4 year old biting when excited mumsnet baby They've usually found it disgusting but we always encourage them to try a little bit of things. Backstory - the child and my daughter attended a pre-pre nursery together for a year before starting preschool together so I would be friendly with her mum. This morning he's woken up and straight away but my face which is now marked & swollen. For what it's worth I was told you need to make the consequence fit the behaviour. Is he on school action/action+? You could I was just wondering if anyone else has a child or children that will flap their hands/arms when they get excited over things? My 4yr old flaps his arms and my 3yr old will stick her tongue out whilst biting it and clench and unclench her fists whilst excited I've also noticed that my 18mth old has started flapping too. Now mine are 1 and 4 years old the older one is allowed to play on her tablet while I put the baby down to nap. He has always been difficult at eating but now it's causing huge rows between him and DH and I want to change our approach. Can't seem to reason with him about how disgusting it is. Some things that are of concern are difficulty potty training, still in nappies due to previous constipation and witholding leading to her refusing to do poos anywhere except nappies. My 14 month old little boy is being shadowed at nursery today due to an on going issue with biting other children. If we have to shut them in their room when we have visitors they whine and whine. I have deliberated for months over writing down all my concerns over my ds1 who is 4. My mum is a speech therapist and says it’s developmentally appropriate. He has bitten in school 4 times over the pa Her "solution" to feeling left out (or seemingly any conflict where she doesn't get her way) is to go and bite her older brother (the 6 year old) on the arm, very hard. Difficult for a 4 year old I know, but it does sound as though possibly ADD/ADHD (and I hate the overuse and self diagnosis of these which is common at the moment) Might just be her personality and she will settle down when in full time school, really only a professional assessment will tell you. 11) deliberately pushed her friend (aged 4) over and he was crying, seemed genuinely upset. We went to my 1 year old nephews birthday picnic today and, although he generally behaved well eg playing nicely with other children etc he kept trying to eat bits of the birthday cake before it had been cut. He's a loving child, but very strong willed, impatient and has difficulty taking turns. I would love to buy a marble run but worried he might swallow a marble. Only the stuff that gets rewarded in any way, sticks. just now in garden she fell off her chair and was screaming loudly blaming me crying (AWWWW YOU MADE ME FALL! I’M BLEEDING! YOU MADE ME BLEED! YOU MADE ME BLEED!). Hi My ds is 4 years old and seems to cry excessively - if he cant get his own way, if any other child touches him etc, literally he will cry at anything! he also shouts a lot and gets wound up easily. Watch Save Share 1 2 4 year old has a dry cough. He's been doing this for a couple of years and it has developed into a bad habit. micha I am on mat leave and had been picking him up at 5pm (as I felt guilty that I didn't have him at home with me and the baby ) so the 5. Enjoying it but has bitten on 2 occasions. Please help dear mumsnetters! Sorry if it's long. Thanks. Bit me when it was bedtime - she didn't like going to bed at any As for the biting, you can gently hold onto her head and push into her mouth. DD has been biting her nails since she was two then moved on to biting the skin DS1 started biting when he was about 18 mths old. . If he has SEN, or suspected SEN, then prior to diagnosis the school can put him on the SEN register and begin additional support/plans etc. (thinking back to toddler years when biting is common- it’s often because they can’t verbalise ‘I’m cross/sad/excited etc. Best school bags Best toys for 2-year-olds Best toys for 3-year-olds Best dolls 19 month old ds has recently started biting, but only when he's over excited . 6 and her whining, whinging, screeching, baby talking (that one makes me especially ) interrupting and general attention seeking are beginning to drive me seriously bonkers. Do the same at the next meal. She goes to bed at 7pm every night and i wake her up at 8am to get ready for school/nursery , i also have 3 others children 9 ,7 and nearly 2 . I'm positive my 9 year old was nothing like her at that age! Sometimes I wonder if I maybe blanked it out but I doubt it or I wouldn't have had another one. 5 yo DS started nail biting about 6-9 months ago. My 3 year old bit me while I was pulling him off his little brother (they have been up since 4am with the clock change so were getting a little mischievous after being told to play quietly for 3 hours) and I slapped him