positive later on the night! I'm going in for IUI in less than 2 hours and don't really have much confidence in the timing. 8%) exhibited a On analog OPKs (not the digital ones) it's 12 to 48 hours after the first positive. I would recommend the clearblue smiley OPKs, because I have always had confusion with Having sex during the three days immediately after a positive test increases your chances of getting pregnant. I have a very short surge, with only a positive opk on the day of my actual OV. Here's the question: How is the timing of the IUI affected if I get a +opk prior to the time I'm supposed to do the trigger shot (assuming I do the trigger regardless)? Would I ovulate 24 hours past the first +opk (like usual) or would ovulation be "held back" to 36 hours trigger due to the influence of the hcg? I just had my second IUI done yesterday, 20 hours after trigger shot. I think the other posters covered the IUI experience and the sperm washing. @cg1018, Thanks! That is what we did, my DH couldn't hold out any longer the day of trigger. If you always ovulate about the same time each month, it makes timing things a little easier. Studies saying the inseminations the day after the surge is often more successful than the day of, forums where people were saying the clinic they go to does inseminations 24-36 hours after the surge is detected, etc. I was really anxious about giving myself an injection Hi ladies!! So my first iui I didn't have any luck, I took femara cycle days 3-7 and Ovidrel on CD 13. TTC #1 since 6/07, Dx = Ovulatory dysfunction, DOR, and autoimmune issues ~ 4 Clomid cycles, 1 Femara Cycle, 6 case of an inconclusive uLH test result . In addition, current research indicates that Studies have demonstrated that patient interpretation of home urinary ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) not uncommonly results in false-positive tests (McGovern PG et al. jkbaird Iui was on 12/3 at 9:30am (36. I never got a positive opk at home and cycle was cancelled. @baby4rng, I think so too! Based on OPKs are positive the day before ovulation for the largest group of people (~33%), and positive two days before ovulation for the second-largest group of people (~28%). I got my first and only positive on IUI number 5. I was basically OPK testing every time I peed because I didn’t want to miss it. Then you will be scheduled for intrauterine insemination (IUI) or timed intercourse usually 24-36 hours after the injection depending on your monitoring results and treatment plan. So, if you get a positive result and are trying to get pregnant, it’s a good day to get busy. Good luck and hope you get a bfp. Once a mature egg is released from the ovary, the egg must be fertilized within about 24 hours for pregnancy to occur. They go off ultrasound and bloodwork. No monitoring + OPK. For women who have made the deliberate decision to be a single mother- no matter her I ask because last cycle I had my first IUI and I did back to back inseminations, 1 was like 20 hours after trigger and the 2nd was 36 hours after trigger. Once you have a positive OPK result you should abstain from intercourse until after the IUI. Hi! My doctor planned for me to start monitoring on cd 12 for our iui-s and I sort of nervously pointed out that I tended to get positive opks on day 8-9 (25 day cycle) She adjusted and I started monitoring on day 8, and had my 3 iuis on days 10, 9, and 12. (OPKs): These over-the-counter tests detect the surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) that precedes ovulation by 24-36 hours, offering a practical signal for If you're only going to have sex once per cycle then I guess doing so on the first OPK positive should be sufficient, as the egg drops 12-36 hours later. Objective: Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is an assisted conception technique that involves the deposition of a processed semen sample in the upper uterine cavity, overcoming natural barriers to sperm ascent in the female reproductive tract. As another example, if your fluid was most clear and stretchy 24 hours after the OPK positive, and by 36 hours it was going away, then the best time for you to inseminate was 24 hours after the OPK positive. the trigger would override that, and you would ovulate in 36 hours from the shot, not your OPK. I have my IUIs 24 hours after my trigger shot I always did my trigger shot around 36 hours before the IUI but on cd16 I come in for an ultrasound and get a trigger shot. If you check ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) at home during the cycle, please note you will get a false positive result up to 3 days after the last Clomid pill. You would likely increase your chances if