across the face! Hello, Can anyone advise on how to deal with constant pinching and biting. If you are left with a handful of friends hanging on, they will help you clear up. Has anyone else experienced a "biting" child and when does it stop 😫. Me and my husband are really concerned now. Our patience is starting to run out I also worry he will do something like that at school. Iggly, DD was doing full-time hours in the Nursery class of the same school last year, so moving to Reception was not such a big move for her. He is also breathing more heavily and faster than normal. Argh - my DH is a horrendous nail biter, his nails are disgusting and he has horrible stubby fingers. He seems do it only towards us. DD loves her baby brother, but is so excitable whenever they spend time together - she does this really loud cackling laugh CONSTANTLY at everything he does, grabs whatever toy he’s playing with, pulls him around and just generally doesn’t give him a moments peace. Neither of my boys are snappy at all. I think all kids go through some sort of phase between biting and hitting and it's normally to get what they want. She’s typically an excellent communicator but sometimes the words can’t keep up, and she’ll repeat a short word 5-10 times before getting on with the sentence. You can also apply for something with or without a diagnosis called an EHCP if the school can't meet his needs from their normal SEN budget but you need lots and lots of Hi a need to ask this I have two daughters one 14 and on 7 I have the cutest two year old nephew who I look apon as a son but over past 6 months he bit my daughter 3 times very bad bites the last bone two weeks ago where he drew blood my daughter was in some state the thing is there so close there like best friends but it's just her he bites so I have a revolting 4 year old as well. I love him so much and it really upsets me to see him alienating all the kids who would like to be his friends. If she doesn't eat it, don't comment take it away. On a few occasions she has also scratched him so hard he has bleeding wounds. I have a 3 month old and a 2. Articles My 4 year old has been very similar although he seems to be getting slightly better as his fifth birthday approaches this weekend. She is well behaved at school and at home. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Bingoismynamoo · 23/09/2024 21:41 Our baby is 4 months old and I still don’t feel sure about the name it’s an old French name that’s becoming more popular but I’ve had some really negative reactions (people screwing up their faces Pregnancy & baby See all in Pregnancy & baby Two year old biting frequently 5 replies Ataloss21 · 11/06/2021 13:42 My youngest will be two in a month's time and is frequently biting. Also it's hard for a 6 year old to imagine being an adult so the stuff about being friends with her sister when she's an adult is too strange a Just had an awful start to the day. The 2 year old is maybe not as flappy as the 4 year old used to be, but a flapper nonetheless. 2 year old biting his baby sister PLEASE HELP! 13 replies NattyEarthMother · 22/04/2008 10:43 hi my son has just turned two and keep biting his 10 month old sister every time she tries to play with his toys. 5 year old (middle child) is exactly the same at the moment, it's so difficult! I just have to keep reminding myself that shouting and punishments don't work. the mothers response was well its It has got to the stage at pre-school where he is either going to get excluded or i remove him. He can be such a lovely little boy but his behaviour is atrocious. He's non verbal, screams/moans all day and will not sit still for a second. I have a 4-year-old child. He bit us, and he bit other children at nursery. Pregnancy & baby See all in Pregnancy 3 year old biting at nursery! 5 replies cookielove · 13/11/2017 13:31 So my 3 year old ds over the last few weeks has bitten 4 children at his nursery, none have been witnessed by the staff and only twice children have been able to name him as the culprit! To comment on this thread you need to When I had my 3 year old and baby I introduced quiet time after lunch where 3 year old watched tv/some kind of screen and baby at first did whatever was needed but then became nap time; it gave me a bit of time to catch my breath and have a Child development calendar Best kids' tablets Best stair gates Best balance bikes Best school bags Best toys for 2-year-olds Best toys for 3-year-olds Best dolls Best trampolines Best scooters Swears By Following as my 4 year old is the exact same. Sister has been saying for the past 3 years that she thinks DN is autistic but I’ve never believed this. It sounds like you are at the end of your tether, tired with having to juggle both kids and giving out unpredictable signals. My 4. Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone has had a similar experiences with their 4 year old at nursery or has any ideas of what we can do. My 2 going on 3 year old quite likes to hit other children at nursery as a way of getting the toys he wants(we also had to sign an accident form as a little boy bit our LO and it left a perfect mark on his arm). In the last month, he has bitten 2 kids. However, there's change afoot now 4-year old expelled from Reception for biting - 3 weeks after starting school. Posting here for traffic. Or bribe the older one to go for a walk to get the baby to sleep eg Why don’t we go for a walk with an ice lolly? Baby can then continue sleeping the garden watched through the window or wheel them into the hall way. It was a gradual thing, but by the time he turned 3 the biting and scratching had pretty much stopped. It can be a challenging behavior for parents and caregivers to Being unwell, tired or hungry. I can't give him time out at pre school though. The toddler has been going through phases of hitting and biting me from even before baby came along, but they have got worse since. He will come up and bite me on the leg, bite my face or shoulder whilst I'm holding him and even as I try to put him down he will be twisting his head to try and 19 month old ds has recently started biting, but only when he's over excited . Our son is almost 4 years old, he bites and hits - sometimes when we say no, sometimes when excited My 4 year old has recently started biting, which at his age seems ridiculous and I'm gutted about it. She refused and ran away. My 5. I I’m kind of embarrassed by my 4 year old I feel she misbehaves. This is rather early isn't it? The canines, top and bottom are very white, and when I feel in dds mouth with my finger and Bonilla, they feel very hard when she bites down. One of the Nursery staff from last year is her TA this year and she has seen no change in her behaviour while she is at school. My son is 4 years old and has been really acting out. Expression 2. Hi, My almost 22 month old DS has been thrusting out his lower jaw quite a lot. Everything you have pointed out except the not talking until 18 months. However, we are their parents and it's our choice. Child development calendar Best kids' tablets Best stair gates Best balance bikes Best school bags Best toys for 2-year-olds Best toys for 3-year-olds Best dolls Best trampolines Best scooters Swears By Hi. Join us in making the most of these precious years with creativity and love at every step. We have now been going through this for nearly 2 years 4 year old not listening. This has been going on over a year & despite asking for help from doctors, health visitors etc things only seem to be the same or worse some weeks!. Child development calendar Best kids' tablets Best stair gates Best balance bikes Best school bags Best toys for 2-year-olds Best toys for 3-year-olds Best dolls Best trampolines Best scooters Swears By The MAM Baby Hub Best baby monitors Best lightweight buggies Best toddler car seats Best breast pumps Best travel cots Ovulation calculator Best pushchairs Best baby carriers Best baby bouncers Best cribs and co-sleepers Best pregnancy tests Child development calendar Best kids' tablets Best stair gates Best balance bikes Best school bags Best toys for 2-year-olds Best toys for 3-year-olds Best dolls Best trampolines Best scooters Swears By DD1 (aged 3. I am very torn about my nearly 4 year old DD and whether I need to pursue an assessment for her or not. I find her exhausting to be around She is my eldest and I have a 2 year old very easy going boy and I'm not sure if this is just normal 4 year old behaviour or something more. My 3. He never hits at home because it would not be tolerated. DH and I are at the end of our tether with our 4 year old son. Again not saying that it is right, but there really is a lot of difference in the eyes of a 4 / 5 year old. Major changes or life events, such as starting preschool, can disrupt children, as can the birth of a sibling, parents splitting up, or the death of a loved one (Raising Children 2021). 5–year-old does this when she’s very excited about something. 5 hours. Mumsnet doesn't verify the qualifications of users. He is apparantly much nicer when I am not around so I think it may be attention related. @JD90 my girls acted shy when I told them, 13 year old cheeky one asked how it is even possible in my age 🤣then they started to search for names lol at some point my older one asked if my tummy will grow big, I think Private messages My feed My Lists My just turned 3 year old has all of a sudden begun answering me back, shouting at me and tries to swipe me when she cannot get her own way. He’s been a biter since he started nursery just before he was 2, he spits, he screams, he pulls people’s hair, he slaps himself, scratches himself, bites nursery leaders and other kids, he tells me he hates me and his dad, refuses to do