you had sex every other day starting like CD 10 for a week, but your strategy of waiting for the + OPK should technically get sperm to meet egg I don't know if the OPK would give you a true reading after a trigger shot. Remember, you Just did an iui today. If an ovulation predictor kit (OPK) is used, ovulation usually occurs 36 to 40 hours after onset of the LH surge. They will detect the HCG in the If you're doing the Sperm Meets Egg Plan (SMEP), once you see a positive OPK, you do it that day, then two more days, take a day off, then do it again. We did this part of the SMEP strategy this cycle But most people ovulate within 12 to Ovulation after a positive OPK 5 replies Peanutbuttermummy · 12/06/2020 18:20 Hi everyone, I have a question regarding OPK and ovulation timing after a positve . 5 days is pretty much the sperm's maximum life expectancy so we can assume that far fewer sperm will be available to fertilize an egg on this day as opposed to 2 Hey! I actually had it rescheduled for that Friday because of my prior charts unanimously saying that I ovulate 24 hours after I got my positive OPK. My RE likes to time the trigger 36 hours before the IUI. If a person was pregnant naturally they would get a dye stealers on an opk very quickly. (Most doctors will schedule the procedure ~36 hours after an LH surge is first detected. Its Monday night now and my opk is still very positive. I realize now that I have done most of my IUIs too soon after trigger (24 hr). 2010, IUIs 4-6 BFN IVF w/ICSI #1 - ER 2/8: 24R 19M 9F ET 2/13 2-5 day blasts (no frosties) = BFP - b/g twins! Mine swears on one IUI doen 36 hrs after trigger. For my second one, I had 2 really good size follicles (I believe they were around 24-25) and 1 smaller one at 17. No guarantees as our bodies sometimes troll us! IUI Without Ultrasound/Trigger Shot. It I would do it 24hours after positive opk and maybe 36 hours. 03/29/2015 09:40. Same with my friend. Does anyone have experience with IUI success waiting even longer than 36 hours? I just had my first IUI done on Sunday (1st Mar) following my trigger shot on Friday night. Ovulation happens within 36 hours of the first hormone release. If you are trying to conceive via intrauterine insemination (IUI), OPK’s may be helpful in calculating your best timing. Follicle size does not indicate ovulation, LH does if you do not opt for blood monitoring of LH then strips are the only way to monitor At follicle size 21mm on cd12, got trigger shot at 1pm and got positive opk same day by 10pm, likely to ovulate by 1pm of next day. I sort of felt like they had me do the OPKs as just a double check), I had a trigger shot "Ovidrel", then scheduled the IUI 36 hours later. 3rd iui triggered and did iui 24 hours later, got pregnant but it was extopic. Reply Apparently washed sprem don't live that long, so if I don't ovulate for 24 or 36 hours after the surge, the sperm will already be dead. I ask because last cycle I had my first IUI and I did back to back inseminations, 1 was like 20 hours after trigger and the 2nd was 36 hours after trigger. Yes, you can have a positive OPK after ovulation, either a first positive or continuing positives. I continued doing OPKs just for fun I guess and the last 2 days they have been BLAZING positive dye stealers. ) A positive OPK is the test line as dark or darker than the control line, so technically all 3 tests are positive. Some do it after 24 hrs. So 12 dpo would be a good testing day. Here is more information for you from one of our Lab Managers: Washed sperm is supposed to only live for 6-12 hours, but sometimes as long as 24 -- not nearly as long as sperm can live in fertile cervical mucus (sperm can live up to 5 days in fertile mucus, 2-3 days being pretty common). More positive than my CD 12 test. You'll be fine OP. However i got my +opk this afternoon, so after the iui, and its worrying me as does that mean In my opinion I think that the IUI may have been too late. This is a community for those who have gotten pregnant after a struggle with infertility. that precedes ovulation by 24-36 hours, offering a practical signal for optimal timing. This is not necessarily true. We are super fortunate that my I did a round of femara and a trigger shot (ovidrel) on CD 13, the day after I got a positive OPK. This cycle, i am taking control. 7mm and 14mm follicle so was told to trigger that night around 8pm with IUI 36 hours later on Thursday morning. You typically O 36 hours after a positive OPK and the egg should sit there 12-24 hours. 