I'm afraid there is a world of difference in the eyes of a 4 year old between a teddy / sippy cup, and betwen a 4 year old still BF. His 2 year old brother is much more engaging. Lots of 4 year olds find this tough. My 11. Also very fussy eating, really bad hand biting when upset or excited. Pregnancy & baby See all in Pregnancy & baby My one year old has been going through a biting phase for about six weeks now, and I'm finding it very difficult to teach him to stop. 14 replies user1471523870 He sleeps solid 12 hours 7-7 or 8-8 since after the baby years. I think I would run an experiment and walk her around the streets near the house. Her biting of me stopped immediately. I try VERY hard to be pleasant and non-grumpy myself, in some attempt to show him what a lovely mummy I am. I have just re-read this and looking back to what I said over 7 years ago it's strange to remember how bad it all felt at the time. my Grandson was talking earlier. My 4 and 5 year olds have often had a small sip of wine, beer etc. This can be a challenging behavior for parents and caregivers to manage, but there are several strategies that can help prevent toddler biting. We've been pretty consistent in sending her to her room to calm down, not making a big drama out if it, not giving attention for bad behaviour etc. Also pep talks before going out. Deck, mine is exactly the same. My dd is 4. There is no way they should be excluding a 4 year old 3 weeks into school, not without taking the appopriate steps to support him. Particularly if it's something as simple as "no biting, biting hurts". 30 is my compromise. Just work through it. ive tried smacking him, ive tried time outs, talking to him and i dont know what else to try Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing My almost 10 Month old has started biting me. She goes to nursery which she enjoys and they haven’t raised any concerns about her at all. (I did not witness this incident, but it was reported by a usually reliable 7 year old). 5 month old boy has taken to biting my shoulder or arm all the time when he's excited. I'm ok the phone to 111 but been an hour so far and still waiting just wanted to get some opinions. HELP 50 replies Naz2009 · 17/12/2020 19:37 Like a giant steam room! It works really well for babies too and is a bit more comfortable than steaming over a bowl. There seems to be no reason but his disrespectful, rude and downright dangerous at times behaviour is getting to the point where I really My 4 year old woke up early this morning with a temperature. How long does this phase last? It bloody hurts and I've started the day off in tears. Involve her in making it. Child development calendar Best kids' tablets Best stair gates Best balance bikes Best school bags Best toys for 2-year-olds Best toys for 3-year-olds Best dolls Best trampolines Best scooters Swears By There's still a lot of that, erm, 'set in his ways' (a rude person might say 'stroppy') pre-schooler about her. ; There is also the matter of temperament. She is a happy child and in no way aggressive but she is incredibly high maintenance and very demanding. At home he very rarely bites and at My 4-year-old DD has cavities in 2 of her milk teeth. He is 7 now but still very much like a baby, he even cries like a baby when upset and when he walks he toddles a bit like a very big toddler! He was non verbal at age 4 however 4 year old constantly biting 1 reply Cherryblossoms85 (the 6 year old) on the arm, very hard. Spitting 4 year old 14 replies bootytoots He hits and bites me sometimes too. He's generally very bright and sociable so I don't think he has asd or similar. Hi I know this is kind of a minor thing, but my daughter is biting her finger nails right down. For the last few months my 4 year old daughter has been biting and picking her nails. Really appreciate some advice on my 6 year old dd. He tells us we aren't his friends anymore. Hi, hoping someone can help me. And feel like we a I have a four year old who has always been hard work, but always seems much worse when we are around other people. When he comes home he is refusing our dinners even more!! He is literally living off pizza, macaroni and potatoes! 2 year old started flapping hands when agitated - normal, age appropriate behaviour? likes routine, academically bright. Join Mumsnet Log In Talking about setting a good example because you're older just breeds resentment imo. Don't make food an issue and give her attention. At least one in 10 four-year-olds will still have one or more tantrums a day. DS2 (now 2. I've enjoyed every second of being a new mum but this phase is not fun and I feel pretty drained. Turns out I have sensory needs. Absolutely normal! Please don't worry. Her reports have glowing feedback about how popular she is, what a great sense of humour she has and how good she is at imaginary play. 5 year old takes Frustrations out by biting herself They have had two teachers, the first was great but left in March due to having a baby. 99% of the time he's just having a hard time processing his emotions due to brain development, and he needs help to work through it. I'm at a lose for what to do some I'm hoping to get some advice. It's far too much pressure for a 6 year old who'll wonder why younger siblings don't have to set a good example. 2 year olds 4 year olds Families General parenting Pissinthepottyplease · 09/08/2021 08:26 Yes tantrums are normal at this age but I would say two a day and being violent towards parents isn’t. Need to start nipping it in the bud as I have seen him do it at nursery. Up until November time there were r Find baby name inspiration and advice on the Mumsnet Baby Names forum. Immature speech generally improves gradually and as Nursery have said they will help her practise, that' a great start. DD is at the same nursery she has been at since she was 2 but obviously ha experienced same Covid disruption as everyone else. my son is 4 years old and diagnosed with Autism at 2. We told our doctor about it and to be extra cautious she referred us to a baby physical therapist who tested him and determined it wasn’t a mental issue so we had sessions of physical therapy to help him develop some core muscles to help Ds is 4. Very fussy eater and limited diet. If she pulls and bites, turn towards home. When toddlers get excited, they can sometimes resort to biting. Most popular Matching glasses for kids and parents New Boots’ new Parent and Child Event is here Protect your child's skin all day and night with Aveeno £10 off the leg oil that will banish scaly shins New Monsoon pieces Mumsnetters are lusting after New Period pants for teens our users swear by New: Nuna x Liberty Fantasy Land range Autumn wedding guest Child development calendar Best kids' tablets Best stair gates Best balance bikes Best school bags Best toys for 2-year-olds Best toys for 3-year-olds Best dolls Best trampolines Best scooters Swears By Hi everyone, don't know where to start, having such a tough time and it's really taken its toll. Background - ds1 is 4 years old and started reception in sept. We model behaviour using toys and talk about what is ok and what not. However he never went for other people or children. Hi. He says he doesnt want to listen because he wants to do funny things. He has 4 teeth. I've read a lot, and done everything: positive reinforcement, ignore minor misbehavior, have special time one-on-one sessions frequently. Tom is 4. He is non verbal so cannot tell me how he is feeling. You can do that to a 10 year old, but to a 4 year old it will feel pretty arbitrary. My 16 month old bites (me and his siblings) - especially when teething. Her natural reaction will be to loosen her jaw and it will hurt less than pulling away would for you guys. My son is 4 months old. Got a 4 year old flapper here, oh, yes and a 2 year old younger flapper sibling. I'm worn out after spending all day with her. o. He seems to have tantrums for no reason. That’s nice. I was pushing baby in swing so was no where near her. g. 6) started getting the brunt of it when I know this mum who has a one year old and believes in ' following the child's interests ' in her parenting style. The first one she was asked to leave due to biting (and has since kicked the habit- not that it was all the time). Any help/advice my DD 4 years old has been hitting. Sounds ridiculous on a 3 year old (but really try it if it works and ignore what others think) when I was a bit older I was allowed to wear pretty fake nails, and feeling prettier helped to deter me from chewing. I don't have any tips, but just wanted to say you're not alone! My 6 year old bites her nails really badly too. However - on play dates, visiting relatives, when going on holiday we see extreme behaviour. I spend my days with children who are mostly 4 and 5 and quite a few have difficulty with certain sounds. Hes been at the same nursery since he was 3. i was absolutely furious and really didnt give a stuff that the child involved was 'young' i was disgusted. Talking a lot about not biting, being kind etc. I don't really know how else to talk to her. We'd wondered about ASD and have been referred to a paediatrician, but actually all the social stuff seems to be resolving itself now. I wasn't happy with this 'supervised neglect' so I took her to my own (private) dentist, who also happens to be a friend of DH, for a second opinion. At a year old receptive language is usually much better than expressive language, and so it's perfectly normal to explain things with words at this age. having a new I think I might be tempted to assume this was just a phase - puppies develop and lose so many habits between 8 weeks and about 2 years old. Last Sunday my 4 year old got diagnosed with tonsillitis over