45 am yesterday morning, you could expect to ovulate anywhere between yesterday evening to tonight! There are some anomolies to this of course, some women may ovulate a little sooner than 8 hours after their positive OPK and some There's also a lot of wiggle room on ovulation! People can ovulate anywhere from 12-72 hours after a positive opk, and even if you're tracking BBT, the temp rise means that you probably ovulated sometime between your wakeup time the two days - which could be a totally separate day! And that's all assuming home tracking that is precise as possible. I was told to administer the ovidrel trigger And I did ask the nurse about that and the fact that I'd get a positive opk the next day. Report as Inappropriate. This peak in LH levels is what triggers the release of an egg (ovulation). My iui was done only 18 hours after trigger, which in my opinion was way too soon seeing as how frozen sperm lives for only 6 hours and you're likely to ovulate between 24-36 hours post trigger. Like. . IUI was performed either on the day after a positive LH test or, if the diameter of the dominant follicle reached 18 mm and the LH test was still negative, 36 hours after ovulation triggering by administration of hCG . I’m 10dpiui and 12dpt. OPK Use and Timing. After the furst positive you should ovulate between 12 and 36 hours. Ovulation generally occurs 24-36 hours after your first positive OPK, and 8-20 hours after your surge (the darkest test you get). Ovulating two days after the onset of the surge is nearly as common as ovulating one day after (~28% vs. Either way, it doesn’t matter because the hcg shot will cause the eggs to mature and after maturation they ovulate (skips LH surge). Ovulation is supposed to occur freaking out a bit so, i took the ovidrel (trigger) shot at 4:45PM today. Ovulation typically occurs around 24-36 hours after the LH surge – making LH an important hormone to test when This makes it possible to Yes IUI is usually done 24 hours after a natural surge but obviously you can't do that. (More on increasing luteinizing hormone here. If it was an IUI, the IUI would be 24 hours later, but since it's FET I start progesterone in 12-24hours instead. The next day my tests are negative again. Also had 3 follicles measuring 24mm 26mm & 27mm. This time, we decided to do an Ovidrel trigger shot with IUI. According to my dr. I searched "IUI day after surge" and came across loads of information that gave me hope. However i got my +opk this afternoon, so after the iui, and its worrying me as does that mean ill ovulate tomorrow afternoon and not today as timed with trigger? I usually ovulate 24 The day after my last follicle check, I took an OPK. Follow the instructions of the brand you choose. iui 36 hrs later and sex the day after! Like. If you get a positive, you trigger that night and Hey allI had my iui at 1215pm today. 5% of total pregnancies resulted in cycles where the IUI was done within 24 hours of the positive OPK result, 90% of total pregnancies if within 24-48 hours I had my successful IUI 36 hours after trigger, and felt comfortable about that knowing frozen sperm lives for 12-24 hours in case I ovulated any time after 36 hours. I still temped during my medicated cycle, but I didn't use OPKs after the trigger (although I did before just to make sure I didn't O early!). The IUI is scheduled 36 hours after the trigger medication is injected. I had shooting pains on my right side (where the follie is) yesterday then a dull ache all afternoon so pretty sure we've missed the window. BD 12 hours before Positive OPK . I know each BFN is hard to see but it sounds like you are staying positive. TL;DR Part 2: Ovulation is often shortly following the first positive OPK; in many cases, Prevalence of ovulations across the days of the menstrual cycle. I never heard of 3 times per cycle and I have done 4 IUI cycles with and without trigger shots. I have read that ovulation can happen 12-36 hours after a peak on opk sticks, but will the opk continue to show a peak/positive until ovulation happens and then become negative after You will likely ovulate 24 to 48 hours after your trigger shot. you may be able to get a positive on a pregnancy test without being pregnant if you test too soon after the shot. Statistical (ROC) analysis of true positive rates to false positive rates, between days 9 to 17, showed that out of the 9 original scenarios, the best one to I have been told do it 24 to 36 hours after the surge but the ovulation tests say do it on the day of LH surge and the day after that so I am totally confused. The trigger is HCG (which can turn an OPK positive). I am supposed to go in for an IUI tomorrow (Monday) and triggered last night (Saturday). Start testing day 11 of a cycle. So if you had just done the trigger it would probably be okay. and didn’t manage to BD on Saturday. For reference, when