the phone (GP hub) got given antibiotics which he's been on for 8 days and seemed to be getting better however his temperature has shot back up in the last 24 hours and is 39. My son turned 3 (a very young 3 compared to my daughter at the same age) in September then started preschool nursery mid November. She does not do this at home although We introduced a female puppy to our 4 year old male with no problems whatsoever, he was gentle and tolerant and they got along well. I'm feeling guilty about it as I bite my nails and I k I want to buy some toys for my 4 year old. 5 and due to go to school after Summer. Provoked in the sense of pushed/shouted at by other child. He still remembers being dragged out of baby gym about five months ago! Teething. About 10 months ago I typed up a list of all his 'quirks' in preparation for him starting in the school nursery so I could Need a bit of advice if possible. My 3 year old says she wants her to play with her and grabs her by the hand and she pulls her along and if she falls over she just carries on pulling her along. Even up to the age of about 4 years old. Dh and I constantly find ourselves getting irritated by the way ds1 cannot seem to stop himself from going OTT -knocking people over, getting over excited, hurting ds2 etc. He doesn?t usually bite or chew small objects in the way that babies/toddlers do whilst at the oral stage. Wow. We have hitting, screaming and foot stomping. Pregnancy & baby See all in Pregnancy & baby Mumsnet doesn't verify the qualifications of users. Please make sure that you My 4yr old flaps his arms and my 3yr old will stick her tongue out whilst biting it and clench and unclench her fists whilst excited I've also noticed that my 18mth old has started I have a 4-year-old child. Biting licking other children and nursery staff at nursery. After two hours, four year olds tend to be over excited and worn out which is a bad combination. I have had several meetings with the teacher and DD Any ideas on how we can stop his biting mouthing my wrist? When he was much younger 3-4 months he was a little alligator monster and launched biting attacks on me most nights, I turned it around by playing ball games instead with him so he learnt to play and interact with me in another way that wasn't about nightly biting attacks. I think it's often a subconsciou Hi everyone im looking for advice on how to help my 4 years old daughter to stop tantrum every morning before nursery. Toddlers (1 - 3 Hi! So I’m at my wits end and struggling with my 4 year old boy. Neither are on the spectrum. When my second baby was born when my son was 21 months, he did behave quite aggressively towards him (trying to push him etc) and I couldn't leave them alone together. My son is 3 and nothing is working we keep telling him off and saying No Lound and clear. but his older cousins ( 3 boys ) were Fast forward to 4 years old. They don't like being left alone for very long at all and prefer to be made a proper part of the family. She (my daughter) does tend to get upset easily and cry, she's quite girly in that respect, but that tends to mean the teacher My son is 4 years old, for the past 2 years he’s become extremely scared of everything. I know you want to support good behaviour and not reward poor behaviour, but the outcomes have to fit the developmental stage of the child. I've talked to him about personal space and how everyone has a bubble and if you get in someones bubble it can make them uncomfortable etc. DD has recently turned 4. He was diagnosed ASD at just over two years. We've tried everything but with no success. This one is the reason I'm never having any more children and that's not an exaggeration she's nearly broke me especially over the last year. My 4 year old girl does hand flapping and jumping when excited and has done the hand flapping since a young age. she just wants to say the answer that makes you happy and is scared of saying the wrong thing. My 4 year old boy has recently started with the worst tantrums he has ever had and once he starts one he is uncontrollable. The 4 year old maybe doesn't do it as often as he used to but is still very much at it . Now you say this, I am sure you have hit the nail on the head and yes, for situations such as the one I described, what you have mentioned is probably a better way to deal with it. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale She was diagnosed at 13, I knew it might be on the cards so had saved up over 4 years (Help2Save account) and managed to get the diagnosis within 6 weeks of contacting the private clinic opposed to the 4+ yrs on the nHS list in my area. He IS fine as soon as we leave, albeit quite grumpy, but I think that's because he's tried. If you have medical concerns, please consult a healthcare professional. at a new nursery and he can have packed lunch, so he eats his typical sandwich (has to be cheese spread) and crisps and fruits. Part of the problem is she is at school all day, so even if we stop her at home she is still biting them at school. Our local NHS dentist recommended we do nothing but see if they get worse and possibly fill them some time in future. He's been dry for over a year, he took to it really well and is now dry overnight too. he bites at least 3 times a week, hits, pushes, pinches etc. 4. This means you need to have 100% of Stimming in non-autistic children, particularly when they are excited, serves several important benefits. It happens when he's excited or being 'silly' - for instance, he'll launch himself at me shouting 'big cuddle' and as he comes towards me, he'll push out his lower jaw (giving himself an underbite, making himself look like a miniature Gruffalo) and tense his jaw, sometimes so hard that it Have 4 yr old boy who picks nose (and eats it - YUKKKKKK) and bites nails til they are sore. People will probably hang on longer, but there is often a drift towards going home at most after 2. 5 year old hitting at nursery - at my wits end! : He is so excited to go and talks about all his friends etc but at least 3 times a week I am greeted with the teacher saying he's not had a good enough, he's hit someone (teacher or friend a 4 year old barely knows the difference between a lie and truth. So my advice is watch and wait, save up, note down any quirks, look into the Autistic Girls Network as well. My son stiffened and shook when excited too as a baby and I even saw it once about 6 months ago when he was 2 years old. She Biting is a common behavior among toddlers, especially when they are excited or exploring their environment. Poo's are a very Over the past few months my 4 year old has started to hit himself on the head, both sides of the temple with one or both hands. It sounds like the school have handled the whole transition very badly. He seems bored of his current toys and I have not bought him anything new for a while. I've read a lot, and done everything: Even up to the age of about 4 years old. Following on from my previous mum guilt post I was wondering if anyone had any advice because I definitely need it. We have a 4 year old DD and a recently turned 1 year old DS. Hello, DC started reception this year. (which is why you should never leave a puppy alone with an adult dog) and have no understanding of boundaries (not biting, not tugging, not getting in another dogs face etc. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. I was sat watching a video and he was in the front room just now (watching cartoons) and once again I could hear him spitting. It has come out of the blue and I am very concerned. She otherwise has hit all her development milestones but can be reserved in new situations and has just started preschool after having been looked after only at This could be my nine year old Grandson. Hovering! Really telling him off and leaving immediately if he bites. My 4 month old dd is teething, and it appears that her canines are coming through first- there's no sign of front teeth. This will stem from sometimes nothing at all. Best school bags Best toys for 2-year-olds fences /gates/railings etc. I have 2 cockers plus 5&4 year old DC. 5 year old. Now a lovely almost 4 year old - no biting or aggression whatsoever. It seems to be getting more frequent and I'm getting concerned. ) For short term, I would set a behaviour chart with clear objectives and reward is small chunk be. The second is a bit of a weird one. Child development calendar Best kids' tablets Best stair gates Best balance bikes Best school bags Best toys for 2-year-olds Best toys for 3-year-olds Best dolls Best trampolines Best scooters Swears By DS has just turned 4 and 3 weeks ago (2 weeks before the birthday) started biting his nails, totally out of the blue. I instructed DD to say sorry to her friend. Now his thumb in particular is r My 4 year old ds can be alittle as you describe and get alittle too much in other childrens faces. So how about a sensory chew toy. Im tempted to ignore him so he knows what it feels like, but think that is probably beyond a 4 year olds understanding. i have been on the other end with my poor 14 month old DD being bitten by a nearly three year old hard enough to draw blood. Bit me when it was bedtime - she didn't like going to bed at any time! I got a bottle of anti-bite spray "Bitter Apple" that was recommended for puppies and sprayed my arms. I'm completely with you Mumsnet doesn't verify the qualifications of users. When he is at nursery he is doing the same things. 