doing a non medicated IUI cycle the insemination is not done until 24 hours after the positive OPK, in rare cases it is even pushed back to 36 hours. Our doc has different schedules depending on opk results. I’ve done a little bit of research online but i feel like personal stories would help me more. Ovulation usually happens within 12-36 hours after the OPK first turns positive. There were a total of 8 follices (I only had 5 follicles on IUI #1) IUI was 36 hours after trigger. ) Sometimes I surge but not enough to get a positive. First iui I did 36 hours after trigger and got pregnant (loss due to genetic issues) second iui triggered and iui 36 hours after and not pregnant. You can’t pinpoint ovulation precisely to a time of day by EWCM (or temps or OPKs), but yeah, most likely it was sometime on CD11 l, since it was the day after positive OPK and last day of EWCM. I've got a positive OPK today at 8am (8 hours before was negative), and I got a trigger shot an hour later - at 9am. 45 am yesterday morning, you could expect to ovulate anywhere between yesterday evening to tonight! There are some anomolies to this of course, some women may ovulate a little sooner than 8 hours after their positive OPK and some In principle, the peak openness of the cervix should come sometime within the 72 hours after your first positive OPK. If based on a hCG shot to trigger ovulation, the IUI is usually performed 24-36 hours after the trigger shot is given. TTC 12/2009 Me: 32 - Stage II Endo / DH: 36 - Low count and morphology (1%) IUIs 1-3 BFN, lap Dec. Timing intercourse within this window is paramount. i'm having an IUI tomorrow morning around 10AM. I just want to talk to the doctor asap and get a plan in order, waiting another 4 weeks is going to drive me crazy. A positive result on an OPK indicates the surge started around 24 hours before the test was taken. So I triggered Thursday at like 4:30pm after my positive OPK and then went for my IUI at 8:30a the next day. We did an IUI 36 hours after the trigger shot, and we had intercourse on the day that we triggered (all per my REs instructions). You still have a chance. In some cases, a trigger shot will be given the same day as a positive OPK is detected to help boost the process of ovulating. Also for the record. The IUI is usually done the morning after an ovulation surge and if you really want to, you can have a second one the following morning. 36 DS born 2013 thanks to IUI at Stork, Denmark shot”. i tested tonight at 6:30 and at 10:30 and my opk was negative both times. For those doing natural IUI Your IUI procedure will be scheduled 12-36 hours after your trigger injection or positive test on your ovulation I was doing OPK tests along with it, and while it is not part of the method I was doing it to get more insight into my hormones. For example, one trial found that performing an IUI 42 hours (instead of 36 hours) after the trigger shot led to significantly higher pregnancy rates. Iui is typically done 36 hours after positive opk/trigger. The main way to confirm ovulation and determine approximately how long it takes you to ovulate after an LH surge is by temping and/or progesterone testing to confirm So, by the time you see a positive OPK you should have already been having sex within the past few days. (Already been taking letrozle). (Wtf, ovaries. Thanks in advance I got my positive opk today for IUI #4! We have added the trigger shot with progesterone this cycle. She advised I have sex that weekend and would have a positive OPK soon. I would do it 24hours after positive opk and maybe 36 hours. So my IUI was scheduled for the next day about 11am. Fertility drugs (like Clomid) may give a false positive result if you With Clomid my RE timed IUI's after a +OPK, so mine was 24 hours after my +OPK. Jul 22, 2015 #3 I'm turning 36 in a few weeks so my biological clock is screaming at me! . 24 hrs after positive opk from natural surge + trigger. I opted for unmedicated, unmonitored IUI, so they just told me to notify them when I got a positive OPK - if it was before 12pm - and they’d schedule me to come in the next day. many will show a faint line with lower LH levels. Joined Jun 24, 2015 Messages 85 Reaction score 0. ) Once you receive a positive test (see what it looks like here), you can expect ovulation to take place within 24 to 36 hours. The level of luteinizing hormone (LH) rises in the urine 36-40 hours before an egg is released. I like the dip strips because they're cheap and allows me to test multiple times a day so that I catch the first positive. Good luck! If based on a urine OPK, the IUI is performed the morning after a positive response is detected. I conceived on 5mg (didn’t respond to 2. Without temping, you can't be sure if it's 12 hours or 48 or somewhere in between. I guess this is one of the reasons I took the news of low AMH so hard. Mine usually took about 10 days to clear from my body. If it was positive, the IUI would have been the following day. So while charting I've noticed that I usually have 2 days of positive OPKs (taken 24 hours apart, at 2:00 pm, after 4 hour hold). Did anyone have IUI done not the Ovulation happens within 36 hours of the first hormone release. So normally I'm scheduled back in CD14 and I'll get a positive OPK FMU CD14. Home ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) test the urine for LH and predict ovulation accurately 90 I triggered with ovitrelle 36 hours before. In general though, inseminating the day of a positive test is pretty useless when using donor sperm. I'm supposed to be starting oral progesterone on Wednesday (which my doctor estimated would be 3 DPO) and doing two more half doses of Ovitrelle on Wednesday and Saturday to support natural progesterone production in the luteal Determine best timing of intrauterine insemination or IUI: First positive ovulation predictor kit (OPK) if OPKs are reliable, or HCG injection as administered according to our instructions. After 3 IUI’s we would move to IVF. Negative at 8am, positive at 11am. After ovulation, LH then decreases to its baseline. Hi ladies!! So my first iui I didn't have any luck, I took femara cycle days 3-7 and Ovidrel on CD 13. Around noon I took another OPK and it was positive. If I ever got a positive OPK they wouldn’t Also sperm can survive up to 5 days. 6 percent) instead of 24 to When it goes negative and when it’s the darkest don’t matter :) Generally you ovulate about 12-24 hours after the first positive Opk (which is about 24-36 hours after the surge starts in your blood- it takes time for it to end up in urine) but there’s some women who ovulate sooner OR later than average, and its impossible to know what part of the surge you have captured- This is why you The OPK will test positive even if your progesterone isn't ovulatory because the Ovidrel has/is HCG (which will turn an OPK positive). Because I usually ovulate within 24hours after the LH surge, I'm worried that maybe I should have been scheduled to have the IUI today. and I have read elsewhere that that is associated with positive outcomes although I am not a doctor so don't quote me on that! All we’re done 34-36 hours after trigger Abstract. . It just helps them time it better. I still haven't gotten a positive opk, but im hoping i do otherwise i'm gonna have huge cysts the next cycle :-( I was told to begin checking for a natural LH surge that same evening with OPK and to come in the next day (Tuesday Morning) for the IUI if I got the surge. This would mean that while my ovulation is confirmed by my BBT according to OPK it will occur in 24-36 hours? How is that OPK detects LH Surge, which in most cases occurs 12-36 hours BEFORE ovulation. if you got your OPK at 8. The last one I took was yesterday morning (it was negative) ovulated within 36 hours of my first OPK and 24 hours of that trigger with IUI 48 hours from my first OPK and 36 hours after the trigger. OPKs test urine for LH. Why do I keep getting a positive OPK? Typically, people will see a positive OPK for a few days after their initial positive test. Just four hours made a difference in success rates. It seems like you likely had good timing but you can always have sex again today in case you ovulate closer to the 48 hour mark. Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Tracking: A Trigger shots almost always work, so I would be very confident that you ovulated! Although I normally ovulated 39ish hours after a trigger. I found this difficult (didn't really want to look at my cervix) but it did get easier and I believe it helped me get pregnant back in June (didn't stay pregnant unfortunately). PinkLuv24 Well-Known Member. What happens if a 8. I also do temping in addition to my OPK’s which helped a lot pin point exactly when I ovulate. Everything I've read is that you typically ovulate 12-36 hours after your positive opk. Crazy thing is that it actually worked! I got pregnant that cycle. Results: Of the 87 analyzed cycles, 19 (21 . Hope I answered all your questions and good luck!!! So, I had my CD12 twanding this morning and saw I had two follicles on my left ovary at 19mm and 17mm. Not sure how the trigger affects my natural surge but I hope it didn’t delay O My doc said they can grow between 1-3mm per day. That doesn't count cancelled cycles, of which I had many2 years of trying netted me 5 IUIs. rytjyjs pnzlz ulcon donm kkbv jgx ljb accuacs rob zisrdns