13 replies brette · 07/02/2009 22:13 Hi Chezie- don't know if it's any help but my ds1 is 8 and he is still like this. Share Poo withholding (almost) 4 year old 17 replies littlepiggies · 17/08/2009 21:16 Hi all, lovely DD has had poo withholding issues for almost a year now. We have been seeing a family support worker, so she told us to do the above. I've noticed he was just excited when making new friends but seems to be calming down now. I have also been in tears today over his behaviour. MANY MANY 3,4 and even 5 year olds had difficulties with certain sounds. Preventing Toddler Biting. She likes to leap about, dance talk and sing. Thanks. They hate being left out of anything! Wouldn't swap them for the world. My 4 year old ds is such a good ch Please can anyone help me out with this. Home. My newly turned 4 year old daughter is facing expulsion from her second preschool in the last year. It's like he's using it to get some of his excitement out My son sounds very similar to your little boy. Hi all, I'm waiting for contact from my HV but wanted to gather others' experiences while I'm waiting. The bigger he gets, the worse our nights sleep is getting as he takes up so much room. I have anxiety around his health which I'm receiving support for so I'm always worrying that small things are much worse than they really are. 3 and used to hit/pinch me and now he does it to his baby sister and kids at nursery. or at least I don't think so! My 4 year old daughter has been in preschool since September, she had been getting on great until december when another child has seemingly begun to pick on her. Would appreciate some advice! Our 4 year old has been slipping out of bed in the middle of the night and jumping into our bed, where he insists on sleeping for the rest of the night. Currently at Butlins with my sister and her 4 year old daughter. He is argumentative and fundamentally annoying. It allows them to express joy and excitement, as well as engage in self-regulation and stress relief. But I am pleased to say that my DS is now a very gentle, kind and loving 9 year old. She seems to have her class faves. So if he throws a drink, or . Any ideas? He has brio training I have a 4 and a bit year old who has also just started reception. g no hitting/biting for the morning = 30mins iPad time etc. Hi all, I'm just after some advice or even reassurance. she did it deliberately - biting her sister to make her let go of a toy, etc. Make sure to As someone who serves with this age group quite a bit and a fellow mama, I agree that a four year old is much too old for biting, especially biting a little baby. Over the last 6 months my youngest son has started biting his nails. His "funny" things are generally silly or Child development calendar Best kids' tablets Best stair gates Best balance bikes Best school bags Best toys for 2-year-olds Best toys for 3-year-olds Best dolls Best trampolines Best scooters Swears By @skerrywind well really she's not a baby she's a toddler and is 16 months old. DS1 bites his hands when he experiences a strong emotion - excitement or upset. Child development calendar Best kids' tablets Best stair gates Best balance bikes Best school bags Best toys for 2-year-olds Best toys for 3-year-olds Best dolls Best trampolines Best scooters Swears By Child development calendar Best kids' tablets Best stair gates Best balance bikes Best school bags Best toys for 2-year-olds Best toys for 3-year-olds Best dolls Best trampolines Best scooters Swears By We are at our wits end with our 4 year-old at dinner time. DS is really verbal so this does work for us. 5 parties are two hours long at this age. Really really badly. 11 y. They kept on top of it and eventually he just stopped. I don’t have any advice, only sympathy that it’s bloody Hello my girl is near 4 years old and still bites I have tried telling her off and keeping her away from the people she bites but even after a month o I started chewing this young. Today, I was bitten trying to catch the little runaway. This is all great. He's spent most of the day sleeping on me, not eating anything or drinking much. 5 years old and asking for opinions. As soon as he is told it's dinner time the strop begins 'oh no I hate dinner' etc etc, along with moody teenager face and sigh. On a few At 4 years old, its very difficult to use words to explain a problem like biting, and having him experience what you experience (when he bites you), it teaches empathy. Baby biting me while feeding 13 replies Moonshine160 They soon learn biting = no boob and stop! My 2 year old has a full set of teeth and hasn't bitten me since about 7/8 months (still feeding!). To comment on this With a 4 year old I don't know if the treatments are suited, but you could at least start by trying to figure out if he's anxious about something and seeing if you can help resolve the thing he's worried about (could be something silly and easily dealt with). They are bitten down probably two thirds onto the nail bed. E. Don't give snacks. x I really hope tomorrow will be better-know exactly how you feel and sending you a hug. rzpwob jcgzg ljtafsz hrzh qtnk mvlf dkqme zynqq zgf mguhq